advisory council meeting

Advisory Council Meeting March 8, 2013 Agenda Welcome / - PDF document

Advisory Council Meeting March 8, 2013 Agenda Welcome / Introductions Governing Board Updates MAGMA Convening AESSI Training Breakout Session Competency & Skill Needs New Business Next Steps 2 Governing Board Updates 3 Michigan

  1. Advisory Council Meeting March 8, 2013 Agenda Welcome / Introductions Governing Board Updates MAGMA Convening AESSI Training Breakout Session Competency & Skill Needs New Business Next Steps 2

  2. Governing Board Updates 3 Michigan Tech Mobile Laboratory Courses for credit, Short courses, Outreach, Public Education 4

  3. Michigan Tech Mobile Laboratory Courses for credit, Short courses, Outreach, Public Education 5 MAGMA Convening Employers Industry Skill Associations Education Needs Workforce 6

  4. MAGMA Convening Phased approach to transition convening role from WDA to a 3 rd Party Convener WDA would continue to provide support Participation on Steering Committee w/Convener and Board Officers Participation on the Board Technical Assistance Provider (facilitation, strategic planning, etc.) Statewide advocate 7 MAGMA 3 rd Party Convener RFP 8

  5. Expected Impacts of MAGMA Activities Michigan is a world leader in green mobility and advanced propulsion technology education and training. MAGMA endorsed training provides existing employees and job seekers with the skills and knowledge needed by the green mobility industry. Education and training providers collaborate more with each other and industry stakeholders. Industry and educators recognize and value MAGMA endorsement of education and training curriculum, programs, materials, and credentials. 9 Proposal Requirements maintenance of partnership relationships, preferably in the workforce development arena. implementation of work plans, preferably in collaboration with employers and/or other partners in order to make a workforce impact. Description competencies to identify gaps and training needs. Description of how the applicant will financially support its functions as the third party convener. Description and/or other financial resources. 10

  6. Proposal Submission Pre-bid Conference Call Friday, March 15, 2:00 3:00 p.m. Proposals Due Thursday, March 28, by 5:00 p.m. Submit proposals electronically to Maximum Length 5 pages (using 12 pt font and 1 inch margins) 11 AESSI Training 12

  7. Break 13 Breakout Competency & Skill Needs 14

  8. Breakout Competency & Skill Needs Immediate Needs (2013) Emerging Needs (2014-15) Focus on specific skill More in-depth skill needs areas Certificate programs Short courses Degree concentrations Review MAGMA Traditional courses endorsed & supported Review MAGMA courses endorsed & supported Identify Gap courses Identify Gap *Compressed Natural Gas, Technicians, and Engineers* 15 Breakout Competency & Skill Needs Report Out 16

  9. Next Steps Inventory training available in Michigan to fill skill gaps Develop RFP to identify and endorse training to fill skill gaps 17 New Business Conference on Industry and Education Collaboration Call for Papers / Sessions / Workshops Theme: Educating for a Sustainable Future Savannah, Georgia February 5 7, 2014 Proposals due Friday, March 15, 2013 18

  10. Next Steps Next Advisory Council Meeting Friday, June 14, 2013, 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 19 Contact Information Matt Shields Energy Market Talent Manager Workforce Development Agency State of Michigan (517) 335-0840


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