agora for biosystems celebrating 20 years

Agora for Biosystems Celebrating 20 years 8-9 December 2017 The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Agora for Biosystems Celebrating 20 years 8-9 December 2017 The Music of Life (The term Agora derives from the name of a place of assembly and discussions in ancient Greek cities). Agora for Biosystems An international center for

  1. Agora for Biosystems Celebrating 20 years 8-9 December 2017 ”The Music of Life” (The term Agora derives from the name of a place of assembly and discussions in ancient Greek cities).

  2. Agora for Biosystems An international center for dialogue between experimenters and theorists in the biosciences (The term Agora derives from the name of a place of assembly and discussions in ancient Greek cities).

  3. Objectives The Agora for Biosystems is intended to provide a creative environment for interaction between theorists and experimenters in the biological sciences and related fields of research. This primarily includes:  multidisciplinary research  conferences  seminars  graduate courses  summer schools in the interface of biology, medicine, physics, computer science, and theory of science.

  4. Objectives (contd.) • A specialist library with literature and internet links related to the field is being created and continuously updated. • The purpose is to promote and advance the scientific knowledge and understanding of the interconnected systems of organisms and their environment. • A further aim is to create a platform for dialogues between science and the humanities.

  5. Research Areas The research at Agora for Biosystems was initially organized in larger long-term programs:  Origin and Evolution of Life  Biological Networks  Neural Systems and Processes  Consciousness, Cognition and Behavior  Models and Technologies Inspired by Biology At present, the focus is on the long-term project Human Nature Exploration, aiming at increasing our understanding of what it means to be a human, from different perspectives.

  6. History 1991-94 Graduate course on Theoretical Biology and Philosophy of science, jointly with KTH, KI, and SU 1995 Sigtuna Workshop on Role and Control of Random Events in Biological Systems 1996 Discussions with funding agencies and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) 1997 Agora for Biosystems is founded at KVA and funded by several agencies 2001 Agora for Biosystems moves to new (old) premises at Sigtunastiftelsen 2012 Agora for Biosystems moves administration from KVA to the Sigtuna Foundation 2013 Agora moves back to the main building, close to Forum

  7. Organization ORGANIZERS Hans Liljenström, Director, Dept. of Energy and Technology, SLU, Uppsala Peter Århem, Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Clas Blomberg, Theoretical Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Dietrich von Rosen, Dept. of Energy and Technology, SLU, Uppsala Fredrik Ullén, Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm SOURCES OF FUNDING EU The John Templeton Foundation The Sigtuna Foundation ADMINISTRATION The Sigtua Foundation (Previously the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, KVA) Websites:,

  8. Scientific Advisory Board The Agora Scientific Advisory Board consists of internationally renowned scientists from different fields of research, until presently: Jean-Pierre Changeux, Institut Pasteur, Paris Anders Ehrenberg, Dept. of Biophysics, StockholmUniversity Hermann Haken, Institute of Synergetics, University of Stuttgart Simon Laughlin, Dept of Zoology, Cambridge University Frank Moss, Center for Neurodynamics, Universityof Missouri Sakire Pögün, Center for Brain Research, Ege University Rudolf Rigler, Dept. of Medical Physics, Karolinska Institutet Eörs Szathmary, Theoretical Ecology, Collegium Budapest Lars Terenius, Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institutet

  9. Examples of meetings since 1995 Sigtuna Workshop on the Role and Control of Random Events in  Biology, Sep 1995 Workshop on Origin of Life, Nov 1997  Workshop on Hippocampal Modeling, Jan 1998  Agora Meeting on Fluctuations in Biological Systems, Aug 1999  Nordic Summer School on Computational Biology, Jun 2000 (in  collaboration with Nordita). Workhsop on Olfaction - Facts and Models, Mar 2001  Workshop on Cellular Dynamics, Oct 2002  Meeting on Modeling Mental Processes and Disorders, in  cooperation with Center for Brain Research, Izmir, May 2004 Workshop on Synergetics and self-organization, Jun 2006  Conference on Linnaean Tradition in Modern Biology, Oct 2007  Workshop on Stochastic Resonance in Biology, Jul 2011  International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, ICCN’13,  June 2013 Agora Conference on Free Will, Jun 2017 

