annual budget report

Annual Budget Report July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 Revised July 1, - PDF document

Annual Budget Report July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 Revised July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 Proposed San Juan School District 200 North Main Street Blanding, UT 84511 School Board Nelson Yellowman, President Bill Boyle,

  1. Annual Budget Report Fiscal Year 2013 Employee Compensation  1.5% Salary Increases -Total cost: $277,832 *Classified: 1.5% *Licensed: $736.00  Increase in retirement contributions -Total cost: $263,432 -1.9% increase  Lane changes for Licensed Employees  Steps frozen for all employees  Health plan changed from USBA silver to bronze. -Total savings: $71,000 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 28

  2. Annual Budget Report Fiscal Year 2013 Employee Compensation FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 29 29

  3. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Technology: What MOST of Us See FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 30

  4. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Infrastructure: What a FEW of Us See FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 31

  5. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Educational Technology: Current Budget FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 32

  6. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Educational Technology: What is the Cost? Total Replacement Cost: $7,334,838.00 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 33

  7. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Educational Technology: Breakdown Network Infrastructure: $3,892,771.08 Classroom + Office Equipment: $3,373,367.00 Software + Equipment Maintenance: $68,700.00 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 34

  8. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Educational Technology: Classroom + Office Classroom + Office Equipment: $3,373,367.00 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 35

  9. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Educational Technology: Network Infrastructure Network Infrastructure: $3,892,771.08 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 36

  10. Annual Budget Report Technology Plan Educational Technology: Equipment Count FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 37

  11. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 38

  12. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 39

  13. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 40

  14. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 41

  15. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 42

  16. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 43

  17. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 44

  18. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 45

  19. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 46

  20. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 47

  21. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 48

  22. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 49

  23. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 50

  24. Annual Budget Report School Allocations FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 51

  25. Annual Budget Report Utah Laws Governing School Districts Utah law governs the District’s budget procedures and this budget has been prepared accord- ingly. The following is a summary of significant provisions applicable to school district budgets in Utah: (53A ‐ 19 ‐ 101) School District Budget ‐ Superintendent Responsibility The Superintendent of each school district is the Budget Officer of the district. Prior to June 1 of each year, the superintendent shall prepare and file with the local school board a tentative budget and supporting documents shall include the following items: -The tentative budget shall include the revenues and expenditures of the preceding fiscal year, the estimated revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year, and his estimate of the revenues for the next succeeding fiscal year based upon the lowest rate of tax levy which in his opinion will raise the required amount of revenue by using the current years taxable value as the basis for this calculation, a detailed estimate of the essential expenditures for all pur- poses for the next year, and the estimated financial condition of the district at the close of the current fiscal year. -Such tentative budget shall be filed with the district business administrator for public inspec- tion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date or the proposed adoption by the local school board. (53A ‐ 19 ‐ 102) Local School board budget procedures Before June 22 of each year a local school board shall adopt a budget and make appropria- tions for the next fiscal year. Prior to adoption or amendment of a budget, notice of the meeting of the board for the adoption of the budget shall have been published in a daily newspaper published in the district, and of general circulation therein, if such is published in the district, but in any event in a newspaper of general circulation in the district, at least 10 days in ad- vance of the holding of such meeting and also posted on the web. Utah law (53A ‐ 19 ‐ 103) further states that the district may adopt a budget containing an amount known as the Undistributed Reserve. This reserve shall not be more than five percent of the maintenance and operation budget adopted by the board of education in accordance with a scale developed by the State Board of Education based upon the size of the budget of the school district. Appropriations may be made from the undistributed reserve to any expendi- ture classification in the maintenance and operation budget of the district by written resolution adopted by a majority vote of the board setting forth the reasons for the appropriation and filed with the State Board of Education and the State Auditor. The undistributed reserves may not be used in negotiation or settlement of contract salaries for school district employees. Any Budget Appropriation may be reduced by action of the board of education at any regular meet- ing of the board, if notice of the proposed action is given to all members of the board and to the superintendent of the district at least one week in advance of such action. An increase in an appropriation may not be made by the board unless the board receives a written request from the district superintendent setting forth the reason for the request, the notice of request is pub- lished at least one week prior to the board meeting where the request will be considered and the board holds a public hearing on the request prior to action on the request. FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 52

