aep ohio energy efficiency

AEP Ohio Energy Efficiency Data Center Program AEP Ohio Data Center - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AEP Ohio Energy Efficiency Data Center Program AEP Ohio Data Center Program Overview Customer Eligibility Any AEP Ohio non-residential customer with data center, server room or other IT space is eligible. Colocation Eligibility

  1. AEP Ohio Energy Efficiency Data Center Program

  2. AEP Ohio Data Center Program Overview Customer Eligibility • Any AEP Ohio non-residential customer with data center, server room or other IT space is eligible. Colocation Eligibility • Colocation incentives are available if your facility relocates its data center, server room or server closet to a colocation facility with more efficient operations. How to Participate • Contact your AEP Ohio representative, Energy Advisor or myself… • We will help with your application and facility assessment and guide you through the process

  3. Project Eligibility Mechanical & IT Our program incentivizes measures to improve the overall performance of the Data Center environment including mechanical, electrical and IT equipment: IT Infr astr uc tur e F ac ilitie s 2 re pla c e me nts • Se rve r virtua liza tio n • CRAC 1 / CRAH • Se rve r re fre sh • UPS upg ra de s • De skto p virtua liza tio n • VF Ds • Sto ra g e o ptimiza tio n • F re e c o o ling • PC po we r ma na g e me nt • Airflo w Ma na g e me nt

  4. Participation Process Step 1 - Verify Project, Equipment and Customer Eligibility Step 2 - Submit Pre-Approval Application to Reserve Funds Step 3 - Install Equipment and Perform Project Work Step 4 - Install Equipment and Perform Project Work Step 5 - Receive Incentive Payment

  5. AEP Ohio Data Center Program Incentives Summary • Incentive Rate - $0.07/kWh saved each year on an annual incremental basis after project completion until Data Center is fully loaded. (8760 Operating Hrs./Year) • Incentive Tiering - After $100,000 incentive payout is reached, the rate will be reduced to $0.035/kWh saved. • Virtualization Projects - $0.06/kWh Saved • Incentive Threshold – 50% incremental cost • Eligibility – Payback period of 1 to 7 years. • Projected Incentive Rate Determination – We will develop a projected Incentive Payment Schedule based on project design loading. • Incentive Value - $600 per kW reduced ($600 kW/yr. = $0.07/kWh X 8760 hrs./yr.) •

  6. Project Snapshot Continental Local Schools Continental, Ohio Application/Industry: Education Measures Implemented: New Dedicated Cooling System Annual Energy Savings: 112,076 kWh Project Incentives: $2,782.50 Payback Period with Incentive: 0.6 years Testimonial: Throughout the process, CLS worked with the Data Center Energy Efficiency team who assisted CLS to quantify savings and complete the application to receive their incentive.

  7. Project Snapshot Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus, Ohio Application/Industry: Hospital Measures Implemented: Variable Frequency Drives Annual Energy Savings: 255,424 kWh Project Incentives: $60,368 Payback Period with Incentive: 1.2 years Testimonial: “Data Centers typically consume outrageous amounts of energy and we are always looking at ways of lowering the cost of operations and becoming more efficient. One of the easiest, most cost effective ways for us to do that was to install VSDs on each CRAC unit. With the help of AEP Ohio we were able to fully realize our energy saving potential. AEP Ohio’s thorough data collection process allowed us to get a detailed look at the energy being consumed before and after the upgrades.” - Josh Ferrell, Sr. Data Center Engineer Nationwide Children’s Hospital

  8. Questions? Thank you…. Tim Frajter Sr. Program Manager AEP Ohio Data Center Program (614) 634-8959

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