Agenda of Texas State University College Panhellenic 10.21.19 The regular meeting was called to order by President Addison McKissack at LBJ 3-13.1 . The roll was called by President Addison McKissack. A quorum was present. ROLL CALL: Alpha Delta Pi: 5 Alpha Gamma Delta: 1 Alpha Xi Delta: 5 Chi Omega: 3 Delta Gamma: 2 Delta Zeta: 1 Gamma Phi Beta: 4 Zeta Tau Alpha: 1 The Panhellenic Creed We, as undergraduate members of women's fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live. GUESTS: PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes of the 10-7-19 meeting was approved as distributed. TREASURER’S REPORT : The Treasurer reported as follows: Expected income Fiscal Year 19: $52,125 Actual Fall Income: $0 Fall Expenses to date: $0 OFFICER REPORTS President [a_m982]: • I am working on the logistics for the Induction event for the new council! • Please keep encouraging chapter women to apply for council, this is a fantastic leadership opportunity and a way to better help the community. o Applications are due October 28th at 5 (a week from now) in the FSL office in the PHC President Mailbox • I’m working on my transition for the new president!
First Vice President [zlg5]: • Please continue sharing the council elections info-I will share it with the minutes • Finally working on UA presentation for you. • My transition material is going well-if anyone knows anyone interested in First VP I am in the office all day on Tuesdays. Please shoot me an e-mail and lets chat! VP of Judicial Affairs [g_b135]: • I am very excited to get these rules going! I think they are a really good step in the direction we as a community need to be moving in and I am so proud of the input that came from everyone! It is greatly appreciated. • I have been working on my transition binder for quite some time and I’m looking forward to finally being able to hand it over! So if you know anyone who is looking to apply this week for my position, please ask them to reach out! My office hours are Tuesday 9:15-10:30 and Thursday 9:15-12:15, but always feel free to email me VP Recruitment [nlp30] • Working on getting a room for a casual going over and clarifying any questions for the recruitment rules. I will send out more information later this week. Anyone is welcome to attend o • Next roundtable: November 13 at 6:30 in LBJ 3-6.1 VP of Scholarship [lcg46]: • Business Etiquette Workshop with Jamie Gaertner on November 20th at 5 pm • Office Hours: M/W 10:20-12:20 VP of Membership Development [jpm121] : • I’m currently working on my transition binder for the next VP Mem! • My roundtable is after this meeting at 6:30 • My office hours are M/W 10:20-12:20 • Please remind the RC’s from you chapter to fill out the survey I posted on their Facebook page! VP of Finance [trb119]: • I just wrapped out invoicing for this Fall! November 1st is the deadline before late charges are added. • I am excited by meeting everyone's sisters who are interested in being on Panhellenic next year! If you know anyone interested in this position, invite them to reach out! • I have prepared the Panhellenic Council's budget - which I will report to you now!
o • Happy Halloween!! VP of Public Relations [s_h334]: • Working on my transition binder! • My next roundtable is 10/28 in Boko’s Theatre at 6:30! Anyone interested in social media and PR is invited! • Please continue sending me pictures @txstatepanhell on Instagram! Getting pictures from you all is how I develop an authentic voice for the council online and I want everyone to be well represented :) VP of Women’s Empowerment [mnr75]: • I am working on my transition binder! • I am getting a design for Circle of Sisterhood buttons together. • Service opportunity: Student Volunteer Connection (SVC) is hosting Bobcat Acts of Kindness next Thursday on o campus. ▪ Thurs. Oct 24 th 7:00 – 9:00 pm ▪ ▪ LBJ 3-21.2 ▪ Attendees will be decorating nights lights, making craft baskets, and writing inspirational notes to be donated to Austin Recovery. VP of Recruitment Elect [med128]: • Working on my transition binder. • Office hours: Monday/Wednesday 8am-10am Advisor [glv18]: • “ Success is not the absence of failure, it’s persistence through failure .” – Aisha Tyler o As you near the end of your term and think about what has been accomplished or not, know that by making it through the year you have already had a successful term. o These yearlong positions can be frustrating and very difficult – there is so much pressure put on them, yet in most cases you only see situations once, there is very little chance to learn and try again. That is why transition documents and passing along information are so importance.
o Just like we must leave the community better than when we got here, we must set our successors up for success. • Transitions/Operations Manual – as you start preparing for your own officer transitions be sure to be aware of the resources available to you and the other officers on your board. o If you have officers that you feel should meet with me or another FSL staff member during their transition that is absolutely an option, just send me an email. (I often meet with delegates and community service/philanthropy chairs.) o If there are resources that you think need to be added to the Operations Manual please send them to me or o I will be doing a big update over the winter break and want to be sure anything they need is in there. • Order of Omega Applications are out and on the FSL PB website. Have your juniors and seniors who have been high achievers academically and in the community apply. Order of Omega is a well-known Greek honorary that celebrates the top performers in our community and is great to reference back to when interviewing for jobs! o • ELA – Emerging Leaders Academy starts this week with a panel of community leaders who share their experiences of how their lives changed once they joined their organization and got involved. ELA is great for members who joined since Fall 2018 but is open to everyone. o Thurs. Oct 24 – 4:30 – 5:30 LBJ 4-1.9 o • Still have spaces for a few volunteers for next Friday for Step Afrika! This is one of the final events of Diversity Week and will count for 3 hours of Community Service for Civic Engagement. o • Upcoming Events/Community Service and Engagement – you will see the upcoming events section of the agenda at the end is (again) a different format and MUCH shorter. That is because there is even more information online! o To make the information more accessible to all officers and members of the community we have created a page on the FSL website that has upcoming events, a description/link to more info, and the type of Civic Engagement it counts for (if applicable). o The page also has a list of Continuous Service Opportunities that members can participate in year-round. o The events and opportunities are not the only ones accepted for Civic Engagement, just the ones our office knows about and is able to share out. o We are working on creating a submission form for it right now for people to submit their events. o SHARE THIS WITH YOUR MEMBERS! This is a direct response to community member feedback/requests and to help you as leaders hold members accountable for completing their Civic Engagement hours. o • If your chapter is participating in any holiday philanthropy or service, please let me know. This can include food drives, clothing/coat drive, adopting families via Angel trees, etc. University Newsroom/Communications has reached out for stories. o This is a great opportunity to showcase the positive things our community does. • If your chapter donated food to School Fuel during Greek Week, be sure to report using the Non- Monetary Philanthropy Conversion chart found on page. 41 of the Operations Manual. o This is how you get philanthropy credit for CAAP for items donated. o This also applies for any items donated to the PEP program, or other donation based activities.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Proposed 2020 Recruitment rules Motion to vote on November 4 th : Chi Omega 2 nd : Alpha Delta Pi
Motion to vote on November 4 th : Alpha Xi Delta 2 nd : Zeta Tau Alpha Motion to vote on November 4 th : Gamma Phi Beta 2 nd : Chi Omega
Motion to vote on November 4 th : Chi Omega
2 nd : Zeta Tau Alpha Motion to vote on November 4 th : Alpha Delta Pi 2 nd : Delta Zeta V. chapter member guidelines Motion to vote on November 4 th : Gamma Phi 2 nd : Chi Omega
Motion to vote on November 4 th : Chi Omega 2 nd : Alpha Delta Pi
Motion to vote on November 4 th : Delta Zeta 2 nd : Zeta Tau Alpha
Motion to vote on November 4 th : Alpha Delta Pi 2 nd : Chi Omega Motion to vote on November 4 th : Zeta Tau Alpha 2 nd : Alpha Xi Delta
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