advanced academic programs aap

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Overview of available services - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Overview of available services ELEMENTARY - MIDDLE - HIGH SCHOOL Fairfax County Schools (FCPS) Beliefs All students deserve an excellent education. Students learn best when educators, parents, and

  1. Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Overview of available services ELEMENTARY - MIDDLE - HIGH SCHOOL

  2. Fairfax County Schools (FCPS) Beliefs • All students deserve an excellent education. • Students learn best when educators, parents, and students work together. • High expectations lead to high performance. • All students need opportunities to use strengths and pursue interests.

  3. Virginia Department of Education Definition “’Gifted students’ means those students… who demonstrate high levels of accomplishment or who show the potential for higher levels of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment.”

  4. Index Cards Index cards on your tables can be used to write any questions.

  5. AAP Continuum of Services AAP offers a continuum of services to challenge and engage all students K-12. Our goals are: • Provide advanced academic opportunities to all students • Identify student strengths and abilities • Match students to levels of AAP service needed We believe talent can be nurtured and developed in all students. AAP services for a student may change over time.

  6. “Twice-exceptional Advanced (2e) students have Academic exceptional abilities Programs and exceptional learning challenges. Twice-Exceptional (2e) Students FCPS 2e Handbook: Go to and search 2e

  7. Advanced Academic Programs LEVELS OF SERVICE ELEMENTARY Grades K-6

  8. Advanced Academic Programs Overview Young Scholars Model - All K-12 Students Elementary School: K-6 Middle School High School Critical and Creative IB Middle Years Program – Grades 6 -10 (selected schools) Thinking Strategies (I) Differentiated Lessons Honors Courses in areas of • Honors Courses in areas of Academic Strength/Interest • Advanced Placement (AP) Academic Strength (II) Grades 7-8 • International Baccalaureate (IB) Part-Time Advanced Academic • Dual Enrollment Courses Program (III) • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Full-Time Advanced Academic Program (IV) - Grades 3-8 Adapted from the Integrated Continuum of Special Services by Sally Reis and Levels of Service by Donald Treffinger.

  9. ELEMENTARY All students need to learn to think, reason, and Grades K-6 problem-solve. Level I: • All teachers use critical and creative thinking Critical and strategies in their lessons Creative Thinking • Teachers use advanced academic curriculum each quarter

  10. ELEMENTARY Grades K-6 Level I: Critical and Creative Thinking

  11. Advanced Academic Programs Overview Young Scholars Model - All K-12 Students Elementary School: K-6 Middle School High School Critical and Creative IB Middle Years Program – Grades 6 -10 (selected schools) Thinking Strategies (I) Differentiated Lessons Honors Courses in areas of • Honors Courses in areas of Academic Strength/Interest • Advanced Placement (AP) Academic Strength (II) Grades 7-8 • International Baccalaureate (IB) Part-Time Advanced Academic • Dual Enrollment Courses Program (III) • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Full-Time Advanced Academic Program (IV) - Grades 3-8 Adapted from the Integrated Continuum of Special Services by Sally Reis and Levels of Service by Donald Treffinger.

  12. ELEMENTARY Some students are strong in one or more subject Grades K-6 areas. Classroom teachers may adjust instruction for students in these areas by: Level II: Differentiated • Providing different assignments and resources Instruction in the in those subjects classroom • Grouping students by their strengths, interests, and readiness

  13. Advanced Academic Programs Overview Young Scholars Model - All K-12 Students Elementary School: K-6 Middle School High School Critical and Creative IB Middle Years Program – Grades 6 -10 (selected Schools) Thinking Strategies (I) Differentiated Lessons Honors Courses in areas of • Honors Courses in areas of Academic Strength/Interest • Advanced Placement (AP) Academic Strength (II) Grades 7-8 • International Baccalaureate (IB) Part-Time Advanced Academic • Dual Enrollment Courses Program (III) • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Full-Time Advanced Academic Program (IV) - Grades 3-8 Adapted from the Integrated Continuum of Special Services by Sally Reis and Levels of Service by Donald Treffinger.

