Application • Arizona Public Service is requesting a Zone Change to commercial and a Conditional Use Permit for a Public Utility to construct a substation • The parcel is 1591 SR 89A located on the south side of SR 89A between Clarkdale & Jerome • Adjacent to future Verde Valley Fire Station • Parcel is approximately 2.29 acres • Property is zoned R1-Single family residential – could allow development of nine new single family homes
Why this location? • The substation must connect to a 69KV line • There is an existing 69KV line running south of the proposed location • 69KV lines are exempt from being required to be underground per Arizona State Statute • Property owner was willing to sell this parcel to APS
Other possible locations • The only zoning district which addresses public utilities is Commercial • In a Commercial Zone, a Conditional Use Permit is required • Public utilities are not listed as either a permitted use or conditional use in the Industrial Zone
Considerations for a Zone Change Request APS SUBSTATION APPLICATION
General Plan Designation Designated as Neighborhood • Commercial This classification is intended for • commercial retail and service businesses Site is under 100 acres-no minor • General Plan Amendment required Objective 9.1 of the 2012 • General Plan: Promote infrastructure expansion where it will be most efficient and effective while minimizing adverse impacts outside the identified areas
Buffering • With the proposed construction of the Fire Station to the east, the substation will be abutting a commercial use. • The proposed site design leaves a 40-foot buffer to the residentially zoned property to the west and south. • Approximately an acre in size based on engineering drawings • Wall enclosure structure is approximately 190 feet by 214 feet
Other considerations • Traffic will be minimal once construction is complete • Per the applicant, noise will be minimal. The project is subject to the Town’s noise regulations. • Through conditions of approval and building permit requirements, the proposed substation shall conform to all existing zoning regulations.
Community Benefits • Improve service for existing customers • Serve future growth • Preserving social trail • Reducing traffic impact to SR 89A through shared driveway with Fire Station • Installation of a utility infrastructure is listed in Section 13- 020.F as a specific consideration for approval of a zone change.
Required Findings for a Conditional Use Permit • Compatibility of land use
Adequacy of Site • The structure is approximately 1-acre in size on a 2.29 acre parcel • Approximately 40 foot buffer around the structure walls • The site will be excavated and the equipment placed subgrade
Performance • APS will coordinate with Unisource regarding the gas main that traverses the frontage of the property • No batteries will be stored at the substation • Traffic will be minimal after construction • Landscaping will meet code with accommodations regarding gas line along frontage • The height of the wall can be raised to provide greater screening • APS is willing to work with the community to enhance the look of the exterior walls
Site Renderings • Photo Renderings
Zone Change Implications • The proposed location of the APS substation is adjacent to a busy state highway. This site was selected specifically by APS due to the proximity of the existing overhead 69KV lines. • Although there are other commercially zoned properties, specifically along SR89A between Cottonwood and Clarkdale and along the Broadway Corridor, locating the new substation in these areas would have a comparable community impact with the additional requirement of needing to extend the overhead power lines.
Staff Analysis • In staff’s opinion, the zone change to Commercial is reasonable considering the location of the property adjacent to a state highway. • Installation of utility infrastructure is specifically identified as a community benefit eligible for consideration of a zone change request as listed in Section 13-020.D of the Zoning Code. • The proposed substation will provide more reliable service to current customers and the ability to serve future growth. • With the recommended conditions, the application is in compliance with the required findings for a Conditional Use Permit.
Recommended Conditions of Approval 1. The Zone Change/Conditional Use Permit is void if a building permit is not issued within one year of approval of this Zone Change/Conditional Use Permit application. 2. The established social foot path parallel to SR 89A and within the ADOT right-of- way shall remain accessible to pedestrian traffic except during construction when it shall be rerouted as much as possible. 3. No porta potties shall remain on site after construction is completed. 4. All landscaping shall conform with the Landscape Design Standards effective May 10, 2019. 5. Access to the property shall be developed as agreed and in cooperation with the Town of Clarkdale, ADOT and the Verde Valley Fire District. This access shall be designed to be the minimum width necessary to serve projected traffic of both facilities. 6. The installation shall comply with the Town of Clarkdale Zoning Code 11-040 Section 19 regarding noise. Identified violations of the noise regulations in the Town Code shall be immediately remediated. 7. The Landscape Plan shall be modified to include at least fifty percent non- deciduous species to provide year-round screening of the structure wall.
Applicant Presentation • Kendra Lee APS Franchises & Technical Services • Ryan Weed, P.E. CVL Consultants
Public Hearing • Please address all comments to the Chair • When recognized, state your name and whether you are a resident of Clarkdale • Out of respect for everyone’s time, if your comments or concerns have been stated by a previous speaker, please keep your comments brief
Next Steps • The Commission may choose to • Move the application forward to Council with a recommendation of approval as conditioned • Move the application forward Council with a recommendation of approval with additional and/or revised conditions • Table the application and direct staff and/or APS to: • Move the application forward to Council with a recommendation of denial based on specific findings:
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