an application level network mapper

An Application-Level Network Mapper Arnaud Legrand 1 eric Mazoit 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion An Application-Level Network Mapper Arnaud Legrand 1 eric Mazoit 2 Martin Quinson 1 . Fr ed 1: ID UMR 5132 (CNRS INPG INRIA UJF), Grenoble,

  1. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion An Application-Level Network Mapper Arnaud Legrand 1 eric Mazoit 2 Martin Quinson 1 . Fr´ ed´ 1: ID – UMR 5132 (CNRS – INPG – INRIA – UJF), Grenoble, France. 2: LIP – UMR 5668 (CNRS – ENS-Lyon – UCBL – INRIA), Lyon, France.

  2. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Outline Introduction Context Motivation and goals State of the art ALNeM Model used Measurement methodology Problem statement Mathematical tools, algorithms Total interference and separators Reconstruction trees and cliques of trees Extension for cycles Implementation Data collection Conclusion Contributions and future work

  3. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Introduction (1/2) Motivation Modern platforms (Grid, P2P systems) heterogeneous and dynamic. Distributed applications have to be reactive and network-aware. Quantitative information (bandwidth) well studied [NWS, RPS, ganglia] . Qualitative information (topology) seldom known, but needed for: Host siting and automatic configuration Group communication Definitions of topology Almost as many as layers in the OSI model. Physical interconnexion map (wires in the walls) Routing infrastructure (path of network packets, from router to switch) Application level (focus on effects – bandwidth, latency – not causes)

  4. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Introduction (2/2) Our context is at application level Grid or P2P systems = multi-organization platforms. System heterogeneity ⇒ cannot rely on specific system feature Trust issue ⇒ no privileges for grid administrators (“root” or other) Our Goal is... Discover What Applications can Expect from the Platform Given 4 hosts ( a , b , c , d ), determine whether a → b impact c → d (perfs). Intuition: if they share a link, they share the bandwidth. Our goal is not... Discover network bottleneck and configuration issues Discover packet paths

  5. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Topology discovery methodologies State of the art Method Restriction Focus Routers Notes SNMP authorized path all passive, LAN traceroute ICMP path all level 3 of OSI pathchar root path all link bandwidth, slow d in � = d out Other no path tree tomography bipartite [Rabbat03] ENV no interference some tree only ALNeM no interference ? complete graph

  6. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Outline Introduction Context Motivation and goals State of the art ALNeM Model used Measurement methodology Problem statement Mathematical tools, algorithms Total interference and separators Reconstruction trees and cliques of trees Extension for cycles Implementation Data collection Conclusion Contributions and future work

  7. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Model used Definition: routed graph G = ( V , E , r ) Non-oriented graph with routing function ( r : V × V → V ). � � u − → G v is the path (set of vertices encountered in the graph G ). Definition: ( ab ) interfere with ( cd ) in G � � � � ( ab ) � � G ( cd ) ⇐ ⇒ a − → ∩ c − → � = ∅ G b G d ( ab ) � � G ( cd ) ⇔ ( cd ) � Symmetric relation: � G ( ab ) ( ab ) � � G ( cd ) �⇔ ( ab ) � Routing not symmetric: � G ( dc ) Definition: ( ab ) does not interfere with ( cd ) in G � � ( ab ) � ( ab ) � G ( cd ) ⇐ ⇒ ¬ � G ( cd )

  8. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Measurement methodology Notation bw ( ab ): bandwidth on a → b . bw � cd ( ab ): bandwidth on a → b when c → d is saturated. Definition of the measured interference bw � cd ( ab ) ( ab ) � � mes ( cd ) ⇐ ⇒ < 0 . 7 ; ( ab ) � mes ( cd ) if ratio > 0.9 bw ( ab ) ( ab ) � 10 Mo/s 100 Mo/s 100 Mo/s Not symmetric: � mes ( cd ) and ( cd ) � mes ( ab ). a c b d Definition of the “real” interference (to reintroduce symmetry) � ( ab ) � � mes ( cd ) ( ab ) � � rl ( cd ) ⇐ ⇒ � mes ( ab ) ( or ) ⇐ ⇒ ¬ ( ab ) � rl ( cd ) ( cd ) �

  9. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Problem statement Notations H : set of nodes Interference matrix I ( H , � � rl ): � if ( ab ) � 1 � rl ( cd ) I ( H , � � rl ) ( a , b , c , d ) = 0 else Definition InterferenceGraph : Given H and I ( H , � G ), find a routed graph � e G = ( V , E , r ) such that:   H ⊂ V ;  I ( H , � G ) = I ( H , � � G ) ; � e   | V | is minimal.

