8:00-9:45 AM Session One Recent Adventures in Engineering Ethics – Andrew McAninch Assistant Professor, MSOE Recent Adventures in Engineering Ethics introduces students to some of the central issues in engineering ethics through a critical discussion of recent case studies. Topics and cases may include: • ethical issues in construction, development, and their social and environmental impact • ethical issues in defense contracting and arms manufacturing • ethical issues in tech and big data • ethical issues in AI and autonomous technology (e.g., replacement of human labor, ethics of driverless cars) Participants will explore these topics and cases interactively, studying both their theoretical context and practical implications. The goal of the course is to engage participants in continued reflection on key issues in engineering ethics and to encourage them to apply the guiding ethical principles that emerge to their own fields. Electrohydraulic Valves Selection Criteria – Dr Medhat Khalil, MSOE This lecture presents the various criteria to select a specific valve for an application. These criteria include, valve type, spool design, operating conditions, static and dynamic characteristics. The presenter also provides examples of the current valves that are produced by existing manufacturers. Outline: • Importance of Proper Selection of an EH Valve • Electro-Hydraulic Valve Selection Criteria • Valve Type • Valve Spool Design • Valve Static Characteristics • Valve Dynamic Characteristics • Valve Operating Conditions • Examples of Published Data Strategic Negotiation – Jesse Moberg, MSOE We are giving you two opportunities to participate in this course. Negotiation is at the heart of every conversation and situation. This course will help you to recognize what is negotiable, basic negotiation tactics and techniques, and how to prepare for negotiations – large and small. The course will introduce negotiation terms and will provide some tools for negotiation preparation and execution. As a result of participating in this session, participants will understand/be able to apply: • Key negotiation concepts, strategies, tactics and terminology • Apply pre-negotiation and post-negotiation processes and tools • Reinforce universal negotiation best practices and proven methods • Practice preferred negotiation strategies and tactics • Improve participants knowledge, skill and confidence with negotiating
10:00-11:45 AM Session Two Particulate Contamination in Hydraulic Fluids – Dr Medhat Khalil, MSOE This lecture presents the sources of particulate contamination. For each source, the presenter explains how the system performance will be affected and possible recommendations to minimize such consequences. Outline: Forms of Particulate Contamination • Sources of Particulate Contamination • Contamination Particle Sizes • Critical Clearances in Hydraulic Components • Effect of Particulate Contamination • Best Practices for Controlling Particulate Contamination • Design of Heavy Weldments and Welded Structures for High Cycle Fatigue Applications – Carl Gilmore, MSOE Fluid Power Institute This course is an introduction to (or reminders of) the aspects of weldment and welded structure design and fabrication for high cycle fatigue applications. Appreciation of customer expectations for reliability, acceptability of mid-life minor repair welding, and end of economic life. As a result of participating in this session, participants will understand/be able to apply: • Design requirements – definition of customer expectations for economic service life, product loading conditions and duty cycle. Determination of required and/or expected reliability – are there international, federal or state code requirements. • Welded structure preliminary design configuration – space requirements for structure and auxiliary attachment aspects. • Stress analysis of preliminary design configuration, determination of appropriate weld classification for all weld features, and life assessment for those welds. • Where do we go from here for weld features which don’t meet service life re quirements? • Increase plate thickness (added weight and manufacturing cost), refinement of weld feature (improve weld classification), or special post weld techniques? Strategic Negotiation – Jesse Moberg, MSOE In case you missed the first session, here is another opportunity to take this course.
Session Two (continued) New Course offering! Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Machine Learning – Dr. Jeff Blessing, Professor, MSOE In this course participants are shown how to perform supervised and unsupervised learning techniques on data sets taken from manufacturing and healthcare domains to make informed decisions based on hard data from those fields. The use of popular tools and programming environments will be demonstrated in the hands-on portion of the class. Participant s can bring their own laptops on which to try out the tools or use the instructor’s computer in a set of co-creation exercises to arrive at solutions to problems posed by the instructor. Attendees will leave this course with an in-depth understanding of how to use the tools that are popular in Data Science to perform Machine Learning using the Python programming language, the data analytics tools from the NumPy and SciPy libraries, the data visualization tools from MatPlotLib and the supervised and unsupervised learning tools in SciKit-Learn. 12:00-12:50 PM Lunch – Room R101
1:00-2:45 PM Session Three The Art of Critical Conversation – Kiesha Johnnies, MSOE Fear is the enemy of communication. In today’s session you will learn seven steps to master critical conversations in order to improve the culture and productivity of your team. Conflict is inevitable in any workplace, however the method chosen to communicate with each other to resolve that conflict will define team dynamics. You will have an opportunity to practice and receive in the moment feedback on critical conversations that you are able to implement immediately. Crowdsourcing Leadership Knowledge for Engineers – This is NOT about social media in any way. Gene Wright, MSOE This session would be about how engineers and technical people can use the concepts of crowdsourcing and "peer advisory" processes to develop a practical understanding of leadership through the processes of working with and through people. This would be in contrast to attending classes and reading books about leadership theory. This workshop would introduce technical professionals to a "hands-on" way to develop leadership capabilities by learning and practicing the processes of "peer advisory". Getting the Best from FMEA using a Requirements-Based Approach – Bernard Krauska, P.E. FMEA is a frequently used analysis and regulatory requirement for many products and industries. Classical Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) approaches such as top-down, bottom-up, functional, service and systems focus will be reviewed and practiced with participants. Requirements-based approaches will also be investigated and shown how this tool can be used in LEAN enterprises. Lessons learned, effectiveness and impact upon the product or process will be compared and shared in a lecture and interactive format. Strategies for Motivating Your Workforce – Kyle Buerger, MSOE One of the primary responsibilities of any leader is getting things done through other people. Getting employees excited about what they are doing so that their performance continues to improve, is a challenge most leaders face. During this workshop, we will look at best practices for motivating employees and how you can specifically apply those practices. • Implement cultural enhancements that improve team motivation and ignite innovation. • Review best practices for encouraging exceptional work • Learn different approaches to successfully manage change