applied statistical analysis

Applied Statistical Analysis EDUC 6050 Week 7 Finding clarity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Applied Statistical Analysis EDUC 6050 Week 7 Finding clarity using data Today Hypothesis Testing with ANOVA Repeated Measures ANOVA Mixed ANOVA 2 Do you know comparison population mean ! and standard deviation # ? Know

  1. Applied Statistical Analysis EDUC 6050 Week 7 Finding clarity using data

  2. Today Hypothesis Testing with ANOVA • Repeated Measures ANOVA • Mixed ANOVA 2

  3. Do you know comparison population mean ! and standard deviation # ? Know comparison population mean !? Yes No How many groups (or No repeated measures) do you Z-Tests Yes have? 2 3+ Do you have repeated measures? T-Tests ANOVA Yes Paired Samples T- Test Do you have repeated Independent No measures? Samples T-Test Repeated Measures Yes No ANOVA Yes Yes Two-Way ANCOVA Do you have two ANOVA independent variables (two different grouping No No One-Way Do you have continuous or categorical variables)? ANOVA covariates to include in the model? 3

  4. Do you know comparison population mean ! and standard deviation # ? Repeated Measures ANOVA Know comparison population mean !? Yes No How many groups (or No repeated measures) do you Z-Tests Yes have? 2 3+ Do you have repeated measures? T-Tests ANOVA Yes Paired Samples T- Test Do you have repeated Independent No measures? Samples T-Test Repeated Measures Yes No ANOVA Yes Yes Two-Way ANCOVA Do you have two ANOVA independent variables (two different grouping No No One-Way Do you have continuous or categorical variables)? ANOVA covariates to include in the model? 4

  5. Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Same people at each time point with same dependent variable at each time point

  6. Difference Score 1 Time 2 – Time 1 Difference Score 2 Time 3 – Time 2

  7. ID Time 1 Time 2 General 1 8 7 Requirements 2 8 8 3 9 6 1. Need a DV on an 4 7 6 interval/ratio scale 5 7 8 measured at 2+ time 6 9 5 points 2. The participants need 7 5 3 to be present at each 8 5 3 time point 7

  8. Hypothesis Testing with RM-ANOVA The same 6 step approach! 1. Examine Variables to Assess Statistical Assumptions 2. State the Null and Research Hypotheses (symbolically and verbally) 3. Define Critical Regions 4. Compute the Test Statistic 5. Compute an Effect Size and Describe it 6. Interpreting the results 8

  9. 1 Examine Variables to Assess Statistical Assumptions Basic Assumptions 1. Independence of data 2. Appropriate measurement of variables for the analysis 3. Normality of distributions 4. Sphericity (difference scores must have equal variances) 9

  10. 1 Examine Variables to Assess Statistical Assumptions Basic Assumptions 1. Independence of data 2. Appropriate measurement of variables Individuals are independent of for the analysis each other (one person’s scores 3. Normality of distributions does not affect another’s) 4. Sphericity (difference scores must have equal variances) 10

  11. 1 Examine Variables to Assess Statistical Assumptions Basic Assumptions 1. Independence of data 2. Appropriate measurement of variables for the analysis 3. Normality of distributions 4. Sphericity (difference scores must Here we need interval/ratio DV have equal variances) 11

  12. 1 Examine Variables to Assess Statistical Assumptions Basic Assumptions Normality of 1. Independence of data the residuals 2. Appropriate measurement of variables for the analysis 3. Normality of distributions 4. Sphericity (difference scores must have equal variances)

  13. 1 Examine Variables to Assess Statistical Assumptions Basic Assumptions 1. Independence of data 2. Appropriate measurement of variables The variances of the difference for the analysis scores should be equal 3. Normality of distributions 4. Sphericity (difference scores must have equal variances) 13

  14. 1 Examine Variables to Assess Statistical Assumptions Examining the Basic Assumptions 1. Independence: random sample 2. Appropriate measurement: know what your variables are 3. Normality: Histograms, Q-Q, skew and kurtosis 4. Sphericity: Mauchly’s test 14

  15. 2 State the Null and Research Hypotheses (symbolically and verbally) Hypothesis Symbolic Verbal Difference between Type means created by: Research One of the time True differences At least one 𝜈 is Hypothesis different than the points’ means is others different than the others Null There is no real Random chance All 𝜈 ’s are the same Hypothesis difference between (sampling error) the time points 15

  16. 3 Define Critical Regions How much evidence is enough to believe the null is not true? Before analyzing the data, we define the critical regions (generally based on an alpha = .05) 16

  17. 3 Define Critical Regions We decide on an alpha level first And compare the p-values (in Step 4) to our alpha level 𝒆𝒈 𝒐𝒗𝒏 = 𝒍 − 𝟐 where k is number of time points 𝒆𝒈 𝒆𝒇𝒐 = 𝑶 − 𝒍 17

  18. 4 Compute the Test Statistic 18

  19. 4 Compute the Test Statistic Shows us if at least one time point is different from the others 19

  20. 4 Compute the Test Statistic 20

  21. 4 Compute the Test Statistic F-statistic and p-value tell you if one of the times is different than the others Post Hoc But it doesn’t tell you which ones are different if Tests you have 3+ time points... 21

  22. 4 Compute the Test Statistic Post Hoc Tests (or Contrasts) Post hoc usually refers to comparing all groups with each other (and making an adjustment for the multiple comparisons) Contrasts usually refers to comparing some of the groups with each other (or a combination of groups with each other) 22

  23. 5 Compute an Effect Size and Describe it One of the main effect sizes for ANOVA is “Eta Squared” 𝑇𝑇 "#$% 𝜽 𝟑 = 𝑇𝑇 "#$% + 𝑇𝑇 &%'#()*+ 𝜽 𝟑 Estimated Size of the Effect Close to .01 Small Close to .06 Moderate Close to .14 Large 23

  24. 6 Interpreting the results Put your results into words 24

  25. Repeated Measures vs. Mixed RM ANOVA has one Mixed ANOVA time variable combines One-Way ANOVA and RM ANOVA Tests for any Tests for any differences across differences across the times/groups the groups on one (and their time variable combinations) “Interaction”

  26. Mixed ANOVA Interaction Control Treatment 13 When the 11 changes over Score time depends 9 on another variable 7 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 26

  27. Mixed ANOVA 27

  28. Mixed ANOVA 28

  29. Questions? Please post them to the discussion board before class starts End of Pre-Recorded Lecture Slides 29

  30. In-class discussion slides 30

  31. Application Example Using The Office/Parks and Rec Data Set Hypothesis Test with RM ANOVA and Mixed ANOVA 31

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