analysis of variance april 16 2009 contents comparison of

Analysis of variance April 16, 2009 Contents Comparison of several - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Analysis of variance April 16, 2009 Contents Comparison of several groups One-way ANOVA Two-way ANOVA Interaction Model checking Acknowledgement for use of presentation Julie Lyng Forman, Dept. of Biostatistics (2008),

  1. Analysis of variance April 16, 2009

  2. Contents • Comparison of several groups • One-way ANOVA • Two-way ANOVA – Interaction • Model checking Acknowledgement for use of presentation • Julie Lyng Forman, Dept. of Biostatistics (2008), • Lene Theil Skovgaard, Dept. of Biostatistics (2007, 2006)

  3. Marc Andersen StatGroup ApS e-mail:

  4. ANOVA, April 2009 1 Comparison of 2 or more groups number different same of groups individuals individual 2 unpaired paired t-test t-test ≥ 2 one way two way analysis of variance analysis of variance One-way analysis of variance: • Do the distributions differ between the groups? • Do the levels differ between the groups?

  5. ANOVA, April 2009 2 Example: 22 bypass-patients, 3 different kinds of ventilation during anaesthesia, randomized Group I 50% N 2 O, 50% O 2 for 24 hours Group II 50% N 2 O, 50% O 2 during operation Group III 30–50% O 2 (no N 2 O) for 24 hours Gr.I Gr.II Gr.III 8 9 5 n Mean 316.6 256.4 278.0 SD 58.7 37.1 33.8

  6. ANOVA, April 2009 3

  7. ANOVA, April 2009 4 One-way ANOVA • one-way : because we only have one critera for classification of the observations, here ventilation method • ANalysis Of VAriance : because we compare the variance between groups with the variance within groups

  8. ANOVA, April 2009 5 Model: Y ij = µ i + ε ij j’th observation individual in group no. i deviation mean of group no. i Observations are assumed be independent and to follow a normal distribution (within each group) with the same variance . ε ij ∼ N (0 , σ 2 ) or equivalently Y ij ∼ N ( µ i , σ 2 ) Model assumptions must be checked!

  9. ANOVA, April 2009 6 Hypothesis testing Usual approach • Null hypothesis: group means are equal, H 0 : µ i = µ • Alternative hypothesis: group means are not equal • We show the means are not equal by rejecting the null hypothesis of equality (ref DGA, 8.5 Hypothesis Testing)

  10. ANOVA, April 2009 7 ANOVA math: Sums of squares Decomposition of ’deviation from grand mean’: y ij − ¯ y · = ( y ij − ¯ y i ) + (¯ y i − ¯ y · ) y ij j ’th observation in i ’th group y i ¯ average in i ’th group y . ¯ total average Decomposition of variation (sums of squares): � � � y · ) 2 y i ) 2 y · ) 2 ( y ij − ¯ = ( y ij − ¯ + (¯ y i − ¯ i,j i,j i,j � �� � � �� � � �� � total variation within groups between groups

  11. ANOVA, April 2009 8 Decomposition of variation : total = between + within SS total = SS between + SS within ( n − 1) = ( k − 1) + ( n − k ) F-test statistic: F = MS between = SS between / ( k − 1) MS within SS within / ( N − k ) Reject the null hypothesis if F is large, i.e. if the variation between groups is too large compared to the variation within groups .

  12. ANOVA, April 2009 9 Usually the analysis is summarized in an Analysis of variance table Variation df SS MS F P Between k − 1 SS b SS b / df b MS b / MS w P ( F (df b , df w ) > F obs ) Within n − k SS w SS w / df w Total n − 1 SS tot

  13. ANOVA, April 2009 10 Analysis of variance table - Anaestesia example df SS MS F P Between 2 15515.88 7757.9 3.71 0.04 Within 19 39716.09 2090.3 Total 21 55231.97 F = 3 . 71 ∼ F (2 , 19) ⇒ P = 0 . 04 Weak evidence of non-equality of the three means

  14. ANOVA, April 2009 11 Analysis of variance in SAS To define the anaestesia data in SAS, we write data ex_redcell; input grp redcell; cards; 1 243 1 251 1 275 . . . . . . 3 293 3 328 ; run; The variable redcell contains all the measurements of the outcome and grp contains the method of ventilation for each individual.

