On the north edge of town, along the Alexauken
The Flemington Neshanock BBC vs Newtown “Picked Nine” Club Annual Memorial Day match at Pickering Field Newtown, Pennsylvania photo by Bucks County Tintype, 2015 Scott “Snuffy” Hengst [kneeling first row, fourth from left]
The early days of base ball in Lambertville, NJ A historical review circa 1865-1866 by Scott “Snuffy” Hengst
The Flemington Neshanock BBC vs Elkton Eclipse (MD) during match at Howell Living History Farm, Lambertville, New Jersey Scott “Snuffy” Hengst [kneeling first row, third from right]
PechuKucha Presentations on the Lambertville Logan and cousin Dave Zearfoss - catcher for the New York & St. Louis clubs (NL) circa 1890-1900
Early influences
Ticket for the Magnolia Ball Club 1844 at the Elysian Fields and Colonnade Hotel - Hoboken, New Jersey https://ourgame.mlblogs.com/the-elysian-fields-dc82eb7b6165
English touring cricket team 1859 Matches in Montreal, Hoboken, Philadelphia, Hamilton (Ontario), Rochester (NY) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_cricket_team_in_North_America_in_1859
Harper’s Weekly Oct.1859, cricket and base ball matches at the Elysian Fields http://hoboken.pastperfectonline.com/archive/B3B1CFE2-619A-4B34-86CD-532425251015
Knickerbocker Club of NY & Excelsior Base Ball Club of Brooklyn at the Elysian Fields, September 1859 http://www.covehurst.net/ddyte/brooklyn/ancient.html; http://www.19cbaseball.com/image-knickerbocker-and-excelsior-baseball-teams.html; https://www.thenationalpastimemuseum.com/article/game-sport-baseball-1850s
The “Athletics” of Philadelphia circa mid -1860s Elias Hicks Hayhurst standing center left in light-colored vest The National Pastime: A Review of Baseball History, SABR, Spring 1984
Birth of the Logan Club
News of President Lincoln’s assassination in The Beacon April 21, 1865 The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1865
Base Ball in The Beacon newspaper July 28, 1865 July 21, 1865 “A base ball club has been organized in this place.” First practice July 28, 1865 at 2 o’clock on the Delaware Cricket Club grounds Meeting for business at Reeve’s Photograph Room at 8 o’clock The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1865
Base Ball in The Beacon newspaper August 4, 1865 match game Aug 4 th interesting game expected Aug 11 th meet for practice Aug 25 th meet for play Sept 1 st August 25, 1865 August 11, 1865 September 1, 1865 The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1865
Base Ball in The Beacon newspaper October 6, 1865 September 22, 1865 September 29, 1865 match game at Belvidere Sept 22 nd married & single men Sept 29 th match game vs Belvidere Oct 6 th The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1865
Lambertville Logan vs Belvidere Club (NJ) in 1865 Belvidere won both matches 33-10 & 56-36 The Warren Journal (newspaper), Belvidere, NJ 1865
Championship match between Mutual Club & Atlantic Base Ball Club in 1865 Currier & Ives (1866) The American National Game of Base Ball
Base- ball match between the “Athletics” of Philadelphia, Pa., and the “Atlantics” of Brooklyn, N.Y., played at Philadelphia, October 30 1865 Sketched by Joseph Boggs Beale http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/37292
Base Ball in The Beacon newspaper May 11, 1866 May 4, 1866 “…annual meeting, all the members are expected to be present.” List of officers and players for the Delaware Cricket Club, Logan Base Ball Club, and Junior Cricket Club The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866
Base Ball in The Beacon newspaper Formation of clubs in Frenchtown and Flemington in June and July 1866 June 22, 1866 June 15, 1866 July 27, 1866 “match game of base ball... between the first nine of the Logan Base Ball Club and a picked nine of the Delaware Cricket Club” The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866
Base Ball in The Beacon newspaper August 17, 1866 August 10, 1866 Sept 7, 1866 formation of Young America Aug 10 th prize game – ginger cake Aug 17 th match game at Flemington Sept 7 th The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866
Lambertville Logan vs Young America (youth team) & prize match game of base ball August 24, 1866 August 17, 1866 The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866
August 31, 1866 Athletic BBC of Philadelphia Hicks Hayhurst pictured center left The National Pastime: A Review of Baseball History, SABR, Spring 1984
The “Athletic” Game Lambertville Logan vs Athletic BBC of Philadelphia The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866
