agenda of texas state university college panhellenic 3 11

Agenda of Texas State University College Panhellenic 3.11.19 The - PDF document

Agenda of Texas State University College Panhellenic 3.11.19 The regular meeting was called to order by President Addison McKissack at LBJ 3-5.1 . The roll was called by President Addison McKissack. A quorum was present. ROLL CALL: Alpha Delta

  1. Agenda of Texas State University College Panhellenic 3.11.19 The regular meeting was called to order by President Addison McKissack at LBJ 3-5.1 . The roll was called by President Addison McKissack. A quorum was present. ROLL CALL: Alpha Delta Pi:8 Alpha Gamma Delta:1 Alpha Xi Delta:1 Chi Omega:1 Delta Gamma: 3 Delta Zeta: 2 Gamma Phi Beta: 2 Zeta Tau Alpha: 1 The Panhellenic Creed We, as undergraduate members of women's fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live. GUESTS: Adam Mitchell, Fraternity and Sorority Life Office The Philanthropy order forms are due on March 13 th . When submitting payment for t- shirts one check should be given by your chapters. It can be a personal check if someone wants to collect money and submit it all together (i.e. it does not have to be from a chapter account then billed to members after the fact). This is a way for you to showcase your philanthropy events. If you have a philanthropy event that week or the week following use this time to highlight it and get more exposure! This event was created in response to the FSL survey that was sent out at the beginning of the year. Members wanted opportunities to highlight the awesome things the community does – take advantage of this! If you have any additional questions about Philanthropy Week reach out: or PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes of the 2-25-19 meeting was approved as distributed.

  2. TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer reported as follows: Expected income Fiscal Year 19: $64,325 Actual Spring Income: $28,275 Spring Expenses to date: $21,392 The following bills were approved for payment OFFICER REPORTS President [a_m982]: • Hello friends! • I had the President’s roundtable on February 27th, it was fantastic, I absolutely love getting to know all the presidents better! • I am super excited to get the ball rolling with these recruitment rules! • In honor of my absolute favorite holiday (International Women’s Day) being last week here is a quote that I love from an amazing woman: “Above all be the heroine in your life, not the victim” - Nora Ephron First Vice President [zlg5]: • I hope my roundtable last week was very insightful for everyone! • I hope to get started/ get the ball rolling on the next season of awards, you can never be too early to start. • Good luck with any tests before and after spring break, and please be safe this spring break! Use it as stress relief! • VP of Judicial Affairs [g_b135]: • I am so excited to get these recruitment rules to you all! • The latest standards roundtable was good! We discussed productive confrontations and how to be confronted The information came from an AFLV session I attended called “Drop the Drama” o and was presented by David Stollman from CampusSpeak. o My next roundtable will be on Thursday April 4 @ 7 pm Room: TBD • Please have a safe Spring Break! VP Recruitment [nlp30] • Roundtable was fantastic o Thank you all for your questions. We will be discussing most of them at our next roundtable. • The financial disclosure template has been sent out and is due on March 26th o Use the most up to date information that you have. If you need an extended deadline, please let me know! o Also, if you need more space on the form let me know so that I can get you a new form • If you want me to go to one of your workshops, please email me the dates of them and I will let you know which one I can attend. This can be over work week as well if that’s easier o

  3. • Next Roundtable: April 3rd at 6:30 in LBJ 3-11.1 VP of Scholarship [lcg46]: • Thank you to everyone who came to the scholarship event! • Motivation Monday: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney • Order of Omega Applications are open! Order of Omega is a Greek Honorary that highlights and recognizes members of our community who have attained a high standard of leadership and academics. o Juniors/Seniors o 3.00 GPA or higher. o Be in good standing with your organization Applications are due Friday, March 29 th . o o Information has been sent to your Presidents. VP of Membership Development [jpm121] : • My office hours are M/W 10:30-12:30 if anyone ever wants to come talk to me • RC interviews went so well thank you everyone who came out and helped! • My next roundtable is April 3rd at 6pm-It will be about Gen Z and engagement after bid day. • The next RC workshop is going to be on April 14th in LBJ time is TBA • Currently working on planning out the next two workshops as well as starting the RC/Panhellenic handbook for recruitment VP of Finance [trb119]: • I am currently working on the Recruitment Budget template for each of your chapters, so that will be coming soon. • Next Roundtable: It will be on Wednesday, March 27 th at 5 p.m. in LBJSC room 3-6.1. VP of Public Relations [s_h334]: • WOTM/COTM-Everyone needs to make their own form, so that your chapter can choose and vote. Then, use the Councils form to nominate one chapter and one woman. • First Design for the RC/Panhellenic Spirit wear is almost complete! I’m hoping to have at least 2 or 3 shirts designed and ready before the second RC Workshop. • PLEASE DM ME! Let your chapter women know that @txstatepanhell DM’s are open for them to send any and all cute sisterly photos. The more pictures I get, the better your chapter will be represented on Instagram! • PNM/RC/Chapter shirts are coming soon! • Panhellenic Newsletter is coming soon as well, I need rosters from Chi Omega and Zeta! • Keep tagging @txstatepanhell in your photos! VP of Women’s Empowerment [mnr75]: • My next roundtable is on March 13 @6pm in LBJ 3-4.1. o 6/8 of the chapters used their first and only absence on the last roundtable, so they are required to be present (or have a representative) at the next two

  4. roundtables. (The 3rd and final roundtable for the semester is April 10th @6 in LBJ 3-4.1) • Philanthropy event for Circle of Sisterhood: o Date: April 18th, 2019 o Lawn movie showing Legally Blonde o Location: DG house 7:30 pm o This event will be picnic style! Bring a blanket and watch Legally Blonde under the stars. • Tag the Panhellenic Power Instagram in cute pictures of our Greek sisters so I can post them! Make sure to follow the Panhellenic Power account @txstpanhellenicpower VP of Recruitment Elect: Advisor [glv18]: • “ In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process only ends when we die .” – Eleanor Roosevelt • Philanthropy Week Packets – due this Wednesday March 13 th . o Q&A tonight (March 11 th ) at 8:00 in LBJSC 3-7.1 • Chapter Recognition and Awards due Friday March 15 th should be emailed to or • Civic Engagement/CAAP – Make sure you are submitting community service, philanthropy dollars raised, non-monetary donations, and leadership programming. This is a part of the Recommitment and will be on the chapter reports on the website – which will be published at the end of the semester. o Food, school supply, clothing, etc. donations count – conversion chart has been emailed to presidents. o Deadline in April 1 st -should be submitted as soon as possible o This is the information we use when determining chapter accreditation and awards. o If you, your service chair, or President have questions please have them reach out! • LeaderShape Institute applications are open and have been sent to Presidents. o The LeaderShape Institute is six days of dialogue and self-discovery that takes place in a supportive learning community and challenges participants to lead with integrity™ whil e working towards a vision grounded in their deepest values. Participants explore not only what they want to do, but who they want to be. Dynamic, challenging, and exciting, the week is intended to produce a breakthrough in the leadership capacity of participants — benefiting them individually, as well as their respective communities and the organizations they will go on to lead and serve in the future. o Applications are due March 29 th . ▪ LeaderShape Application: o Registration for this conference will be covered by the FSL office for any member that wants to attend.


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