adventures in evaluation new developments and challenges

Adventures in Evaluation: New Developments and Challenges Canadian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

We Value: Diversity = Equity = Inclusion = Respect = Social Justice Adventures in Evaluation: New Developments and Challenges Canadian Evaluation Society Ontario Chapter Presented by: Varsha Naik and Amrita Kumar-Ratta Website:

  1. We Value: Diversity = Equity = Inclusion = Respect = Social Justice Adventures in Evaluation: New Developments and Challenges Canadian Evaluation Society Ontario Chapter Presented by: Varsha Naik and Amrita Kumar-Ratta Website: Facebook/ LinkedIn: Diversity and Inclusion Charter of Peel Twitter: @rdrpeel @DICharter

  2. Outline • The Context: Peel Region and RDR • What Is the D&I Charter of Peel? • Evaluating the D&I Charter – Our Unique Journey  Our approach to evaluation  Bumps along the way  Our ‘winning solutions’  What we’ve learned • Moving Forward

  3. The Context: Peel Region • The Region of Peel is amongst the most diverse, fastest growing and rapidly cd/dp/2278064509/ref=sr_1_1?s=boo changing regions in livre-cd/dp/2278064509/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1421776344&sr=1- Canada 1&keywords=DELF%20B2ks&ie=UTF8&qid=1421776344&sr=1- 1&keywords=DELF%20B2 • Unique blend of urban and rural communities • This presents many opportunities and challenges

  4. Regional Diversity Roundtable • A group of individuals representing various human service sector organizations with a commitment to inclusion, equity, and diversity cd/dp/2278064509/ref=sr_1_1?s=boo competence. livre-cd/dp/2278064509/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1421776344&sr=1- 1&keywords=DELF%20B2ks&ie=UTF8&qid=1421776344&sr=1- • 1&keywords=DELF%20B2 Invested in progressing the capacity of individuals & organizations in Peel Region to better serve the diverse communities.

  5. Our Collaborative Approach Phase 1: ‘Development’ RDR Peel D&I Development RDR Community PNSG Champions Team Members Members Organizations cd/dp/2278064509/ref=sr_1_1?s=boo livre-cd/dp/2278064509 /ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1421776344&sr=1- 1&keywords=DELF%20B2ks&ie=UTF8&qid=1421776344&sr=1- Phase 2: ‘Implementation’ 1&keywords=DELF%20B2 RDR Peel Steering Evaluation RDR D&I Charter Community Committee Team Members Endorsers Members Organizations

  6. The Charter is Unique • First municipal-level initiative of its kind in Canada • Moving systemic change beyond governments, towards collective responsibility for a common agenda • Outcome and measurement oriented - broadening the scope of what policies & practices may be considered inclusive and equitable; what diversity means and how it is served by regional providers

  7. Charter Endorsers

  8. Evaluating the D&I Charter • Process and Outcome Focused • Developmental – Focused on GOAL: Increased Emergent Learning DEI in Peel • Measurable Phase 1 Phase 2 Deliverables • Overarching Goal – Social Systems Change

  9. …Bumps Along the Way Process Challenges - Balancing tension between RDR’s social justice framework stakeholders’ multiple approaches to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) - Tight timelines and slow results - Crafting a theory of change that includes results and complexities

  10. …Bumps Along the Way Outcome Challenges - Remaining open to varying needs and perspectives - Confronting “diversity” -- a thorny subject; Navigating a challenging context that is ever-changing

  11. Winning Solutions • Development of Organizational DEI Self- Assessment Tool • Creative engagement of diverse partners • Tapping into RDR member resources • Asset-Based model employed throughout

  12. Learning - Patience and acceptance are our anchors - “If you build it they will come” - Distributed leadership is important - Collaboration is time-consuming; a messy process - Relationship-building is key for success - Competing priorities need creative solutions!

  13. Moving Forward - Being committed to learning, changing and growing - Conducting frequent check-ins; building in detours - Celebrating wins – big and small - Planning for long-term project sustainability - Facilitating ongoing creative partnerships

  14. Endorsement Process • Community members and organizations from the private, public, and not-for-profit sector are invited to endorse the Charter • Electronic endorsement form: 629 • In-person endorsement


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