ansi asc op task force 6 ir materials standards and spie

ANSI ASC OP Task Force 6: IR Materials Standards and SPIE IR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 ANSI ASC OP Task Force 6: IR Materials Standards and SPIE IR Materials Standards Working Group Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Baltimore Hilton Hotel 08:00 10:00 EDT 401 West Pratt St. Baltimore, MD 21201 SPIE DSS Calloway A Room

  1. 1 ANSI ASC OP – Task Force 6: IR Materials Standards and SPIE IR Materials Standards Working Group Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Baltimore Hilton Hotel 08:00 – 10:00 EDT 401 West Pratt St. Baltimore, MD 21201 SPIE DSS Calloway A Room

  2. Draft Agenda 2 1. Welcome, Introductions, and appointment of note taker – A. Phenis 2. Appointment of note taker – A. Phenis 3. Adoption of agenda – A. Phenis 4. Approval of previous meeting minutes – A. Phenis 5. Reports 1. Pilot study status update – A. Phenis 2. Submitted projects update (OEOSC) – D. Aikens 3. Refractometer measurements update (NIST) – J. Burnett 4. Other reports and updates – Project Leaders 6. Group Discussion Topics – A. Phenis 7. Time and Place for next meeting - suggestions 1. Teleconference SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA August 9 th – 13 th , 2015 2. 3. SPIE DSS, Baltimore, MD April 18 th – 22 nd , 2016 8. Adjourn – A. Phenis

  3. Welcome 3  ASC OP/TF6 (OEOSC)  Write the materials standards standards  Coordinate with other TF developing supporting standards  IRMSWG (SPIE)  Advise TF6 regarding instrumentation and measurement methods  Meetings will consist of status reports, technical evaluations, recommendation  Work the details of the measurements  Test plans  Instrument development /upgrades  Sampling protocols  Sample specs and procurement  Identify funding sources  All documents from this meeting will be posted to: 

  4. Approval of previous meeting 4 minutes  Previous meeting minutes can be found at  ments/2014/TF6/140505%20Draft%20Minutes% 20ASC%20OP%20TF6%20IR%20Materials%20 v1.pdf

  5. 5 Reports

  6. 6 Pilot study status update A. Phenis – Cymer, an ASML Company

  7. Study Status 7  NIST has started testing with Germanium  Testing has been prioritized by the results from a survey done by Gary Wiese (April 2013)  The testing order/priority can change based on what is available at NIST.  NIST will start at the highest priority and move down the list

  8. Pilot Study Material Status 8 Measurement Material Supplier Status Priority Samples delivered, 1 Germanium Photonic Sense GmbH Measurements underway 2 ZnSe II-VI NA Multispectral ZnS 3 DOW NA (Cleartran) 4 Silicon Lattice Materials NA 4 Silicon Novotech NA 5 CaF2 Fairfield Crystal NA 5 CaF2 Hellma Materials GmbH Expected delivery May 2015 6 BaF2 Fairfield Crystal NA 6 BaF2 Hellma Materials GmbH Expected delivery May 2015 6 BaF2 ISP Samples delivered Delayed due to factory fire, 7 IRG26 (As2Se3) Schott Expected deliver TBD 8 GASIR1 Umicore Expected delivery June 2015 BD2 glass 9 (Ge28Sb12Se60) Lightpath Technologies NA

  9. 9 Submitted projects update D. Aikens – OEOSC and Savvy Optics, LLC

  10. 10 Spectral Bands – OP1.007  Draft standard OP1.007 submitted for review  Ballot complete; 7 votes received, one page of comments  Draft has been revised to accommodate comments  Added table for reference wavelengths by band for measurements  Modified ranges based on input  Ballot has been submitted to entire ASC OP for adoption as an American National Standard  Ballot is due by June 19, 2015  If approved by 20 ballots, it will be submitted to ANSI for publication

  11. 11 Sampling protocol– OP1.008  Project initiation approved by ANSI  Draft standard OP1.008 submitted for review  No comments received  TF6 ballot has begun  Ballots due by July 19, 2015  Will revise draft to accommodate comments  Presuming it does not need to be reballoted, can then be submitted to ASC OP for adoption as an American National Standard

  12. 12 Measurement Methods  Bubbles/Inclusions  Chinese resubmitted proposal for an ISO standard on IR impurities based on bright field inspection  Straie  Chinese resubmitted proposal for an ISO standard on straie based on a shadowgram  Homogeneity  Chinese resubmitted proposal for an ISO standard on homogeneity based on interferometry  All three have been approved as New Work Items; US experts are Eric Stover, Leonard Hanssen and Adam Phenis  Others are welcome to join; see Leonard for more information  We should be able to influence the development of these standards to be acceptable to us  Leonard Hanssen, head of the US delegation, will continue to manage these activities

