agrec an enhanced tag ent entagrec recommendation system

agRec : An Enhanced Tag EnT EnTagRec Recommendation System for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

agRec : An Enhanced Tag EnT EnTagRec Recommendation System for Software Information Sites Shaowei Wang, David Lo, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik @b_vasilescu @aserebrenik / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15

  1. agRec : An Enhanced Tag EnT EnTagRec Recommendation System for Software Information Sites Shaowei Wang, David Lo, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik @b_vasilescu @aserebrenik

  2. / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 2

  3. / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 3

  4. / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 4

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  6. / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 6

  7. ??? / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 7

  8. EnTagRec / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 8

  9. Xia et al. MSR’13 EnTagRec TagCombine r@5 0.805 0.595 p@5 0.346 0.221 r@5 0.815 0.568 p@5 0.358 0.251 r@5 0.88 0.675 p@5 0.369 0.278 r@5 0.64 0.639 p@5 0.382 0.381 / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 9

  10. EnTagRec TagCombine r@5 0.805 0.595 p@5 0.346 0.221 r@5 0.815 0.568 p@5 0.358 0.251 r@5 0.88 0.675 p@5 0.369 0.278 r@5 0.64 0.639 p@5 0.382 0.381 / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 10

  11. EnT EnTagRec agRec : How have we done it?

  12. EnT EnTagRec agRec : How have we done it? L-LDA [Ramage et al. 2009] tokenization, identifier splitting, stop words, stemming

  13. EnT EnTagRec agRec : How have we done it?

  14. P( | )? I have Java daemon which I want to pass shell commands. For example … / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 14

  15. Actually (preprocessing … ) P( | )? Java daemon want pass shell command exampl daemon load configur possibl / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 15

  16. Tags = nouns (phrases) P( | )? Java daemon want pass shell command exampl daemon load configur possibl / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 16

  17. | P( ) Java Estimate from | P( ) the training daemon data | Combine to P( ) get P for the shell entire text … / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 17

  18. Java daemon want pass shell command exampl daemon load configur | possibl P( ) | ) P( … … | ) P( … / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 18

  19. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 19

  20. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 0.85 / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 20

  21. EnT EnTagRec agRec : How have we done it? α *BIC + β *FIC Train α and β

  22. EnTagRec EnT agRec • is better than BI BIC and FIC FIC separately EnTagRec BIC FIC r@5 0.805 0.565 0.593 p@5 0.346 0.232 0.258 r@5 0.815 0.505 0.637 p@5 0.358 0.212 0.282 r@5 0.88 0.523 0.713 p@5 0.369 0.212 0.298 r@5 0.64 0.391 0.545 p@5 0.382 0.230 0.322 / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 22

  23. EnT EnTagRec agRec • is better than BI BIC and FIC FIC separately • is better than Ta TagCom Combi bine / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 23

  24. So, what was all this about? / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 24

  25. / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 25

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  27. / department of mathematics and computer science 18/02/15 Page 27


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