  10. Symposia on Science and Society “What is Life?”, Nov 1997 (with John Casti, Stefan Edman, Hans  Hof, Eva Moberg, Erling Norrby) “The Mystery of Consciousness”, Mar 1998 (with Rainer Carls,  Irene Matthis, Sverre Sjölander) “Intentionality – in religion and science”, Feb 1999 (with Walter  Freeman, Ulf Jonsson, Magnus Kihlbom) “The Unique Individual – From Molecule to Man”, Apr 1999  (with Magnus Kihlbom, Erna Möller, Birgitta Tullberg) “Chance or Meaning?”, Oct 2001 (with Mats Björklund, Carl-  Reinhold Bråkenhielm, Stina Ekman, Suzanne Gieser, Dietrich von Rosen, Håkan Snellman) “Faith and Science”, a series of symposia 2001-2010  ”On the Human Nature”, what is it to be human, a series of  symposia 2011- ”What is Time?”, Sep 2016 (with Paul Davies, Antje Jackelén)  ” Science – Wisdom – Worldviews ”, 5-6 May 2017 

  11. First Public Seminar

  12. Agora’s 10th Anniversary Seminar

  13. Examples of Collaborative Meetings

  14. Some of Agora’s Prominent Guests  Paul Davies, Beyond/University of Arizona  Walter Freeman, UC Berkeley  Donald Griffin, Harvard  Patrick Haggard, UCL  Mark Hallett, NIH  John-Dylan Haynes, Berlin  John Hopfield, Caltech/Princeton  Scott Kelso, Florida Atlantic University  Christof Koch, Caltech/Allen Inst. (Seattle)  Benjamin Libet, UC San Francisco  Ernst Mayr, Harvard  John-Maynard Smith, University of Sussex  Alfred Mele, Florida State University  Denis Noble, Oxford  Frans de Waal, Emory University  Edward O Wilson, Harvard

  15. Special Journal Issues Vol. 7(4), 1996 Vol. 187(4), 1997 Vol. 62&63, 2001 Vol. 171, 1994 On the Role and On the Origin and Fluctuations in Mind and Matter: Control of Biological Essays from Evolution of Life Random Events Biology, Physics Systems in Biological and Systems Philosophy

  16. Special Journal Issues H. Liljenström, Ed. 2018

  17. Books 1997 2005 2000

  18. Books Contents October 2007 I. General Introduction II. Basic Physics Concepts III. The General Trends and the Objects IV. Going Further with Thermodynamics V. Stochastic Dynamics VI. Basic Macromolecular Applications VII Non-linearity VIII. Applications IX Going Further

  19. Books 2008

  20. Books 2010 2014

  21. Project: COMPLEX (EU FP7) 2012-16 2007

  22. Project: HumaNatE (JTF) 2013-(15) Human Nature Exploration Interdisciplinary reflection and dialogue on the human condition

  23. Project: Cusanus (JTF) 2015-17 Science and Religion – A Forum for Dialogue and Education

  24. Some pictures Agora for Biosystems is located in Sigtuna, Sweden

  25. Some pictures

  26. Some pictures Premises at Sigtunastiftelsen Meeting place & Guest house

  27. Some pictures Agora Conference on Fluctuations in Biological Systems 3-7 Aug 1999

  28. Some pictures Workshop on Consciousness and Comparative Anatomy Aug 2002

  29. Some pictures Lunch break in the Rose Garden

  30. Some pictures

  31. Some pictures

  32. Some pictures Agora Conference on Fluctuations in Biological Systems 3-7 Aug 1999

  33. Some pictures Musical entertainment in the Grand Hall

  34. Some pictures Some staff and board members

  35. Some pictures Jean-Pierre Changeux, Agora board member

  36. Some pictures Workshop on physical basis for consciousness Sep 2002

  37. Some pictures Agora’s 10th Anniversary Seminar, ”Man, Nature, and God”, Oct 2007

  38. Some pictures Agora’s 10th Anniversary Conference on The Linnaean Tradition in Modern Biology, KVA Oct 2007

  39. Some pictures Agora’s 10th Anniversary Conference on The Linnaean Tradition in Modern Biology, KVA Oct 2007

  40. Some pictures ICCN 2013, June 2013

  41. Some pictures Agora Conference on Free Will, June 2017

  42. Location Sweden Sigtuna

  43. Location Agora for Biosystems is located in premises belonging to the Sigtuna Foundation (Sigtuna- stiftelsen) M. Björkqvists allé 2-4 Sigtuna, Sweden Tel. +46-(0)8-59258900

  44. Thank You Welcome to visit


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