Ambition Nottingham Sutton Scholars Year 7 Ambition Enrichment Day tasks
A virtual welcome! Hello! We hope you are safe and well during this difficult time. We are sorry you are unable to attend your Year 7 Enrichment Day this year, due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. We wanted to provide you with an opportunity to complete some fun activities towards the Ambition Nottingham Sutton Scholars programme!
Ambition Nottingham Enrichment tasks ▪ In this presentation, you will find a series of tasks to complete – these are all optional (you can choose to complete just 1 task, some of them, all of them etc!) ▪ The tasks with a star next to them means there is a chance to win a prize for your completed work! ▪ Therefore, the more tasks you complete, the more chance you have of winning a prize!
What prizes can you win? ▪ Task 1: prize draw for £10 Amazon voucher ▪ Task 2: prize draw for £10 Amazon voucher ▪ Task 3: prize draw for £20 Amazon voucher (both parts of Task 3 to be submitted) ▪ Please note: Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the Pre-16 Ambition team are all working from home. Therefore, please be aware that there will be a delay for the prize winners receiving their prize. However, we will ensure you do receive these, once restrictions have been lifted - we thank you for your patience.
Starter activity
Ambition Nottingham Socrative quiz When you see this page, you have What do you remember from completed the quiz and you can come your previous Ambition back to the PowerPoint slides. Nottingham events? (There isn't another activity to complete on Socrative) Complete the quiz: ▪ Go to ▪ Click 'Login' > 'Student Login' ▪ Room name: AMBITIONNOTTS ▪ Enter your name: First name, Surname
Task 1: In your own words...
Task 1: Reflective writing In 250 words, write about your time on the Ambition Nottingham programme so far. There are some key questions to consider on your worksheet titled 'Task 1 Reflective writing worksheet' . You can upload your finished work at the end.
Task 2: What would you take to university?
Task 2: What would you take to university? Scenario: You are packing to go to university. Choose your top 6 items to take with you and explain your reasons. Using the 'Task 2 Items to take to university' worksheet, you can insert images from Google to add to the grid and write a short reason why you have decided on that item. You can upload your finished work at the end.
Task 3: Design your own university
Part 1: Poster
Task 3: Design your own university (part 1) ▪ Create a poster for your own university ▪ There is a prompt sheet to help – 'Task 3 Design a university challenge' ▪ On your poster, you should include: ▪ The University’s name and location ▪ University logo ▪ Courses available ▪ The design of the university, including buildings and facilities ▪ Type of accommodation ▪ Types of facilities e.g. libraries, sports centre, health centre ▪ Societies and sports clubs available
Your completed poster ▪ If you have completed your poster on the computer, please save your work in this format: 'Task 3- firstname surname ' so that we can tell who the work belongs to ▪ If you have completed your poster by hand using paper, you will be able to take a photo of your work and upload it. If possible, please rename the file with your details: 'Task 3- firstname surname '.
Part 2: Video
Task 3: Design your own university (part 2) Take some time to plan your 1-2 minute promotional video : ▪ Guidelines: only objects, scenery and shots of your work are to be included in the video please (no students or adults should be filmed - there should be no images of any person including yourself in the video) ▪ Think about what you want to say to promote your university – introduce with the name, location etc. Then consider what are the best things about your university that you want to mention? ▪ Think about different scenes for your video – you could film short clips in different rooms in your house or out in your garden
Lights, camera, action! ▪ Using a tablet or phone, film your 1-2 minute promotional video about your university ▪ Be as creative as you like! ▪ You can pause and re-start the recording to film different scenes ▪ You can download free apps to film and edit your video, such as StopFrame Animation, iMovie or PowerDirector (optional) ▪ Save your video as 'Task 3- firstname surname' ▪ You can upload your finished work at the end.
Uploading your completed work
Uploading your completed work ▪ Please save your work in this format: 'Task 1- first name surname' etc, so that we can tell who the work belongs to ▪ Your parent or carer can then complete this online form to upload your completed work (please note, the video file will take longer to upload due to the file size) ▪ The deadline to submit your work is by Tuesday 30 June 2020 ▪ Please note: if you and your parent/carer are happy for you to be entered in to the prize draw, your parent/carer will need to input their email address on the online form. The parent/carer of each prize draw winner will be communicated by email by Friday 3 July 2020. However, as already mentioned, there may be a delay in receiving your prize, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
What have you learnt?
What have you learnt? Skills you have developed: ▪ Confidence ▪ Creativity ▪ Communication ▪ Problem Solving ▪ Researching ▪ New technology
Evaluation form ▪ We hope that you have enjoyed completing these tasks! ▪ Once your parent/carer has submitted your tasks via the online form, they should receive an email with a short evaluation form for you to complete ▪ This should only take 5 minutes ▪ We look forward to finding out how you found the tasks!
Next year on Ambition Nottingham...
Ambition Nottingham Coming up next year… Year 8 ▪ School visit – future careers ▪ A visit to the U niversity’s Sutton Bonington Campus – how to get closer to achieving your ambitions ▪ Ambition Enrichment day
Thank You! Thank you for completing our Enrichment Day challenges! We will be in touch with the prize winners by the deadline! Good luck! @UoNoutreach The University of Nottingham
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