alignment of gaps with cosmic rays

Alignment of Gaps With Cosmic Rays Tom Junk ProtoDUNE Simulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alignment of Gaps With Cosmic Rays Tom Junk ProtoDUNE Simulation and Reconstruction Meeting November 14, 2018 Alignment Nearly every detector in HEP is aligned with cosmic rays Elaborate examples: - CMS: -

  1. Alignment of Gaps With Cosmic Rays Tom Junk ProtoDUNE Simulation and Reconstruction Meeting November 14, 2018

  2. Alignment • Nearly every detector in HEP is aligned with cosmic rays • Elaborate examples: - CMS: - ALICE: - An ATLAS Ph.D. Thesis: Vincente Lacuesta Miquel And another: Regina Moles-Valls No specific mention of cosmic rays in either of these, but the idea's the same. Tracks from the collision point are copious at the LHC, but there are "weak directions" 2 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  3. Alignment Constants we Expect to Measure well in DUNE M. Wallbank's thesis: Local deviations from nominal for inter-APA gaps APA's seen from above, looking down a vertical gap APA APA APA APA z x Need positive ! x or negative ! z Need positive ! x or positive ! z to fix this track (really a combination) to fix this track (really a combination) 3 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  4. Vertical Gap Measurement Precision: 35-ton experience From Mike Wallbank's work on • Stat errors of order 10-50 microns cm 35-ton measurements. Some gaps had more crossing • tracks than others and are thus better measured. Assumes: ! x and ! z are • Error bars constant along the length of the gap on these points are arbitrary " #7 = 1.79×10 -: cm 1tracks " #$ = 5.83×10 -. cm 1tracks 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment 4

