AoC West Midlands FE and Skills Governors’ Data Dashboard 7 October 2014 Ian Smith - Senior Her Majesty’s Inspector
Objectives for the session To introduce the data dashboard and navigate around the data To understand the value of the information and the questions that the data may raise To identify actions and key learning points that add value to your quality improvement plans FE and Skills Data Dashboard 2
Why a Data Dashboard for governors? The lack of consistent, sector- wide measures of learners’ destinations, including into sustainable employment, has hindered college governors’ ability to evaluate the wider impact of their college’s work in the local area. A key challenge, therefore, remains for college governors to hold their college to account for the quality of provision and for its true impact. Governors need to know what happens to their learners after they leave. The Ofsted Data Dashboard for FE and skills aims to ensure that governors have accessible data to hold leaders and managers to account. FE and Skills Data Dashboard 3
Why a Data Dashboard for governors? National Director for Further Education and Skills, Lorna Fitzjohn, commenting on the Data Dashboard, said : “We highlighted in the last Annual Report the importance of encouraging a dialogue between the FE sector and employers, particularly the need for greater awareness of the priorities of Local Enterprise Partnerships. This information held in this Dashboard will give governors a clear picture of how well providers are equipping learners with the skills they need to make the transition from education to work.” FE and Skills Data Dashboard 4
What we are not trying to do: provide an in-year view of what is happening in providers provide data about, for example, a provider’s workforce or finances suggest that the only things governors need to do their job effectively are some high level measures of past performance. Advisory Group on Gernance| FE and Skills Data Dashboard 5
The FE and skills Data Dashboard broad questions What are the success rates for: - individual subject areas? - different levels? What is happening: - with study programmes? - with apprenticeships? - with employability programmes? How well do learners progress: - to further training? - to higher education? - to employment and within employment? FE and Skills Data Dashboard 6
Further Education and Skills Data Dashboard Launched 12 May
The FE and skills Data Dashboard - Live version FE and Skills Data Dashboard 8
The FE and skills Data Dashboard - Example of an outstanding provider FE and Skills Data Dashboard 9
The FE and skills Data Dashboard - example of an outstanding provider FE and Skills Data Dashboard 10
The FE and skills Data Dashboard - example of an outstanding provider – experimental destination data FE and Skills Data Dashboard 11
The FE and skills Data Dashboard - a requires improvement provider - apprenticeships FE and Skills Data Dashboard 12
The FE and skills Data Dashboard - a requires improvement provider – English and mathematics for 19+ learners FE and Skills Data Dashboard 13
The FE and skills Data Dashboard - Live version Questions? FE and Skills Data Dashboard 14
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