  26. Annual Budget Report Utah Laws Governing School Districts (53A ‐ 19 ‐ 104) Budget Appropriations A school should not make appropriations in the final budget in excess of the estimated expend- able revenue for the budget year. Also, revenue estimates for an upcoming year should be re- duced by the value of existing deficits. (53A ‐ 19 ‐ 106) Warrants drawn by business administrator Business administrators may not draw warrants on school district funds which exceed the limits of the budget passed by the local school board. (53A ‐ 19 ‐ 107) Emergency Expenditures The provisions of Chapter 19 shall not apply to appropriations necessitated by emergencies involving the loss of life or great loss of property. (53A ‐ 19 ‐ 108) Monthly budget reports The business administrator of each board of education shall furnish each member of the board with a report on a monthly basis setting forth the amounts of all budget appropriations, the dis- bursements as of the date of the report and the percentage of the disbursements as of the date of the report. A copy of the report shall be made available for public review. FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 53

  27. Annual Budget Report REVENUE SOURCES  LOCAL  STATE  FEDERAL FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 54

  28. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes- Assessed Valuation Per Student 22 Park City $2,486,060 24 Rich $1,671,540 6 Daggett $1,553,166 16 Kane $1,015,732 28 So. Summit $958,031 21 No. Summit $920,631 11 Grand $877,608 9 Emery $829,401 32 Wasatch $821,233 17 Millard $724,165 2 Beaver $696,718 31 Uintah $668,917 36 Salt Lake $662,748 10 Garfield $646,007 5 Carbon $577,542 34 Wayne $503,918 40 Murray $429,978 8 Duchesne $415,654 42 Canyons $414,964 33 Washington $367,521 13 Iron $356,405 18 Morgan $345,348 25 San Juan $318,080 15 Juab $315,346 23 Piute $311,570 3 Box Elder $302,006 12 Granite $301,119 38 Provo $291,290 26 Sevier $285,811 39 Logan $285,573 14 Jordan $282,451 37 Ogden $262,108 20 No. Sanpete $258,852 35 Weber $246,667 4 Cache $222,508 7 Davis $220,747 30 Tooele $218,736 1 Alpine $201,694 29 Tintic $189,756 19 Nebo $187,283 27 So. Sanpete $167,115 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 55

  29. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes- Property Tax Rate by District 19 Nebo 0.009370 27 So. Sanpete 0.009018 7 Davis 0.008861 1 Alpine 0.008812 3 Box Elder 0.008442 39 Logan 0.008285 37 Ogden 0.008260 30 Tooele 0.008256 33 Washington 0.008227 42 Canyons 0.008165 15 Juab 0.008026 25 San Juan 0.008025 29 Tintic 0.007992 8 Duchesne 0.007821 13 Iron 0.007528 14 Jordan 0.007319 32 Wasatch 0.007284 38 Provo 0.007153 28 So. Summit 0.007047 18 Morgan 0.007044 4 Cache 0.006972 5 Carbon 0.006835 35 Weber 0.006833 12 Granite 0.006796 2 Beaver 0.006750 23 Piute 0.006677 10 Garfield 0.006633 21 No. Summit 0.006572 20 No. Sanpete 0.006532 26 Sevier 0.006519 31 Uintah 0.006464 36 Salt Lake 0.006408 11 Grand 0.006230 40 Murray 0.006201 17 Millard 0.005988 9 Emery 0.005716 16 Kane 0.004977 24 Rich 0.004660 22 Park City 0.004405 6 Daggett 0.004383 34 Wayne 0.003776 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 56

