accredi ted trai ni ng provi ders forum 1 august 2 0 1 8


ACCREDI TED TRAI NI NG PROVI DERS FORUM 1 AUGUST 2 0 1 8 AGENDA 1. WELCOME 2. MQA EVACUATION PROCEDURE 3. LEST WE FORGET (Moment of Silence to be observed for those colleagues who have lost their lives in the Mining Industry due to


  2. AGENDA 1. WELCOME 2. MQA EVACUATION PROCEDURE 3. LEST WE FORGET (Moment of Silence to be observed for those colleagues who have lost their lives in the Mining Industry due to accident/diseases). 4. MQA STRATEGIC INFORMATION SHARING 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION AND UPDATES (Ref: Circ 1/2017 QCTO) 6. CLARITY 7. ACCREDITED TRAINING PROVIDERS CERTIFICATION 8. CLOSURE LUNCH

  3. OBJECTIVEE I.T.O SETAs MANDATE AND QCTO DELEGATIONS To inform and update Sector (MMS) on QCTO/MQA key roles including amongst others: A. Re-registered qualifications B. Breakdown of OQSF Registered QCTO qualifications C. QCTO delegations on re-registered qualifications D. SETA Mandatory on workplace

  4. RE-REGISTERED QUALIFICATIONS All unit standard-based (legacy) qualifications were re-registered on the 30 th of June for a further 5- year period. During the specified 5-year period, the QCTO in collaboration with the QAPs (Setas) will finalise re- alignment or de-registration of Historically Registered Qualifications and skills programmes. Qualifications which have been re-registered may be de-registered before the end of the 5-year period. USB - 2275 QCTO Re-registered quals OCB - 900 OQSF - 224 68 USB Number of registered, developed or reviewed learning programmes assessments including ito QCTO framework OCB 32 Mining o AQP Jewel o Diamond o Mineral process o OQSF 34

  5. Breakdown of Registered Qualifications Break down per major groups No of Qualifications  Trades 45  Managers 16  Professionals 20  Technicians and Associate Professionals 58  Clerical Support Workers 10  Service and Sales Workers 9  Skilled Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery, Craft & Related Trades Workers 15  Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers 46  Elementary Occupations 4  Foundational Learning Competence 1 224 TOTAL

  6. QCTO DELEGATIONS ON REGISTERED QUALIFICATIONS All unit standard-based (legacy) qualifications re-registered on the 30 th of June for a further 5-year period QCTO endorsed a re- arrangements and delegated function on the followings:  Delegation 1: Accreditation  Delegation 2: Monitoring  Delegation 3: Final Integrated Summative Assessment  Delegation 4: Certification  SETA Mandate: Workplace Approval

  7. Delegation 1: Accreditation As from 1 st July 2018 all new applications to offer Historically Registered Qualifications and/or gazetted trades must be made directly to QCTO.  A letter of intent must be submitted to the QCTO before applying to the QAP (Seta) is available on the QCTO website (  The QCTO will acknowledge the letter and advise the SDP (Skills Development Provider - SDP) to either follow the QAP (SETA) accreditation process or to apply (through QCTO) for a registered Occupational Qualification which replaces the Historically Registered Qualification.  The QAPs still continue with accreditation of providers for skills programmes including Implementation of learnership.  The QAP (Seta) will complete/conduct the accreditation process and will send the outcome and recommendation to the QCTO. The accreditation letter will be issued by QCTO and send to SDP, QAP and DHET.

  8. Delegation 2: Monitoring The Setas (Quality Assurance Partners – QAPs) will remain responsible for the accreditation applications for Skills Programmes and the implementation of Learnerships.  A collaborative approach with the QAP will be followed regarding the monitoring of SDPs  QAPs are requested to compile monitoring schedules and conduct monitoring visits to SDPs offering historically registered qualifications and gazetted trades  These monitoring schedules must be submitted to the QCTO a month before as the QA Managers will be conducting sample monitoring visits on same dates scheduled by QAPs.  The QAP will be required to submit EACH monitoring report to the QCTO.

  9. Delegation 3: Final Integrated Summative Assessment The QCTO re-considered the implementation of Final Integrated Summative Assessments (FISAs) for Historically Registered Qualifications:  Through further deliberation, therefore QCTO would phase in FISA with voluntary QAPs who feel they are in a “state of readiness” to do so.  As to date MQA is not yet ready for it however envisaged pilot is underway with specific qualifications as per Assessment Quality Partner process.  The MQA will continue with its delegated function as an Assessment Quality Partner (AQP).

  10. Delegation 4: Certification  The Setas (Quality Assurance Partners – QAPs) will remain responsible for the accreditation applications for Skills Programmes and the implementation of Learnerships.  QAPs will continue to be responsible for NLRD submission to SAQA and data with regard to ATPs including the issuing of certificates for historically registered qualifications after the learner achievements have been quality assured by the QCTO.  The QAP will be required to submit/inform EACH uploading report to the QCTO.

  11. SETA Mandatory: Workplace Approval Occupational Training Purpose Functional Roles Knowledge Occupational QCTO Quals Skills Practical Skills/ Training Intention Occupational Qualification Development Applied knowledge QAP Provider QCTO OQ – Workplace Experience/ Workplace Workplace SETA Workplace Knowledge Approval Approval MQA Learnerships & External Integrated Assessment Skills Prog AQP Summative Assessment Centre MQA Monitoring & Evaluation QAP QALA Assessment Accreditations/Audits/approval are ito QAP/SETA specifics and standard

  12. THANK YOU !! Ndiyabonga! Ndiyabulela! Ngiyabonga! Ke a leboga! Ke yaleboga! Ke a leboha! Ndikhou livhuha! Ngiyathokoza! Dankie! Inkomu!


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