always by your side

ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE Always by your side. to prevent, control and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE Always by your side. to prevent, control and mitigate all kinds of property damage 1 Always by your side. WATER FIRE CLIMATE All crucial for human life. At the same time posing an unpredictable threat to valuable

  1. ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE Always by your side. – to prevent, control and mitigate all kinds of property damage 1

  2. Always by your side. WATER FIRE CLIMATE All crucial for human life. At the same time posing an unpredictable threat to valuable property. 2

  3. Always by your side. ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE. We provide solutions to prevent, control and mitigate all kinds of property damage – from the everyday, right through to the worst that nature can cause. Our knowledge and technology are leading-edge. More importantly: our people have a passion and heart for giving help when disaster strikes. We are Always By Your Side. Whenever there is a problem. That is why so many customers side with us. 3


  5. Our basics Always by your side. 5

  6. Polygon in figures Always by your side. 677 350,000 m EUR SALES, 2019 YEARLY ASSIGNMENTS 4,500 60+ EMPLOYEES YEARS’ EXPERIENCE 3 14 CONTINENTS COUNTRIES +300 24/7 DEPOTS SERVICE 6

  7. The Polygon framework Always by your side. Brand p promise Always By Your Side What we stand for Focus us The global expert in Property Our core business Damage Control Mis issio ion We prevent, control and mitigate the effects What we do of water, fire and climate Approach Solutions through people, technology and knowledge How we do it Va Valu lues Integrity, Excellence and Empathy What we believe in Custom omer er s seg egmen ents Companies, Households, Public Sector and Insurers To whom we deliver Servic ice lin lines Water Damage Fire Damage Temporary What we offer Restoration Restoration Climate Solutions 7

  8. Brand promise – What we stand for Always by your side. Always By Your Side  Strong local presence backed by global resources  Deep customer involvement, beyond our service commitment  Helping people to get on with their lives  Integrity, Excellence and Empathy 8

  9. Focus – Our core business Always by your side. The global expert in Property Damage Control  A clear focus – one-stop shop for preventing, controlling and mitigating  High quality and excellence in every area  Dedicated to be the best at what we do 9

  10. Mission – What we do Always by your side. We prevent, control and mitigate the effects of water, fire and climate  Offering both standardised and tailor-made solutions in property damage control  Meeting the needs of all types of customers  Responding to increasing demands for preventive measures  Leading industry professionalisation and digitalisation 10

  11. Approach – How we do it Always by your side. Solutions through people, technology and knowledge  Committed people with a passion for helping others  State of the art technology driven by continuous development  Outstanding knowledge gained from 350,000 yearly assignments  Distributed organisation driven by local entrepreneurship supported by a strong corporate culture 11

  12. Core values – what we believe in Always by your side. We are transparent and act in We are experts and knowledge We have a genuine an honest way. We take leaders, striving for continuous understanding of our responsibility for our actions. improvement and applying best customers’ challenges. Our Reliability is a key part of the practice from our global people make a difference by services we offer. operations. showing respect and compassion. 12

  13. To whom we deliver Always by your side. Four customer segments LARGE PROJECTS Managed Property MEDIUM SIZED Intermediaries Construction Public Sector PROJECTS Commercial Households Residential Industry SMALL JOBS Companies Households Public Insurance Sector 13

  14. Our strategy Always by your side. 14

  15. A growth focused strategy  Always by your side.  Struc uctur ure & & Cultur ure (build a better business and focus on people and culture)  Produ ductivity & & Servi vice D e Deliver ery (improve operations)  Portfolio D Dev evel elopment (increase share of wallet with our key account customers)  New ew S Segmen ents & s & Solutions s (grow property management and commercial insurance)  Cro ross-Bor Border S Solution ions (sell and deliver major and complex claims)  Bu Buy & & Bu Build (grow by acquisitions) 15

  16. Our strategic journey Always by your side. 16

  17. Driving industry transformation Always by your side. through digitalisation  Embracing our leadership role  Redesigning the value chain  Automating processes  Facilitating seamless integration with insurers  Responding to the requirements for prevention services  Utilizing and developing Internet-of-Things solutions 17

  18. Streamlining Damage Control via digitalisation Always by your side. CY CIENCY EFFICI FUTURE RE PAST ST CUSTOMER E EXPERIENC NCE 18

  19. Always by your side. Our business approach 19

  20. Market trends favour Always by your side. big players  Scale and resources are important  Consolidation, digitalisation, supply chain centralisation and climate focus transform the industry  Insurance claims – low-cyclical and resilient to economic downturns – drive the demand  Fragmented market enables acquisitions  Extreme weather events require scale and cross-border cooperation 20

  21. Being global, acting local Always by your side. Denmark 337 14 Austria 111 16 Canada 36 3 Finland 367 27 Belgium 44 2 Singapore 5 1 Norway 382 59 France 100 13 USA 136 17 Sweden 285 48 Germany 1 841 72 UK 718 17 Netherlands 174 14 Switzerland 94 9 = Employees = Depots 21

  22. Good is not good enough Always by your side.  Consolidation of the Polygon expertise in five Centres of Excellence  Cross-border activity to develop best practices  Elevates our industry to a new level of professionalism 22

  23. Our five Centres of Excellence Always by your side. MOIST STURE CON ONTROL OL Sweden MAJ AJOR AN AND COMPLEX LEX CLA LAIMS Germany TEMPORARY RY CLIMAT ATE SOLUTION IONS EMER ERGEN ENCIES US DOCUMENT NT Germany RESTOR ORATION ION UK, US and Netherlands Centres of excellence Countries in the Polygon Group 23


  25. The Polygon Model: Always by your side. helps our people make a difference 25

  26. Always by your side. Our responsibility 26

  27. Responsibility is clear Always by your side. to our hearts  Our core business is to restore property and thereby contribute to reduced use of resources  Our Responsibility Programme guides us to minimise risks, safeguard values and act sustainably, responsibly and with respect for others  We have a systematic approach to governance via our Code of Conduct 27

  28. Key sustainability areas Always by your side. 28

  29. First-choice employer Always by your side.  4,500 employees in 14 countries with a mix of backgrounds act independently when helping customers in the best and fastest way  Experience and skills are valuable but the right attitude is decisive  Strategic talent management via Polygon Academy  Education and training via Polygon Learning Zone  Structured approach to health and safety  Employee survey shows high engagement and most survey results are above industry benchmark 29

  30. The Polygon Academy Always by your side.  “If Polygon only knew… what Polygon already knows”  The Polygon Academy is established to share practice in an organised way  Unique in our industry  Champions become ambassadors for the Polygon Model 30

  31. Reducing environmental impact Always by your side.  Our core business brings valuable property back to life, decreasing both environmental impact and cost  We focus on efficient use of materials, energy and other resources  Every country drives their own agenda to reduce environmental impact  A study indicates that Polygon’s water damage restoration services avoided around 11,000 tonnes of CO 2 emissions during 2019*  Driving record systems, route optimisation, speed limiting devices and eco- driving training contributes to reduce of fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions from transports * conducted in collaboration with students at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. 31

  32. Responsible business Always by your side.  We have high ethical standards and always show respect towards individuals, organisations and society  Our people are expected to lead by example with our values Integrity, Excellence and Empathy as core principles  The Polygon Model and our Code of Conduct guide our efforts 32


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