  30. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes -Total Tax Collected Per Student 22 Park City 10,951 24 Rich 7,789 6 Daggett 6,808 28 So. Summit 6,751 21 No. Summit 6,050 32 Wasatch 5,982 11 Grand 5,467 16 Kane 5,055 9 Emery 4,741 2 Beaver 4,703 17 Millard 4,336 31 Uintah 4,324 10 Garfield 4,285 36 Salt Lake 4,247 5 Carbon 3,947 42 Canyons 3,388 8 Duchesne 3,251 33 Washington 3,024 13 Iron 2,683 40 Murray 2,666 25 San Juan 2,553 3 Box Elder 2,550 15 Juab 2,531 18 Morgan 2,433 39 Logan 2,366 37 Ogden 2,165 38 Provo 2,084 23 Piute 2,080 14 Jordan 2,067 12 Granite 2,046 7 Davis 1,956 34 Wayne 1,903 26 Sevier 1,863 30 Tooele 1,806 1 Alpine 1,777 19 Nebo 1,755 20 No. Sanpete 1,691 35 Weber 1,685 4 Cache 1,551 29 Tintic 1,517 27 So. Sanpete 1,507 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 57

  31. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes Assessed Value by Property Type FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 58

  32. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes Assessed Value by Property Type FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 59

  33. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes San Juan County Centrally Assessed Property $700,000,000 $600,000,000 Gas $500,000,000 Air Line Sand and Gravel $400,000,000 Non ‐ Metalliferous Mining Telecommunications $300,000,000 Pipeline Power $200,000,000 Metalliferous Mining Oil and Gas $100,000,000 $0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 60

  34. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes Largest 25 Centrally-Assessed Taxpayers – 2011 $252,905,428 RESOLUTE NATURAL RESOURCES CO $66,059,895 DENISON MINES (USA) CORP $62,145,321 PATARA OIL & GAS LLC $38,890,225 LISBON VALLEY MINING CO. LLC. $28,849,110 PACIFICORP $24,963,566 MID AMERICA PIPELINE CO $23,751,279 NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP $20,950,416 PACIFICORP $13,795,860 INTREPID POTASH - MOAB LLC $10,641,992 RIM SOUTHWEST CORP $8,385,411 UTAH ENERGY CORPORATION $8,288,611 PATARA OIL & GAS GATHERING $5,244,669 DENISON MINES (USA) CORP $4,932,319 U S OIL & GAS INC $4,080,450 SUMMIT OPERATING, LLC $2,440,241 PACIFICORP $2,332,760 COTTER CORPORATION $2,316,309 YATES PETROLEUM CORP $2,231,760 QUESTAR SOUTHERN TRAILS PIPELINE $2,065,747 VERIZON WIRELESS $1,809,750 NAVAJO COMMUNICATIONS CO $1,761,721 GENESIS ST OPERATING LLC $1,740,838 MATRIX PRODUCTION COMPANY $1,521,371 EMPIRE ELECTRIC ASSOC INC $1,482,729 SEELEY OIL COMPANY, LLC $0 $100,000,000 $200,000,000 $300,000,000 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 61

  35. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes Largest 25 Centrally-Assessed Taxpayers – 2006 $95,528,914 MOBIL EXPLORATION & PRODUCING NA $51,941,227 RESOLUTE NATURAL RESOURCES CO $45,243,515 CONSTELLATION COPPER … $40,911,589 PACIFICORP $27,893,683 ENCANA OIL & GAS INC $18,731,843 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORP $18,119,791 MID AMERICA PIPELINE CO $10,230,765 CITIZENS TELECOMM CO OF UTAH $8,226,638 RIM SOUTHWEST CORP $7,464,759 U S OIL & GAS INC $4,000,000 WESTERN GAS RESOURCES, INC … $3,744,530 QUESTAR SOUTHERN TRAIL $3,386,478 JOURNEY OPERATING LLC $2,935,003 DJ SIMMONS INC $2,608,890 EMPIRE ELECTRIC ASSOC INC $2,304,596 YATES PETROLEUM CORP $1,971,287 ST OIL COMPANY $1,927,204 BAYLESS ROBERT L PROD LLC $1,627,920 NAVAJO COMMUNICATIONS CO $1,625,865 COTTER CORPORATION $1,611,987 ELM RIDGE EXPLORATION CO, LLC $1,555,060 SEELEY OIL COMPANY LLC $1,018,270 VERIZON WIRELESS $796,002 INTREPID POTASH - MOAB LLC $732,790 COLORADO PICA PETROLEUM CORP $0 $40,000,000 $80,000,000 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 62

