Centres for Health Research Announcing an Upcoming $2.6 Million Research Grant Opportunity 2019 Metro South HHS Research Support Scheme
Centres for Health Research Funds for the 2019 Metro South Research Support Scheme are provided by Metro South Study, Education and Research Trust Fund (SERTA) Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) Division of Surgery Trauma Research Fund (as agreed with the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC)
Centres for Health Research Why should you be interested in the Metro South Research Support Scheme Over 2,600,000 good reasons!
Centres for Health Research 2019 Metro South Research Support Scheme Opening 26 June, 2018 Innovation (Seed) Grants Novice Researcher – Small Grants Early Career Researcher – Project Grants Project Grants Program Grants Trauma & Disaster Management Grants Applications close 5pm Monday 20 th August, 2018 For guidelines, application forms and/or further information visit https://metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/research/grants-and-funding/research-support-scheme
Centres for Health Research 2019 Metro South HHS – Research Support Scheme Applications Open : 5pm Tuesday 26 June / Close: 5pm Monday 20 August SERTA TRAUMA & DISASTER MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SUPPORT Novice Researcher Small Project Grant Small Project Grant (5) & Innovation $25,000 (1) Grants (5) Early Career Researcher Project Project Grant (1) $75,000 Grant (4) Project Grants $100,000 (10) Program Grant (3) $250,000
Centres for Health Research 2019 Metro South HHS – Research Support Scheme Research Excellence Awards $75,000 for NHMRC Near Miss Awards Eligibility: Provides 12 months support to research studies considered by the NHMRC to be highly fundable (category 5) but failed to meet the NHMRC’s funding threshold Award: Either 1/3 of the year one requested budget or $75,000 (whichever is less) $125,000 for NHMRC Infrastructure Awards Eligibility: Fractional support is provided to the Chief Investigators from MSH who are the CIA and have secured an NHMRC grant that is administered by the MSH or one of its academic partners Award: Provides an annual amount of up to 5% of the annual NHMRC awarded amount
Centres for Health Research ELIGIBILITY For SERTA Funded Grants Applicant : Must have a Metro South HHS appointment for the duration of the grant Research Team : Must have a Metro South HHS appointment for the duration of the grant OR Must be a member of staff of a MSH academic partner university school or research institute based on a MSH Campus Location of Research: The majority of research must occur within a MSH facility
Centres for Health Research Objectives of the 2019 Metro South Research Support Scheme Aims to reward excellence in research that translates research discoveries into health and medical outcomes. The objectives are: • Research translation by enabling the translation of high quality research evidence into health care policy and clinical practice • Research innovation by supporting the development of the highest quality new knowledge in health research within Metro South health and partners • Research capacity building and collaboration by maintaining and building the highest capacity and collaborations within Metro South Health.
Centres for Health Research Objectives of the 2019 Metro South Research Support Scheme Research Capacity and Collaborations are supported through: Cross disciplinary and multisite research collaborations within Metro South Health (e.g. across medical, allied health, nursing departments and basic clinical research ) Inter-institutional collaborations with Metro South Health Academic partners based on Metro South Health Campuses: Griffith University; Queensland University of Technology – Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI); The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine (UQ-SOM); The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute (UQDI) Centre for Health Services Research and The University of Queensland School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work) Separate streams of funding for novice and early career researchers so they do not need to compete with established researchers
Centres for Health Research` Innovation (Seed) Grants Provides $25K for projects that demonstrate genuinely new work and are not currently or previously funded from any source Eligibility SERTA Funding Duration 1. The Applicant must be a member of staff of Metro South with an $25K Can be appointment for the duration of the grant; spent over 2 years 2. Nominated co-investigators must be a member of Metro South Health or a member of staff at an affiliated partner university school or research institute 5 Innovation 3. The majority of the research must take place within a MSH Grants facility Available 4. The research must demonstrate cross disciplinary collaborations 3 5. The proposed research must not currently be funded by any organisation listed on the Australian Competitive Grants Registry
Centres for Health Research` Novice Researcher – Small Grants Provides $25K for researchers who have not previously been a PI on a successful grant Eligibility SERTA Funding Duration 1. The Applicant must be a member of staff of Metro South with an $25K Can be appointment for the duration of the grant; spent over 2 years 2. Nominated co-investigators must be a member of Metro South Health or a member of staff at an affiliated partner university school or research institute 5 Novice 3. The majority of the research must take place within a MSH Researcher facility Grants Available 4. The research must demonstrate cross disciplinary collaborations 3 5. The proposed research must not currently be funded by any organisation listed on the Australian Competitive Grants Registry
Centres for Health Research` Early Career Project Grants Provides $75K to Researchers who have completed a research higher degree within the previous four years to foster early career development Eligibility SERTA funding Duration 1. The Applicant must be a member of staff of Metro South with an $75K Can be appointment for the duration of the grant and no more than 4 spent over 2 years research experience from their highest research higher years degree ` 2. Nominated co-investigators must be a member of Metro South Health or a member of staff at an affiliated partner university school 4 Early Career or research institute Project 3. The majority of the research must take place within a MSH facility Grants Available 4. The research must demonstrate cross disciplinary collaborations 3 5. The proposed research must not currently be funded by any organisation listed on the Australian Competitive Grants Registry
Centres for Health Research` Project Grants Provides $100K for defined projects that have the potential for the research outcomes to be translated into improved health outcomes and / or result in future NHMRC grants Eligibility SERTA funding Duration 1. The Applicant must be a member of staff of Metro South with an $100K Can be appointment for the duration of the grant spent over 2 years 2. Nominated co-investigators must be a member of Metro South Health or ` a member of staff at an affiliated partner university school or research institute 10 Project 3. The majority of the research must take place within a MSH facility Grants 4. Multi-site collaborations that strengthen collaborative research will be Available highly regarded 5. The research must demonstrate cross disciplinary collaborations 3 6. The proposed research must not currently be funded by any organisation listed on the Australian Competitive Grants Registry
Centres for Health Research` Program Grants Provides $250K to support a Metro South Heath program of research over a 3 year period. Budget may include people and project activities but must include a research higher degree student / novice or early career researcher as a CI with salary support. Eligibility SERTA funding Duration $250 K Can be 1. The Applicant must be a member of staff of Metro South with an spent over appointment for the duration of the grant 3 years 2. Nominated co-investigators must be a member of Metro South Health or a member of staff at an affiliated partner university school or research institute 3 Program Grants 3. The majority of the research must take place within a MSH facility Available 4. The research must demonstrate cross disciplinary collaborations 5. The proposed research must not currently be funded by any organisation listed on the Australian Competitive Grants Registry
C Trauma and Disaster Management E ntres fo r Health Research` Small Grants Provide $25K as seed funding for studies that have the potential to increase the evidence base of trauma clinical practice Eligibility NCCTRC Duration Funding 1. The Applicant must be the Principal Investigator on the application and a $25K Within 2 member of staff of a Queensland Hospital and Health Service or Northern years Territory Health Service for the duration of the grant 2. The team must include a medical doctor, nurse or allied health professional 1 Small Grant 3. The team must have no more than 4 co-investigators and Offered 2 associates investigators 3 4. The proposed research must not be concurrently funded by the ARC, NHMRC or any other organisation on the Australian Competitive Grants Register
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