  5. Gap Strategy: ProtoDUNE-SP • Tracks aren't straight in liquid argon, so we select track stubs on either side of an APA gap. • Use SpacePointSolver's SpacePoints as input data • Any ProtoDUNE-SP run will do (need stable HV conditions) – plenty of cosmic rays and beam halo muons. • Current cuts: select space points within 20 cm of a vertical gap, but not within 1 cm. (needs tuning). • Cluster space points based on proximity into stub candidates. • Fit lines in 3D. Require chisquared/DOF < 10 to reduce contaimination from crooked segments and overlapping/interacting particles. 5 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  6. Space Points Near Gaps: X vs Z reco3d SpacePoints for Alignment X Older selection ( c m with 10 cm ) 300 cut around gaps 200 Space point locations 100 are relative to nominal geometry wire locations 0 No attempt made to assign − 100 correct times – not really necessary as segment pairs − 200 come at the same time. − 300 One file from Run 5177 350 400 450 250 300 Z (cm) 6 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  7. Space Points Near Gaps: Y vs Z reco3d SpacePoints for Alignment 600 Y (cm) More ambiguities seen in this view. 500 Beam halo muons in 400 particular tend to be isochronous. 300 200 100 250 300 350 400 450 Z (cm) 7 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  8. A Bee Event Display Space points from isochronous tracks are spread out in Y. Interesting aside: Density of possible space points clusters around a possible track trajectory, but it doesn't line up between APA's. Possible timing misalignment between views? 8 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  9. Gap Strategy, Cont'd • Select pairs of track stubs on either side of the gap • Abs(cos of angle between unit vectors of stubs) > 0.95 • Distance between starting point of one segment and the line of the other segment < 3 cm. 9 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  10. Selected Stub Pairs reco3d SpacePoints for Alignment Space points associated with stubs drawn. 600 One file's worth of data Y (cm) from Run 5177 500 400 Surprisingly low efficiency 300 for vertical-ish tracks. Mostly horizontal tracks pass my 200 selections 100 300 X ( c 200 m ) 100 ) 0 m 450 c ( Z − 100 400 − 350 200 300 − 300 250 10 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  11. An Event in the Collection View Distortions seen near APA boundary. More apparent for steep tracks. Gap in arrival times of charge for steep tracks. I suspect missing charge. Event display tuned by Corey Adams, run by Tingjun Yang. Run 5439 Event 13. APA's 3 and 2 (Beam Right, collection view). 11 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  12. Electron Diverter Installed in beam-right APA's (1, 2, and 3) x z DUNE Doc 1794 (PD-SP TDR) 12 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  13. Effect on Showers Noticed by Aidan Reynolds and James Pillow "flatlands" saturation. 13 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  14. Gap Strategy • Once pairs of segments have been selected, fit their space points jointly to a line in 3D as a function of - gap ! x and - gap ! z • I scanned these from -1 cm to +1 cm in a 2D plane (possible correlations between measurements, but not if we have enough tracks). • Plot sum of line-fit chisquareds in the ( ! x, ! z) plane for each of the four gaps. • Assumes no rotations for now, just translations. 14 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  15. Chisquared vs dx and dz Occasional fit failures Chisq for gap number: 0 Chisq for gap number: 0 Chisq for gap number: 1 Chisq for gap number: 1 dz (cm) dz (cm) give spots on 1 1 30400 22000 30200 pictures – some 21800 30000 0.5 0.5 work to clean up 29800 21600 29600 21400 0 0 29400 Gap numbering: 21200 29200 29000 21000 − − 0.5 0.5 28800 20800 0: upstream, beam right 28600 − 20600 − 1 1 1: upstream, beam left 28400 − − − − 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 dx (cm) dx (cm) 2: downstream, beam right Chisq for gap number: 2 Chisq for gap number: 2 Chisq for gap number: 3 Chisq for gap number: 3 3: downstream, beam left 26000 dz (cm) dz (cm) 1 1 34000 33800 25500 One file's worth of data in 0.5 0.5 33600 Run 5833. 33400 25000 0 0 Chisquareds not normalized 33200 33000 (don't have right errors). 24500 − − 0.5 0.5 32800 Strategy: use variations in 32600 24000 fit values over many − − 1 32400 1 − − − − 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 dx (cm) dx (cm) samples to determine uncertainties. 15 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  16. Another File of data Chisq for gap number: 0 Chisq for gap number: 0 Chisq for gap number: 1 Chisq for gap number: 1 dz (cm) 24800 dz (cm) 1 1 37200 24600 37000 0.5 0.5 24400 36800 36600 From Run 5834 24200 0 0 36400 24000 36200 Gap numbering: 23800 36000 − − 0.5 0.5 35800 23600 35600 0: upstream, beam right − − 1 1 23400 − − − − 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 dx (cm) dx (cm) 1: upstream, beam left Chisq for gap number: 2 Chisq for gap number: 2 Chisq for gap number: 3 Chisq for gap number: 3 2: downstream, beam right 39000 dz (cm) dz (cm) 1 1 3: downstream, beam left 33400 38500 33200 0.5 0.5 Mysterious shift in Z in 33000 38000 the beam-right samples. 32800 0 0 Could be the diverters 32600 37500 causing this. 32400 − − 0.5 0.5 37000 32200 32000 − − 1 1 − − − − 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 dx (cm) dx (cm) 16 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  17. Status and Plans • Analysis developed as a ROOT macro using gallery. - convenient, since it runs in an environment where adding a plot and iterating to see what's going on is quick. • Some shortcuts taken (no geometry service for example, so APA boundaries hard-coded in). Configuration parameters not input nicely. Could be made into an art module. • Sanity check – pretend the gaps are in the middle of an APA and fit for distortions. They should be zero. • Need to figure out what the biases and uncertainties are • Only studied ( ! x, ! z) for four gaps, assuming constant ( ! x, ! z) as a function of y for each gap. • Measure ! y and rotations. Six parameters per APA. • Some combinations of parameters will be poorly constrained (e.g. distance between beam-left and beam-right APA planes), at least with this method. • Help is welcome! Patrick Tsang has expressed interest. I wanted to clean up my script and remove egregious bugs first – done! 17 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  18. Electrons should still drift Effect on the Drift mostly in the x direction, but have their arrival times distorted. Due to Rotations position distortions may be more noticeable viewed from above for tracks that go near the APA's 11/14/18 18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

  19. Effect on the Drift • Field distortions due to misaligned cathode and anode planes are expected to be localized near the distorted element. • Go far away from the distorted panel/APA, and the field should be asymptotically uniform. May need to do a calculation to see just how local this is • But – electron arrival time distortions occur for charge drifting from anywhere in the drift volume due to field distortions at the anode • And cathode field distortions only affect tracks close to the cathode. 19 11/14/18 T. Junk | Cosmic Ray Alignment

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