VIDEO LINK = Annual Title I, Part A Meeting for Parents 2020-2021
District Shared Vision
Title I, Part A Program The Title I, Part A program is one program that helps to accomplish the district’s shared vision and supports the work of teaching and learning on your child’s campus. The purpose of this presentation is to inform you of the school’s participation in Title I, Part A programs and to help you to understand the requirements, rights, and opportunities this program provides.
Intent and Purpose of Title I The intent and purpose of Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Acts (ESSA), is to provide supplemental resources to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families provide a high-quality education that will enable ALL children to meet the state’s student performance standards. There are two types of Title I, Part A programs – Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide. A school is eligible to implement a Title I Targeted Assistance Program when 35% or more • of the student population receives Free or Reduced lunch. A school is eligible to implement a Title I Schoolwide Program when 40% or more of the • student population receives Free or Reduced lunch.
Title I Schoolwide Campuses Currently, there are 11 schools in the Humble ISD that are operating a Title I Schoolwide Program. Elementary • Humble • Jack Fields • Lakeland • North Belt • Oaks • Park Lakes • Ridge Creek • River Pines • Whispering Pines Middle Schools • Humble Middle • Ross Sterling Middle
Title I Funding The Title I funds can be used to supplement the schools existing programs in many way, such as… • Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students meet the State’s challenging content standards • Purchasing supplemental: staff, programs, materials, and supplies Additionally, families are encouraged to be involved in the school’s programs and in decisions relating to the education of their children. In fact, Title I, Part A funds are specifically reserved to support you through “Parent and Family Engagement” meetings, trainings, and other activities linked to learning.
Title I Funding The 2020-2021 Title I allocation for our school is _________. Our Site-Based Decision Making Committee (SBDMC) determined that Title I funds will be used to support student achievement in the following ways: - Instructional supplies, reading materials, and technology - Instructional staff - Extended day/week/year tutoring for students - Professional Development supplies, reading materials, and trainings for campus staff - Parent and Family Engagement activities
Comprehensive Needs Assessment At the heart of the planning is the Comprehensive Needs Assessment. Each school’s Site-Based Decision Making Committee (comprised of parents, community members, and staff) examine a variety of data to identify educational strengths and areas in need of improvement.
Campus Improvement Plan Then, the team uses the Needs Assessment findings to develop a Schoolwide Campus Improvement Plan. This plan outlines the improvement goals, objectives, and strategies to address academic needs of students that the school will implement throughout the year and the associated budget plan. Parents have the right to be involved in the development of the CIP.
Annual Evaluation Finally, each campus completes an Annual Evaluation of the schoolwide plan to ensure the strategies align with the objectives and goals.
High Quality Staff The High Quality Staff members employed on campuses with Title I programs are dedicated to providing a quality education for EVERY student and strive to sustain respectful PARTNERSHIPS with families like you. You have the right to (1) request the qualifications of the classroom teachers and paraprofessionals who provide services to your child, and (2) to receive frequent reports on your child’s progress. Furthermore, all schools in Humble ISD with a Title I program have a staff member who serves as their TI Parent Involvement Liaison. This staff member helps provide meaningful family engagement opportunities to support student learning.
High Quality Staff Please refer to the handout titled, “ 2020- 2021 Title I Parent Notification” Right to Know document For more information about the specific qualifications of staff on your campus, please contact your school’s Principal.
District TI Parent and Family Engagement Plan The district offers a variety of opportunities for families to be positively engaged in their child’s education. The “ Humble ISD Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan ” outlines partnership efforts between the district and families with students participating on campuses with Title I programs. This document is revised annually and printed copies are distributed to families within the first month of school.
District TI Parent and Family Engagement Plan Please refer to the handout titled, “Humble ISD Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan 2020-2021” document For more information about this plan, please contact your principal who can provide contact information for the Department of State and Federal Programs office.
School Policy Each school with a Title I, Part A program also develops a written School Family Engagement Policy that describes how families are actively involved in the planning and implementation of specific campus- based programs that support their student’s education. This document is revised annually and printed copies are distributed to families within the first month of school. Title I parents have the right to be involved in the development of the School Policy.
School Policy Please refer to the handout titled, “ Title I School Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2020-2021” document For more information about the School Policy for your campus, please contact your school’s Principal.
School-Family Compact Each school with a Title I, Part A program has developed with the parents of children a written School-Family Compact. This written agreement identifies the activities that parents, school staff, and students will undertake to share responsibility in improving student academic achievement. This document is revised annually and printed copies are distributed to families within the first month of school. Please be sure to review the compact during Parent- Teacher Conferences, review with your students, and make it visible. Using the compact on a regular basis is a critical step in strengthening school-family partnerships!
School-Family Compact Please refer to the handout titled, “ Title I School-Family Compact 2020-2021” document that is specific to your school For more information about the School-Family Compact for your campus, please contact your school’s Principal.
Annual Review, Revisions, and Distribution Title I parents have the right to be involved in the development of these documents. They are reviewed and revised annually. In addition, printed copies are distributed to families at the beginning of the year (no later than September 30 th ). The plans are also made available on our website. We encourage you to become familiar with the contents of these three documents.
Be involved in Your Child’s Education! Your active partnership will have a lasting impact on the future of your child, our schools, and our community as we work together to develop the academic proficiencies expected of all Texas students, AND the 6 competencies of an Humble ISD Graduate: communicator, global citizen, critical thinker, creative innovator, leader and collaborator, and personally responsible.
Additional Information? Please refer to the handout titled, “ 2020- 2021 Humble ISD Title I, Part A Programs – Improving Basic Programs & Parent and Family Engagement .” For more information about the specific Title I Program on your campus, please contact your school’s Principal.
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