  36. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes Tax Levies 2012 ‐ 13 2011 ‐ 12 2010 ‐ 11 Fiscal Year 2009 ‐ 10 2008 ‐ 09 2007 ‐ 08 2006 ‐ 07 2005 ‐ 06 0.007200 0.007400 0.007600 0.007800 0.008000 0.008200 0.008400 0.008600 Tax Rate FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 63

  37. Annual Budget Report Local Property Taxes Tax Revenue 2012 ‐ 2013 2011 ‐ 2012 2010 ‐ 2011 Fiscal Year 2009 ‐ 2010 2008 ‐ 2009 2007 ‐ 2008 2006 ‐ 2007 2005 ‐ 2006 ‐ 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 Tax Revenue FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 64

  38. Annual Budget Report State -District Summary Fiscal Year 2008 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 65

  39. Annual Budget Report State -District Summary Fiscal Year 2013 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 66

  40. Annual Budget Report State -Comparison of Local vs. State Effort FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 67

  41. Annual Budget Report Federal -Sources of Revenue  Impact Aid Description: The purpose of Impact Aid is to provide aid to school districts burdened by the presence of nontaxable federal land and installations to make up for the lost revenues and additional costs associated with the federal presence. It is one of the few formula programs where Local Educational Agencies (LEA’s) receive funds directly from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) rather than through their states. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $6,300,000  No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title 1 Description: Program Improvement-improvement of low-performing schools Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $1,176,982 Title 2A Description: Enhancing Education Through Technology Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $254,095 Notes: Divided between Human Resources, Curriculum, and Student Services Title 3 Description: Sub-grant for English Language Acquisition and Enhancement Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $72,302  School Improvement Grant Bluff Elementary Description: Intended to improve the performance of the students. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $208,386 Notes: Three-year grant, currently in its final year. Tse'bii'nidzisgai Elementary Description: Intended to improve the performance of the students. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $373,485 Notes: Three-year grant, currently in its second year.  Indian Demonstration Grant Description: Improve the education opportunities and achievement of Indian children. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $276,091 Notes: The Indian Demonstration grant ends at the end of fiscal year 2012  IDEA-Special Education Grant Description: Preschool Program & School-Age Program Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $667,947 Notes: Help Special Education students prepare for and succeed in K- 12. FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 68

  42. Annual Budget Report Federal -Sources of Revenue  Federal Drug-Free Description: At-risk funds. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $14,000  BLM Grant Description: A grant obtained by Jamie Carling, to provide outdoor experiences for her students. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $5,000 Notes: This grant lasts for 2 years, and this is the first year.  Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Description: Money to be used as needed in conjunction with the Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $94,754  Indian Education Description: Money to be used as needed in conjunction with the Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $286,675  McKinney Homeless Description: To assist in educational needs of students without adequate housing Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $15,000  Elementary Counseling Grant Description: To provide counselors in elementary schools Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $103,000 Notes: This money is all carryover from previous years. The grant is ended.  Workforce Afterschool Grant Description: To provide afterschool help for students at BES, BLF, and TES Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $91,000 Notes: This is a 3-year grant, and this is the final year.  Title 1 School Program Improvement Description: Money based on test scores, provided to help schools raise their scores to an appropriate level. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $100,000 Notes: For Montezuma Creek Elementary. The school is in the second year of SPI. They will receive $50,000 next year, and that will be the end of this funding.  Teacher Quality Grant Description: Help improve the quality of teaching in the district. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $163,000 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 69

  43. Annual Budget Report Federal -Sources of Revenue  English Language Acquisition Description: Help improve the English proficiency in students. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $104,000  Early Intervention Description: Designed to help children enter Kindergarten with the needed skills Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $335,000– Federal (Dept of Health) $87,000– Navajo Nation Notes: This grant lasts for 2 years, and this is the first year.  Adult Education Description: Intended to help those that left high school without graduating obtain a GED. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $17,000  Federal Adult Education (Prison) Description: Provide a teacher for students in prison who have not graduated. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $5,000  School Lunch Description: To provide nutritious breakfast and lunch for school children. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: $1,000,000 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 70

