alpha english department 2019 film as text and visual

Alpha English Department 2019 FILM AS TEXT AND VISUAL LITERACY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alpha English Department 2019 FILM AS TEXT AND VISUAL LITERACY CLOSE VIEWING STRATEGIES METHODOLOGY FOR THEMATIC UNITS ASSESSMENT DISCUSSION 1 2 3 4 Contemporary Visual Inclusive Interactive and popular art showing not communal

  1. Alpha English Department 2019


  3. 1 2 3 4 Contemporary Visual – Inclusive Interactive – and popular art showing not communal form telling viewing experience

  4.  ' "Text' and 'texts' are generic terms referring to all forms of oral, written, VI SUAL , or digital communication" - ELA curriculum  Texts can be short stories, poems, and novels, BUT ALSO... TED Talks, Youtube videos, podcasts, FI LMS, posters, tv shows, memes, advertisements, tweets and blogs.

  5. • Film as text: Films can be “read” and interpreted just like short stories or poems. • Visual literacy (understanding and communicating in images) is essential to the modern, educated citizen. •Visual literacy promotes ACTIVE viewing and critical thinking – key skills in our digital age.​ How is s t he e t ex ext cons nst ruc uct ed and nd f for w ha hat purpose? se?

  6.  General Terms frame, shot, scene, mise-en-scene  Camera Shots long shot, medium shot, close-up, point of view, depth of field, soft focus, deep focus, shallow focus  Camera Position bird's eye view, high angle, low angle, dutch tilt  Camera Movement Film terms tracking, pan, tilt combined  Editing with story cut, dissolve, fade, wipe terms.  Lighting high key, low key, backlighting  Sound diegetic and non-diegetic

  7. Observations – What do you notice? Significance - Why is it important? Camera Shots and Angles: Camera Movement: Imagery & Lighting: Sound: Point of View: The main idea of the introduction of Lord of War:

  8. Details: What do you notice? Significance: Why is it important? • Colour • Sound • I magery • Point of View Jaws by Steven Spielberg

  9. Colour/ Lighting Sound/ Music HOW DO FI LM TECHNI QUES HELP TO BUI LD CHARACTE R? Collecting details Camera movement, positions, I magery and making shots inferences for character

  10. Unit 1: Defining and Expressing identity We will explore how text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others and the world. Film Studies 10

  11. Unit 3: I deas Worth Fighting For We will explore how personal, social, cultural contexts, values and perspectives play a role in texts, how people manipulate text and image for a desired effect

  12. Unit 1: The Dark Side  How are film and literary techniques used for effect in texts? THEMATI C  How is suspense created in stories and for what ORGANI ZATI ON purpose? Film Studies 11

  13. Unit 2: Fantasy and Reality •What are some conditions that lead to the desire to escape reality? •What are the benefits and pitfalls of using the imagination?

  14. Unit 3: Delving Beneath the Surface •Why do writer's use extended metaphors and symbols?

  15. Unit 4: The Nature of Evil •Why do good people do bad things? •Is aggression necessary to get ahead in life? •Do the means justify the ends? •Are there circumstances under which it is reasonable to break one's personal moral code?

  16. A B C+ C/ C- Beyond Expectations Proficient Developing Emerging Not Yet Meeting Expectations Completion Notes are completed Notes are completed Notes are mostly Notes are partially Notes are incomplete, Detail thoroughly, accurately, thoroughly, accurately, complete and accurate complete with limited incomprehensible, or Accuracy and with some detail. with limited detail. inaccurate. and with abundant detail and/or some detail. inaccuracies. Understanding Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a Student Student demonstrates Analysis perceptive and insightful proficient understanding surface understanding demonstrates minimal u little understanding or a Synthesis understanding of of text and of text and devices with nderstanding of text misunderstanding of text and devices. devices with competent superficial analysis and with a limited ability to text and lack of analysis Student demonstrates analysis and critical critical thinking skills. analyze and think and critical thinking superior analysis and thinking skills. critically. skills. critical thinking skills.

  17.  How do you use film in your classes?  What films might connect Start thematically with texts you Brainstorming! already know, love, and teach?

  18. Questions?

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