ALBERTA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORTATION INSTRUMENTATION MONITORING RESULTS FALL 2006 SECTION C PEACE REGION (PEACE RIVER I HIGH LEVEL) SITE PH1 0: HWY 726:02, EUREKA RIVER OBSERVATIONS 1. Field Program and Instrumentation Status 1.1 Three slope inclinometers (SI98-1, 2, and 02-3) and three pneumatic piezometers a, and 2) were read at the Hwy 726:02 Eureka River site on October (PN02-1, 1 M.Sc., and Mr. Kevin Carpenter, of 16, 2006 by Mr. Gustavo Padros, Thurber Engineering Ltd. (Thurber). Sl's were read using a SINCO Digitilt probe with 2 ft wheelbase and a T h e Digitilt Datamate readout. Inclinometer reading depths were defined as per cable markings with respect to the top of the inclinometer clamps. The pneumatic piezometers were read using a Petur pneumatic piezometer reader supplied by RST Instruments. INTERPRETATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 2. 2 . 1 General Sl plots with A and B directions are presented in Section D and are summarized below. Where movement has .been recorded the resultant plot (X direction, if applicable) and a rate of movement have also been provided. Pneumatic piezometer results are also provided in Section D . Zones of Movement 2.2 Zones of new movement were not observed 1n the Sl's since the last set of readings in the Spring of 2006. Zones of old movement are summarized in Table P H 1 0-1 at the end of this report. of This table also provides a historical account of the total movement, the dept~ movement, and the maximum rate of movement that has occurred at this site
since the initialization of the slope inclinometers. Recommendations R e s u l t s A n d p r e t a t i o n o f M o n i t o r i n g 2.3 I n t e r 2.3.1 Interpretation: mm/yr) was registered at the Sl98-1 location since o v e m e n t (1 A very slow creep m a previous report, the bottom of the last set of readings. However, as mentioned i n location of the movement the Sl98-1 is believed to be situated just above or at t h e not accurately reflect the rate or the deflection of the slide zone, so that it d o e s movement. Slope inclinometer Sl98-2, located upslope of the highway, has registered since e r 0 to 2.7 m depth and the Spring of 2006 an incremental movement of 3.5 mm o v recorded a rate of movement of 8.5 mm/yr, which is lower than the trend of movement of previous years. SI02-3, which is located adjacent to the were recorded again i n e n t s Slope m o v e m rate in SI02-3 over 7.9 to flank of the initial most active slide area. The m o v e m e n t 10.4 m depth has generally remained unchanged, and is currently at 10.5 mm/yr. In the past, the deeper slope inclinometers installed in 2002 indicated that the slide is deep seated. However, the current slide activity could not be accurately monitored as the two deep slope inclinometers (SI02-1 and 2) located in the main readings. zone of movement have sheared off since the Fall 2 0 0 3 increased by 0.6 pneumatic piezometer PN02-1 h a s n The piezometric elevation i m. The water level in pneumatic piezometer PN02-2 has also risen and is now 0.5 m higher than in the Spring of 2006. The piezometric elevation i n PN02 - 1 a decreased 1m. The results are presented i n Table PH10-2. 2.3.2 Recommendations: The area is experiencing continued slide movements, and should be monitored by AIT's personnel and MCI when possible. As the boundaries of the slide extend across the road, any significant slide movement would cause traffic disruption. As to install additional e n d e d noted since our Spring 2004 report, it is r e c o m m instruments to replace SI02-1 and SI02-2 and to monitor the slope area between remaining Site #2 and Site #1 where recent movements have been noted. T h e program. instruments should be read again during the Spring 2 0 0 7 T I O N R E P A I R S 3. I N S T R U M E N T A All of the current instruments are operational.
