afzaal zaal mau auth thoor oor

Afzaal zaal Mau auth thoor oor Mad Scientist. Travel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Afzaal zaal Mau auth thoor oor Mad Scientist. Travel Entrepreneur. Philanthropist Co Co-found under er - Inspi pired ed Esca capes pes Founder der - The e Philanth lanthropy y Club b London on In every rything thing I do I

  1. Afzaal zaal Mau auth thoor oor Mad Scientist. Travel Entrepreneur. Philanthropist Co Co-found under er - Inspi pired ed Esca capes pes Founder der - The e Philanth lanthropy y Club b London on

  2. In every rything thing I do I crea eate te experi erienc ences es that t add d a new w perspe spectiv ctive e to the way you see the world ld. I do this is through ough travel el that t is more e immer mersiv sive, , authentic entic, , sensitiv sitive e to peopl ople e and the envir vironment onment I just st happen pen to sell ll responsib sponsible le holida lidays wi with th a philanthr ilanthropic opic twi wist st

  3. “People buy why we do it, not what we do” Simon on Senek nek Responsib sponsible le Travel el is s what t we do Dig deeper per to know ow why y you do it Extract act those se values ues, , mission, ion, vision, on, ethos hos Build ld it into o a monster ster inven ention tion Bring ing it to life, , let it be free ee and walk lk beside ide you Invest est in it Its retu turn rn will l be immea easur surable le

  4. 2 3 1 Beautiful utiful Disr sruptiv uptive Limitless mitless No such h Chang nge e the Strik ike e a thing ng as you way y we do ba balanc ance e can’t do it! every eryda day y between een you ou things ngs to make e and the world ld. . Anyt ything hing is it be better er Find d harmony mony. poss ssib ible le

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  6. Thi his s mo moun unta tain in in inspir ired ed an n adven entu ture e phi hila lanthr nthrop opy y movement ement in in Lon London on

  7. In Invest est your r ma market eting ing resour source ces s into to creating ting a limitless mitless, , disr srupt uptiv ive, , beautiful utiful mo monster ster. The return urn wi will ll be imme mmeasur asurable le Reach h out to me me afz fzaa aal@inspir l@inspirede edesc scapes .com (ww www.insp .inspir ired edesca escapes .com)


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