  10. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Outline Introduction Context Motivation and goals State of the art ALNeM Model used Measurement methodology Problem statement Mathematical tools, algorithms Total interference and separators Reconstruction trees and cliques of trees Extension for cycles Implementation Data collection Conclusion Contributions and future work

  11. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Mathematical tools: Total interference and separators Definition of the total interference ⇒ ∀ ( u , v ) ∈ H , ( au ) � a ⊥ b ⇐ � rl ( bv ) Lemma (Separation) � ⇒ ∃ ρ ∈ � a ⊥ b ⇐ ∀ z ∈ H : ρ ∈ ( a − → z ) ∩ ( b − → z ) . V Such a ρ is said to be a separator of a and b. Theorem: ⊥ is an equivalence relation (under some assumptions) Moreover, ∀ equivalence class, ∃ common separator for all pair of elements. Theorem (Representativity) Let C be an equivalence class for ⊥ and ρ a separator of its elements. ∀ a ∈ C , ∀ b , u , v ∈ H , ( a , u ) � � rl ( b , v ) ⇔ ( ρ, u ) � � rl ( b , v )

  12. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm Handling trees and cliques of trees Equivalence class ⇒ greedy algorithm eating the leaves. D C E B A G H F I A B C D E F G H I

  13. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm Handling trees and cliques of trees Equivalence class ⇒ greedy algorithm eating the leaves. D C E B A G H F B D G I A C E F H I

  14. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm Handling trees and cliques of trees Equivalence class ⇒ greedy algorithm eating the leaves. D C E B A D G G H F B I A C E F H I

  15. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm Handling trees and cliques of trees Equivalence class ⇒ greedy algorithm eating the leaves. D C E B D A G G H F B I A C E F H I

  16. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm Handling trees and cliques of trees Equivalence class ⇒ greedy algorithm eating the leaves. D C E B D A G G H F B I A C E F H I Theorem: When | C inf | = 1, the graph built is a solution. Theorem: If a tree being a solution exists, | C inf | = 1. Remark: The graph built is optimal (wrt | V | since V = H )

  17. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm Handling trees and cliques of trees Equivalence class ⇒ greedy algorithm eating the leaves. D C E B D A G G H F B I A C E F H I Theorem: When | C inf | = 1, the graph built is a solution. Theorem: If a tree being a solution exists, | C inf | = 1. Remark: The graph built is optimal (wrt | V | since V = H ) Theorem: When no interferences in I , clique of C i is valid solution Remark: It is also optimal

  18. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm: Extension for cycles Idea Find a and b close to each other on a cycle; cut the cycle in between; a iterate previous algorithm; b reintroduce the cycle: reconnect ( a , b ). Finding out how to cut a , b : nodes with the most interferences ( i.e., maximizing { u , v : au � � bv } )

  19. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm: Extension for cycles Idea β Find a and b close to each other on a cycle; α cut the cycle in between; a iterate previous algorithm; b reintroduce the cycle: reconnect ( a , b ). Finding out how to cut a , b : nodes with the most interferences ( i.e., maximizing { u , v : au � � bv } )

  20. Introduction ALNeM Mathematical tools, algorithms Implementation Conclusion Reconstructing algorithm: Extension for cycles I 2 Idea I 3 I 1 Find a and b close to each other on a cycle; cut the cycle in between; a iterate previous algorithm; b reintroduce the cycle: reconnect ( a , b ). Finding out how to cut a , b : nodes with the most interferences ( i.e., maximizing { u , v : au � � bv } ) 8 ˘ ¯ I 1 = u ∈ C i : a ∈ ( b − → u ) and b �∈ ( a − → u ) > > ˘ ¯ a > I 2 = u ∈ C i : a �∈ ( b − → u ) and b ∈ ( a − → u ) < I 4 = { a ; b } or u ˘ ¯ I 3 = u ∈ C i : a �∈ ( b − → u ) and b �∈ ( a − → u ) > b > > ˘ ¯ : I 4 = u ∈ C i : a ∈ ( b − → u ) and b ∈ ( a − → u )


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