TABLE PH1 0-1 Fall 2006- Eureka River (South of Worsley) Slope Inclinometer Instrumentation Reading Summary Date Monitored: Oct 16, 2006 T O T A L INCREMENTAL C U M U L A T I V E C H A N G E IN R A T E D A T E MOVEMENT R E S U L T A N T R A T E O F O F M O V E M E N T M A X I M U M R A T E S I N C E MOVEMENT AT CURRENT O F I N S T R U M E N T D A T E O F MOVEMENT MOVEMENT S I N C E P R E V I O U S S T A T U S P R E V I O U S P R E V I O U S I N I T I A L I Z E D N O T E D D E P T H # ( m m / y ) R E A D I N G ( m m / y ) R E A D I N G R E A D I N G S I N C E I N I T I A L m / y ) ( m ( m m ) R E A D I N G ( m m ) 6.4 mm over 13.1 to No discernible 1.1 mm/yr between May 19, 2006 1.0 0.3 08 Mar, 1998 14.3 m depth in 40° Operational Sl98-1 movement May and Oct, 2005 direction 329.5 mm over 0.0 140.8 mm/yr 13 Oct, 2000 between May and Operational May 19, 2006 3.5 8.5 -64.1 set as the to 2.7 m depth in 42° Sl98-2 initial reading direction Sep,2001 Sf sheared N I A N I A N ! A N!A N I A 27 S e p , 2 0 0 3 S / 0 2 - 1 2 4 S e p , 2 0 0 2 off at 15m Dummy p r o b e got N I A N I A NIA N!A N I A 2 0 0 2 s t u c k a t t o p 27 S e p , 2 0 0 3 S / 0 2 - 2 2 4 S e p , of S l c a s i n g 14.7 mm over 1.2 to 21.6 mm/yr No discernible between Oct, 2005 2.4 m depth in 60° N/A -34.3 movement direction and May, 2006 SI02-3 24 Sep, 2002 Operational May 19, 2006 14.3 mm/yr 36.7 mm over 7.9 to 10.4 m depth in 45° between May and 4.3 10.5 0.9 direction Oct, 2004
0 - 2 T A B L E P H 1 y ) F a l l 2006- E u r e k a R i v e r ( S o u t h o f W o r s l e P n e u m a t i c P i e z o m e t e r e a d i n g S u m m a r y I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n R Date Monitored: Oct 16, 2006 CHANGE IN MEASURED CURRENT PREVIOUS GROUND WATER TIP CURRENT MAXIMUM PORE PORE WATER WATER DATE LEVEL SINCE INSTRUMENT# DEPTH ELEV. PRESSURE (kPa) PRESSURE LEVEL BGS LEVEL BGS INITIALIZED STATUS (m) (m) PREVIOUS (m) (kPa) (m) READING (m) 57.0 47 5.2 PN02-1 a (27712) N/A 10.0 N/A Active 4.2 -1.0 o n Oct 07, 2004 36.0 19.0 N/A Active 36 15.3 15.9 +0.6 PN02-1 (2771 0) N/A on Oct 16, 2006 7.0 PN02-2 (27711) N/A 14.5 N/A Active 6 13.9 14.4 +0.5 on Sep 27, 2003 Figure PH 10-1 in Section D provides a sketch of the approximate locations of the monitoring instrumentation for this site NOTES: PN - pneumatic piezometer; - below ground surface BGS
0 TRANSPORTATIO N ALBERTA I NF R AST RUCTURJ :R I HI GH LE VEL) PEA CE R EG I ON ( PEA CE SUMMARY M ETER MONITORING F I E L D S LOPE INC L I N O FALL 2006 Read o ut : Datamate Location: PH 10- Eureka River (S. of Worsley) Extension: NIA File N umbe r: 15-85-36 Temp : NIA r obe: Sinco 28918 and 29524 P Read by : GP I KJC Ca ble: 250' and 200' Sinco SLOPE INC LINOM ETER (SI) R E A D I N G S Current Bottom Remarks Azimuth of Stickup Depth from top PS Location Date G Sl# Deoth Readings A+ Groove (m) of clamps (ft) - B+ B- A+ A Easting Northing None 908 -384 383 46 to 2 220° -9 15 0 8 . 0 1 2 ' 1 6 - 0 c t 0.26 N56° 27.006' W I I 9o SJ98-I -29 None w 245° -274 251 1 7 0.28 46 to 2 NS6o 26.981' 119° 08.054' 1 6 - 0 c t SI98-2 None 1920 -1935 295 315 59 to I 60° W I 19" 08.004' 1 6 - 0 c t 0.14 NS6o 27.040' SI02-3 PNEUMATIC PIEZOMET ER READINGS denti tication I Date Reading PN# Number (osi)l(kPa) 27712 10.7 147 1 6 - 0 c t PN02-1a 27710 5.7 136 PN02-l 1 6 - 0 c t 1. 1 I 6 27711 PN02-2 1 6 - 0 c t DAlLY INSP ECTO R REPORT
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