  13. 13 Measurement Methods (continued)  Refractive Index  Plan to use ISO 17328 as starting point, but publish our own American National Standard version  NIST to draft document based on NIST measurement method  Waiting for NIST draft  dn/dT  can be incorporated into RI measurement standard  Absorption/Transmission  Plan to use ISO 15368; need to revise and update  Leonard and Dave will work at the ISO level to start a project for revision

  14. 14 Other Standards  Material properties specification and grades  Currently monitoring work in TF1 for a new standard for raw optical glass  New standard includes grades for index, homogeneity, straie, bubbles, inclusions, etc.  May be able to use the same grades for IR materials  Material properties library for design codes  Schema developed by ORA in coordination with Zemax and Lambda  Other code houses have not responded  Waiting for sample data from the pilot campaign to try it out  Can publish the schema as American National Standard once the schema is confirmed  Can’t really offer it to ISO due to conflicting standards

  15. 15 Refractometer measurement update J. Burnett – NIST

  16. 16 Other reports and updates Project Leaders

  17. 17 Group Discussion Topics A. Phenis – Cymer, an ASML Company

  18. NIST IR Materials Pilot Study - Update John Burnett, Leonard Hanssen, and Simon Kaplan National Institute of Standards and Technology Physical Measurement Laboratory Outline 1. NIST Refractometry System 2. NIST Commitment to IR Materials Index Pilot Study 3. Index Measurement Issues 4. IR Refractometry Capability 5. Measurement Schedule 18 SPIE DSS 2015 – IRMSWG Meeting – 22 April 2015

  19. NIST Refractometry System sample prism exit/collimation box (rotates) entrance/collimation box detector entrance slit exit slit temp control system purged goniometer sample chamber NIST Refractrometry Facility located at NIST AML 217/F117 • All reflective optics + purge housing + sources/detectors ⇒ operates VUV (120 mm) through near-IR. • Temperature range - operates normally near room T (15 - 25 ° C). • Specs.: - FL=0.5 m, F/# = 10. - Goniometer - calibrated angle encoder scale: absolute angle uncertainty ≤ 0.2 arc-sec. - Feedback temperature control of sample to ≤ 5 mK, purge gas to to ≤ 10 mK. ⇒ Absolute index uncertainty ≤ 5 × 10 -7 routinely attained in visible and UV. dn/dT in range T (15 - 25 ° C). • Delivering index results with above uncertainty in UV/vis to the semiconductor lithography industry. ⇒ For lens design and lens material quality control, needs absolute sub-ppm index measurements. NIST focus has been highest-accuracy index in vis/UV. Laborious process, at least 1 week/sample. 1) Developing index database for values for important optical materials. 2) Accuracy allows investigation of index variations between nominally the same materials. 19 SPIE DSS 2015 – IRMSWG Meeting – 22 April 2015

  20. NIST Commitment to IR Mat’ls Index Pilot Study In response to request, NIST (with director’s blessing) committed in 2013 to participate in IR Materials Index Pilot Study with a direction of substantial resources to make most accurate index measurements of key IR materials. • Upgraded sub-ppm-accuracy UV-vis Min-Dev refractometry facility for λ ~14 µ m. • Goal - Maintain UV-vis capability while achieving highest possible IR accuracy. • Completed and tested in Jan 2015. • Worked with Gary Wiese (Lockheed) to develop optimal specs. for key materials: Ge (single X’tal), ZnSe, ZnS, Si (single X’tal), CaF 2 , BaF 2 (poly), GASIR1 (Umicore glass), IRG26 (As 2 Se 3 ) (glass), BD2 (glass), GaAs (single X’tal), Spinel, AMTIR5 (As-Se), IR Fused Silica, LiF, MgF 2 . • Materials received (multiple samples from different boule locations): Ge prisms: 15 (Photonic Sense (Reynard Corp) (Apex Ang. 15 ° nom) 1/25/15. BaF2 (poly): 2 (ISP Optics Corp.) (Apex Ang. 15 ° nom) + 6 plates. 3/11/15. • Jan. – March, NIST complete other commitments. Started on Ge in April. 20 SPIE DSS 2015 – IRMSWG Meeting – 22 April 2015

  21. IR Mat’ls Index Pilot Study – Uncertainty Estimated Uncertainty • For each material, investigated estimated uncertainty vs. sample specs. - prism geometry (apex angle), surface figure (Zernike coefficients). • For example, as λ gets longer - Uncertainty due to diffraction width increases - Uncertainty due to figure error decreases. • Developed optimal specs. for each material 21 SPIE DSS 2015 – IRMSWG Meeting – 22 April 2015


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