Presentation of POINT OF SHAREPOINT ARAS - Load Test Tool
GENERAL DESCRIPTION POINT OF SHAREPOINT • console application (command line tool) • multi-threaded environment (simulates real work scenario) • configuration based (connection definition, queries count, thread count, configuration files locations, output log location, test result file location, etc) • queries with placeholders
FUNCTIONAL POINT OF VIEW POINT OF SHAREPOINT From functional point of view we can assume that: • Thread = Single User • Query = Action/Click that user performs on ARAS UI So if we configure 100 threads that uses 500 queries it will mean that we will simulate work of 100 users that clicks on actions in ARAS Web UI 500 times. Those users can perform actions in parallel so it may be that some actions will be send to ARAS at same time - in this configuration. Additionally the load test tool can be installed on any number of servers or client machines. That permits the simulation geographically distributed usage scenarios. Example: ample: four servers; one each in Frankfurt, Virginia, London, Beijing; additionally four client machines. Each machine runs 200 threads. The total test simulates then 8 * 200 = 1600 users
TEST ARCHITECTURE POINT OF SHAREPOINT Load test tool Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 user 1 user 2 user 3 Run “n” queries Run “n” queries Run “n” queries Pick a query Pick a query Pick a query Load random data Load random data Load random data Simulate inactivity Simulate inactivity Simulate inactivity Run AML against server Run AML against server Run AML against server Measure time Measure time Measure time
QUERIES PLACEHOLDERS POINT OF SHAREPOINT • • • {DOC_ID} {PART_ID} {CAD_ID} • • • Part {DOC_NUM} {PART_NUM} {CAD_NUM} Document CAD Document Document CAD <Item type='Document' Document Part Part action='get'><item_number> {DOC_NUM} </item_number></Item> CAD Document <Item type='Document' levels='0' action='get' id=' {DOC_ID} '></Item> Document Document <Item type='Part' action='get' Part CAD select='cost,cost_basis,weight,weight_basis'><id> {PART_ID} </id></It Part Document em> Document Document <Item type='Part' id=' {PART_ID} ' relName='Part BOM' action='getItemRelationships'/> Part CAD <Item isNew='1' isTemp='1' type='Part' action='get'><id condition='in'> {PART_ID} </id><state Part Document Document condition='ne'>Preliminary</state></Item> <Item isNew='1' isTemp='1' type='Part' action='get' Part returnMode='countOnly' select='id' pagesize='25' maxRecords='- Part 1'><state condition='eq'>released</state><item_number Document CAD condition='eq'> {PART_NUM} </item_number></Item> Document
SUMMARY POINT OF SHAREPOINT In current Load Test implementation we are testing how system behaves once simulation of real user interaction. -> It is not Stress Test or Performance Test <- Load Test answers questions like: does target system handles that amount of users • does target system handles that amount of simultaneous queries • what is maximum rate of users and queries that system handle (without • error or with acceptable error rate)
CREATING REPORTS POINT OF SHAREPOINT So, in order to create reports based on those data we would need to: perform load tests on schedule manner • compare load test results(with same configuration) one with each other • user same machine in compared results (load test machine may have • an impact on results) We can create dashboard that presents: list of machine/sources where load tests were run • configuration of compared tests (used threads and queries count) • timeline of tests with test result duration in certain time period •
EXAMPLE FOR A REPORT POINT OF SHAREPOINT Active Devices Device 1 - Config 1 (M1(C1)) - Config 2 (M1(C2)) Device 2 - Config 1 (M2(C1)) - Config 2 (M2(C2)) Device 3 - Config 1 (M3(C1)) Device 4 - Config 1 (M4(C1)) ….
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