  14. Some students have advanced academic abilities ELEMENTARY in multiple subject areas. They need part-time AAP Grades K-6 services. Level III Part-Time AARTs provide gifted curriculum in Language Arts, services with science, social studies, and/or mathematics. This is the AART provided by: • the AART • the classroom teacher Parents may refer their child for screening at the local school for part-time AAP services.

  15. Advanced Academic Programs Overview Young Scholars Model - All K-12 Students Elementary School: K-6 Middle School High School Critical and Creative IB Middle Years Program – Grades 6 -10 (selected schools) Thinking Strategies (I) Differentiated Lessons Honors Courses in areas of • Honors Courses in areas of Academic Strength/Interest • Advanced Placement (AP) Academic Strength (II) Grades 7-8 • International Baccalaureate (IB) Part-Time Advanced Academic • Dual Enrollment Courses Program (III) • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Full-Time Advanced Academic Program (IV) - Grades 3-8 Adapted from the Integrated Continuum of Special Services by Sally Reis and Levels of Service by Donald Treffinger.

  16. ELEMENTARY Some advanced learners need a full-time Grades 3-6 advanced academic program with differentiated instruction in all 4 content areas. Level IV Full-Time services Students eligible for full-time AAP services receive: advanced Language Arts, science, social • studies curriculum, and math curriculum at least one year above grade level. Students need to be screened for full-time services. Parents may refer their child to be screened.

  17. Testing Timeline October 2,3,4 ● FCPS CogAT-Custom Form Grade 2 Test administered to all Grade 2 students ● CogAT administered to new FCPS students in Grades 3-7 who did not enter FCPS with an ability score November 11-15 ● Naglieri Nonverbal Test administered to to all students in Grade 1 and specific students in Grades 2-7

  18. Advanced Academic Programs Overview Young Scholars Model - All K-12 Students Elementary School: K-6 Middle School High School Critical and Creative IB Middle Years Program – Grades 6 -10 (selected schools) Thinking Strategies (I) Differentiated Lessons Honors Courses in areas of • Honors Courses in areas of Academic Strength/Interest • Advanced Placement Academic Strength (II) Grades 7-8 • International Baccalaureate Part-Time Advanced Academic • Dual Enrollment Courses Program (III) • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Full-Time Advanced Academic Program (IV) - Grades 3-8 Adapted from the Integrated Continuum of Special Services by Sally Reis and Levels of Service by Donald Treffinger.

  19. Honors classes provide opportunities for students who MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 7-8 want to be challenged in one or more subjects: English Honors Courses • in areas of Science • academic strength Social Studies • or interest Mathematics • Students may choose to enroll in 1, 2, 3, or 4 Honors classes.

  20. Acceleration in mathematics content: MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 7-8 • Any student in 7 th grade may select Math 7 Honors. This course is one year above grade level. Acceleration in Students will learn 8 th grade content. Mathematics courses in Middle • 7 th grade students who want to take Algebra I School Honors must meet criteria set by the FCPS math office. • Algebra I courses are open to all 8 th graders

  21. Advanced Academic Programs Overview Young Scholars Model - All K-12 Students Elementary School: K-6 Middle School High School Critical and Creative IB Middle Years Program – Grades 6 -10 (selected schools) Thinking Strategies (I) Differentiated Lessons Honors Courses in areas of • Honors Courses in areas of Academic Strength/Interest • Advanced Placement (AP) Academic Strength (II) Grades 7-8 • International Baccalaureate (IB) Part-Time Advanced Academic • Dual Enrollment Courses Program (III) • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Full-Time Advanced Academic Program (IV) - Grades 3-8 Adapted from the Integrated Continuum of Special Services by Sally Reis and Levels of Service by Donald Treffinger.

  22. Some advanced learners need a full-time advanced MIDDLE SCHOOL academic program with differentiated instruction in all 4 Grades 7-8 content areas. Level IV English • Full-Time Science • services Social Studies • Mathematics • Students are grouped with students who have similar needs . There is a screening process for students to be found eligible for AAP full-time services. Eligible students may attend their AAP center or stay at their local middle school.


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