airport community roundtable

Airport Community Roundtable Agenda August 16 th , 2017 1. Call to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Agenda August 16 th , 2017 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of 07.12.17 meeting minutes 4. Presentation from FAA Staff on Air

  1. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Agenda – August 16 th , 2017 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of 07.12.17 meeting minutes 4. Presentation from FAA Staff on Air Traffic Control 5. Presentation from CLT Staff on Expectations & Outcomes 6. Open Table Discussion 7. Next meeting date 09/20/2017 6 PM. Reschedule to 9/13? 8. Establish meeting calendar for 2017-2018 9. Close Meeting

  2. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Air Traffic Control Presented by Mark Clark

  3. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Expectations & Outcomes • Transparent community involvement and advocacy • Member name on website. Contact information provided upon request • Practical solutions oriented balancing: – Airport mission to be preferred airport and airline hub and serve as economic engine to the Carolinas both now and in the future – Equitable distribution of aircraft noise throughout the community

  4. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Expectations & Outcomes (continued) • Precedents – DCA – ORD – SFO • Process – Members request staff to research topic and provide report at next meeting – Standing direction that technical recommendation may be proposed after staff research has been completed and presented

  5. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Expectations & Outcomes (continued) • Future Topics – Statutory framework of airport noise – Standard arrival & departure procedures – NextGen (Next Generation Air Transportation System) – Specific questions and issues identified by participants (as submitted in writing to the Chair)

  6. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Open Table Discussion

  7. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Next meeting proposed Currently scheduled 09/20/17 at 6 PM Possible reschedule 09/13/17 at 6 PM Review of Proposed 2017 – 2018 Calendar

  8. C H A R L O T T E D O U G L A S I N T E R N AT I O N A L A I R P O R T Airport Community Roundtable Thanks!

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