  15. ANOVA, April 2009 12 Analysis of variance program: proc glm data=ex_redcell; class grp; model redcell=grp / solution; run; General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: REDCELL Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 15515.7664 7757.8832 3.71 0.0436 Error 19 39716.0972 2090.3209 Corrected Total 21 55231.8636 R-Square C.V. Root MSE REDCELL Mean 0.280921 16.14252 45.7200 283.227 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F GRP 2 15515.7664 7757.8832 3.71 0.0436 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F GRP 2 15515.7664 7757.8832 3.71 0.0436

  16. ANOVA, April 2009 13 The option solution outputs parameter estimates: T for H0: Pr > |T| Std Error of Parameter Estimate Parameter=0 Estimate INTERCEPT 278.0000000 B 13.60 0.0001 20.44661784 GRP 1 38.6250000 B 1.48 0.1548 26.06442584 2 -21.5555556 B -0.85 0.4085 25.50141290 3 0.0000000 B . . . NOTE: The X’X matrix has been found to be singular and a generalized inverse was used to solve the normal equations. Estimates followed by the letter ’B’ are biased, and are not unique estimators of the parameters. • Group 3 (the last group) is the reference group • The estimates for the other groups refer to differences to this reference group

  17. ANOVA, April 2009 14 Interpreting the estimates Some issues: • Clinical significance • Statistical significance • Provide confidence interval • Does it make sense?

  18. ANOVA, April 2009 15 Multiple comparisons The F -test show, that there is a difference — but where? Pairwise t -tests are not suitable due to risk of mass significance Recall a significance level of α = 0 . 05 means 5% chance of wrongfully rejecting a true hypothesis (type I error) The chance of at least one type I error goes up with the number of tests (for k groups, we have m = k ( k − 1) / 2 possible tests, the actual significance level can be as bad as: 1 − (1 − α ) m , e.g. for k=5: 0.40)

  19. ANOVA, April 2009 16 There is no completely satisfactory solution. Approximative solutions: 1. Select a (small) number of relevant comparisons in the planning stage . 2. Make a graph of the average ± 2 × SEM and judge visually (!), perhaps supplemented with F -tests on subsets of groups. 3. Modify the t -tests by multiplying the P-values with the number of tests, the socalled Bonferroni correction (conservative) 4. Use a correction for multiple testing (Dunnett, Tukey) or a (prespecified) multiple testing procedure

  20. ANOVA, April 2009 17 Tukey multiple comparisons in SAS: The GLM Procedure Least Squares Means Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Tukey-Kramer Least Squares Means for effect grp Pr > |t| for H0: LSMean(i)=LSMean(j) proc glm data=ex_redcell; Dependent Variable: redcell class grp; i/j 1 2 3 model redcell=grp / 1 0.0355 0.3215 solution; 2 0.0355 0.6802 3 0.3215 0.6802 lsmeans grp / adjust=tukey pdiff cl; Least Squares Means for Effect grp run; Difference Simultaneous 95% Between Confidence Limits for i j Means LSMean(i)-LSMean(j) 1 2 60.180556 3.742064 116.619047 1 3 38.625000 -27.590379 104.840379 2 3 -21.555556 -86.340628 43.229517

  21. ANOVA, April 2009 18 Visual assessment: the bars represent confidence intervals for the means. proc gplot data=ex_redcell; plot redcell*grp / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 frame; axis1 order=(1 to 3 by 1) offset=(8,8) label=(H=3 ’gruppe nr.’) value=(H=2) minor=NONE; axis2 offset=(1,1) value=(H=2) minor=NONE label=(A=90 R=0 H=3 ’red cell foliate’); symbol1 v=circle i=std2mjt l=1 h=2 w=2; run;

  22. ANOVA, April 2009 19 Model checking Check if the assumptions are reasonable: (If not the analysis is unreliable!) • Variance homogeneity may be checked by performing Levenes test (or Bartletts test). • In case of variance in homogeneity, we may also perform a weighted analysis ( Welch’s test ), just as in the T-test • Normality may be checked through probability plots (or histograms) of residuals, or by a numerical test on the residuals. • In case of non-normality, we may use the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test Transformation (often logarithms) may help to achieve variance homogeneity as well as normality

  23. ANOVA, April 2009 20 Check of variance homogeneity and normality in SAS proc glm data=ex_redcell; class grp; model redcell=grp; means grp / hovtest=levene welch; output out=model p=predicted r=residual; run; Store residuals in a dataset for further model checking proc univariate normal data=model; var residual; run;

  24. ANOVA, April 2009 21 Output from proc glm: Test for variance homogeneity Levene’s Test for Homogeneity of redcell Variance ANOVA of Squared Deviations from Group Means Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F grp 2 18765720 9382860 4.14 0.0321 Error 19 43019786 2264199 and weighted anova in case of variance heterogeneity: Welch’s ANOVA for redcell Source DF F Value Pr > F grp 2.0000 2.97 0.0928 Error 11.0646 So we are not too sure concerning the group differences.....

  25. ANOVA, April 2009 22 Output from proc univariate: Test for normality : Tests for Normality Test --Statistic--- -----p Value---- Shapiro-Wilk W 0.965996 Pr < W 0.6188 Kolmogorov-Smirnov D 0.107925 Pr > D >0.1500 Cramer-von Mises W-Sq 0.043461 Pr > W-Sq >0.2500 Anderson-Darling A-Sq 0.263301 Pr > A-Sq >0.2500 The 4 tests focus on different aspects of non-normality. • For small data sets, we rarely get significance • For large data sets, we almost always get significance • Could look at a probability plot instead


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