  44. Annual Budget Report BUDGETS BY FUND FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 71

  45. Annual Budget Report General Fund The General Fund is used to account for the costs of the day-to-day Dis- trict operations. This fund accounts for resources which are not required to be accounted for in other funds. A majority of the funding comes from the State of Utah through the Minimum School Finance Act. FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 72

  46. Annual Budget Report General Fund Revenue and Expenditures REVENUE Local, Federal, $5,713,249.28 $7,586,735.99 State, $17,282,766.98 EXPENDITURES Other (Dues, Supplies and Equipment, Indirect, etc.), Materials, $1,105,480 $368,607 $3,294,229 Contracted Services, $2,080,431 Employee Salaries, Benefits, $17,103,216 $6,693,178 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 73

  47. 74 74

  48. Annual Budget Report General Fund- Schedule of Local Revenue FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 75

  49. Annual Budget Report General Fund- Schedule of State Revenue FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 76

  50. Annual Budget Report General Fund- Schedule of Federal Revenue FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed REVENUE SOURCES 77

  51. 78 78

  52. 79 79

  53. 80 80

  54. 81 81

  55. 82 82

  56. Annual Budget Report Non K-12 The purpose of this fund is to account for the costs of programs that are not part of the basic educational program of kindergarten through twelfth grade. Included in the fund are Federal and State funded programs for Special Education Preschool, Adult Education and other non-K-12 pro- grams. FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 83

  57. Annual Budget Report Non K-12 Revenue and Expenditures REVENUE Other Local Property Tax - Recreation, $0 Revenue, $30,000 Federal Aid, $350,000 State Aid, $544,315 EXPENDITURES Property, $10,000 SJH Running Other Objects, Track, $0 Supplies and $35,000 Materials, $27,716 Contracted Services, $173,000 Salaries, $498,702 Employee Benefits, $179,897 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 84

  58. 85 85

  59. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay The purpose of the Capital Outlay Fund is to account for the costs in- curred in acquiring and improving sites, constructing and remodeling facili- ties, and procuring equipment necessary for providing quality educational programs for all students within the District. Financing is provided by a property tax levy as authorized by 53A-16-104. FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 86

  60. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Revenue and Expenditures REVENUE Federal Revenue, 1,200,000 Local Revenue, $2,743,000 EXPENDITURES Salaries, $58,376Employee Benefits, Property Services, $22,769 $500,000 Transfer to Contracted Housing, $250,000 Services, $75,000 Telephone, Travel, Other, $25,000 Supplies and Materials, $50,000 Equipment, New Construction, $250,000 $1,000,000 Remodeling, $2,110,000 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 87

  61. 88 88

  62. 89 89

  63. 90 90

  64. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Facility Inventory FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 91

  65. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Facility Inventory FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 92

  66. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Facility Inventory Building Replacement Cost vs. Building Replacement Funding With 4% inflation, 2% interest $500 Millions Need $431,318,615 $450 $400 Facility Replacement Cost $350 $300 $250 $200 Building Fund $150 $118,719,074 $100 $50 YEAR $- 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 93

  67. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Facility Inventory Note: This chart assumes the following expenditures: **For illustration purposes Location Fiscal Year Replacement Cost Tsebii'nidzisgai Elementary School FY2011 $1,308,800 Monticello Elementary School FY2013 $12,001,000 Blanding Elementary School FY2030 $23,161,261 Albert R Lyman Middle School FY2037 $12,911,005 FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 94

  68. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Projects by location FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 95

  69. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Projects by location FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 96

  70. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Projects by location FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 97

  71. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Projects by location FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 98

  72. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Projects by location FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 99

  73. Annual Budget Report Capital Outlay Projects by location FY2012 Revised and FY 2013 Proposed BUDGETS BY FUND 100


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