AoC West Midlands Governance Workshop Ian Smith SHMI 30 April 2016. Walsall College
Today’s topic The role of governance in college provision with regards to the scrutiny of teaching, learning and assessment Ofsted’s inspection of the effectiveness of governance in relation to TLA Exploring how effective governance impacts on other key judgements of the Common Inspection Framework …..what actions you might need to take Governance
Action Plan Actions for improving effective governance Key learning points Actions to take to improve Milestones How will effective governance - from today success be processes to be measured? introduced/adapted Governance
CIF 2015
The judgements CIF Inspectors make four ‘key judgements’: Effectiveness of leadership and management Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outcomes for learners. Inspectors state clearly whether safeguarding is effective as well as the effectiveness of governance In addition, inspectors make an overarching judgement on overall effectiveness
Effectiveness of leadership CIF and management Increased emphasis on: impact of leaders’ work in developing and sustaining an ambitious culture and vision tackling mediocrity robust performance management safeguarding arrangements protect learners meet statutory requirements, promote their welfare and All staff help prevent radicalisation and extremism In addition, we will maintain our focus on the curriculum and the effectiveness of governance
But first…. True or false? Governance
True or false? Ofsted will measure the impact of the actions taken by the governors on improving learners’ behaviour. During inspection, governors should be able to present evidence about key improvements in the provision. Ofsted considers that outstanding provision should include employers in their governing body. Governors should challenge leaders about the effective deployment of teaching staff. Governors secure good quality of TLA through robust performance management. Governance | 8
In summary, governors…. Have an important role to play in supporting and challenging leaders to establish an ambitious culture of high achievement and a high quality of provision Secure and sustain improvements to TLA (through professional development, capacity building and performance management) Support the strategic direction set by leaders on the provision of English and mathematics Provide challenge and hold managers to account for improving the quality of learning and the effectiveness of performance management systems Governance | 9
Ofsted’s submission Extract of Ofsted’s submission to the All -Party Parliamentary Group on Education Governance and Leadership - July 2012 ‘The role of governance in driving up the quality of teaching and leadership …will be fundamental. Ofsted will support leaders and governors focusing on improving teaching and learning.’ Governance
Activity 1 Information seeking In groups, What sources of information can you think of, that would inform your understanding of the quality of TLA? How? What is the link? Write them down under the appropriate CIF headers. Governance
The effectiveness of governance and its impact on TLA Inspection findings Governance
In the best provision those with governance responsibility are very well informed ‘Governors review the quality of the provision regularly. This oversight is at a high strategic level and they acknowledge difficulties in achieving a more detailed evaluation of the quality and outcomes at individual subject or type of learning level’ ‘Governors challenge managers effectively regarding the curriculum and its quality. Furthermore, they closely monitor how well managers secure improvement in performance’ ‘Governance provides minimal challenge and asks insufficient questions about aspects of weaker performance or progress with plans to improve the quality of provision’ 14 Governance
In the best provision those with governance responsibility are very well informed (2) ‘Governors are not fully aware of some of the key areas that are underperforming; for example, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment’ ‘Governors are strongly committed to overseeing the quality of the provision and ask appropriately challenging questions of managers and leaders. As a consequence, they have recently identified the need for a more detailed report on learners’ progress’ ‘One of the directors provides governance to the college and meets regularly with its managers. Although he is strongly committed to improving the quality of the provision, these meetings do not focus sufficiently on teaching, learning and assessment’ 15 Governance
Final comments or questions Governance
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