Why Lambertville? Elias Hicks Hayhurst Hayhurst umpired the prize match game in Lambertville, August 31 - one week prior to the Athletic match The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866 Details from The National Pastime: A Review of Baseball History, SABR, Spring 1984
Dr. Jeremiah Hayhurst Lambertville Logan Club Treasurer (1865-66) Brother of Elias Hicks Hayhurst (Philadelphia Athletic) www.ancestry.com The Beacon (newspaper) Lambertville, NJ The Pennsylvania Journal of Dental Science , vol. 3, January 1876 no 1. July 28, 1865
Philadelphia Athletics and Brooklyn Atlantics, Harper’s Weekly , November 1866 https://sabr.org/gamesproj/game/october-1866-return-their-investment
Lambertville Logan vs Flemington Neshanock & Minerva Club (L’ville) vs Star Club (Flem.) youth clubs September 7, 1866 September 7, 1866 www.neshanock.org The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866 Photo of modern day Flemington Neshanock (at right)
No coverage throughout 1867 until… BASE BALL editorial by Clark Pierson “Since base ball has attained the dignity of being our ‘national game,’ it has become a ponderous and elaborate affair… Rules, as rigid as those which govern the proceedings of Congress… goodly volumes are published discussing the size, shape and weight of balls and bats… A club of novices practices daily, sometimes to the neglect of everything else, and the sore annoyance of parents and employers…” The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1867
Logan Club officers and ball players
1865 Logan Club Officers July 28, 1865 President: William V. Cooley (46yo) Vice President: James M. Robinson (45) Secretary: Judson Roberts (19, father Charles worked for the Penn R.R.) Treasurer: Dr. Jeremiah Hayhurst (dentist) Directors: Col. Ashbel W. Angel (Captain) Theodore Frelinghuysen Skillman (23) Theodore Abbott “recently admitted to practice” as lawyer in March 1864 The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1865
May 11, 1866 1866 Logan Club Officers President: James M. Robinson Vice President: William V. Cooley Secretary: T.F. Skillman Treasurer: Dr. Jeremiah Hayhurst Captain: Theodore Abbott Esq. Directors: C.A. Skillman Esq., Augustus C. Barber, C.D. Coryell The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866
Logan Club Captain A.W. Angel November 2, 1866 http://www.topogs.org/bcw_angel.htm The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1865 https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=10476198
A.W. Angel Obituary “Colonel Ashbel W. Angel had faced death upon the sandy plains and amid the rugged mountains, had stood exposed in the thickest of the fight in numerous battles, when shot and shell spread carnage and death on every hand, had come forth with honorable wounds, and in the pursuit of an honorable living in a distant land, was stricken down almost as suddenly as by the stroke of a cannon shot, far from home and friends he loved, amid strangers. He is called to his final resting place, and with his bereaved and sorrowing family we can but cherish his memory and mourn his loss.” July 11, 1884 (died July 5th in Panama) The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1884
Civil War monument, Mary Sheridan Park, Lambertville A.W. Angel’s brother Capt. Charles Augustus Company A, 35 th New Jersey Volunteers Infantry killed in action near Ruff’s Mill, Georgia July 4, 1864 http://amanlypastime.blogspot.com/2015/05/for-union-dead.html
Boozer’s Hardware House – 45 North Union Street, circa 1860s? Lambertville Historical Society collection
J.F. Boozer scored one run & made eight outs during the prize match game, as a member of A.W. Angel’s team Lambertville Historical Society collection; The Beacon (newspaper), Lambertville, NJ 1866; Google Maps
William V. Cooley James M. Robinson Club President (1865), VP (1866) Club VP (1865), President (1866) History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, New Jersey, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers, James P. Snell, 1881
Detail from Hunterdon County Atlas Beers, Comstock & Cline, 1873 P roperty owned by Logan Club members next to the Hill School http://www.historicmapworks.com/Map/US/10823/Lambertville+2/Hunterdon+County+1873/New+Jersey/
Detail from View of Lambertville, New Jersey O.H. Bailey & Co., 1883 School house on Coryell’s Hill and adjacent open field used for informal ball games https://collections.leventhalmap.org/search/commonwealth:9s161835r
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