Annua Annual Sha Sharehol eholders’ ders’ Meet Meeting ng 28 28 A August 20 2019 19
Tony Ca y Carter, , Chair Chairma man
Your ur Bo Board Tony Carter Lewis Gradon Michael Daniell Pip Greenwood Neville Mitchell Donal O’Dwyer Geraldine McBride Scott St John
Age genda da • Chair’s Address • Board Subcommittee Updates • Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer’s Review • Financial Statements • Resolutions • Voting • General Questions
FY20 FY2019 9 Fina Financia ncial H l Hig ighlig hlights hts ↑ Operating 9% $1.07 B Revenue ↑ 10% Net Profit $209.2 M After Tax ↑ 9% 22.35 cents Dividend
FY20 FY2019 9 Revenue nue by P y Product uct Group up Hom omeca care Hos ospita ital 39% 60% OF OPERATING REVENUE OF OPERATING REVENUE Distributed & Other 1% OF OPERATING REVENUE
Hosp spita ital P l Product uct Group up FY19 Resul FY19 R esult 642.3 $642M Revenue 572.1 500.4 436.3 Revenu enue G e Growth th ↑ 357.2 12% NZ$ ↑ Constant 11% Currency FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19
Hom omecare Produ oduct G Grou oup FY19 Resul FY19 R esult 642.3 421.4 $421M Revenue 398.1 572.1 381.5 365.8 500.4 436.3 Revenu enue G e Growth th 302.0 ↑ 357.2 6% NZ$ ↑ Constant 4% Currency FY15 FY15 FY16 FY16 FY17 FY17 FY18 FY18 FY19 FY19
Gross a s and nd Operating ting Ma Margins ins Gross Margin Operating (EBIT) Margin 70% 30% 60% 25% 50% 20% 40% 15% 30% 10% 20% 5% 10% 0% 0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Long Term Gross Margin target – 65% Long Term Operating Margin target – 30%
Your ur Bo Board Tony Carter Lewis Gradon Michael Daniell Pip Greenwood Neville Mitchell Donal O’Dwyer Geraldine McBride Scott St John
Scott S tt St t John hn Audit it & Risk Risk Commit ittee Ch Chair ir
Pip p Gree eenwood ood People le & & Remuneratio ion Commit ittee Ch Chair ir
Do Donal O nal O’Dw ’Dwyer Qu Qualit lity, Sa , Safety & & Regula latory ry Commit ittee Ch Chair ir
Lewis G is Gradon, n, Ma Mana naging ing Dir Direct ctor and and CE CEO
FY20 FY2020 20 O Outlo utlook Full Y ll Year ar Expect NZD:USD exchange rate of ~0.64 for the balance of the year Operating Revenue Approximately $1.17 billion Net Profit after Tax Approximately $245 - $255 million Fir irst H t Half alf Expect at current exchange rates Operating Revenue Approximately $560 million Net Profit after Tax Approximately $120 million
Fifty Fifty Years s of f Ca Care 2019 - F&P 950 Humidifier 1969 - Agee Jar Humidifier
Lynd yndal Y l York Ch Chie ief F Fina inancia ial l Offi fficer er
Growth S th Str trategy OUR ASPIRATION: Sustainably DOUBLING our constant currency revenue every 5-6 years.
Lewis G is Gradon, n, Ma Mana naging ing Dir Direct ctor and and CE CEO
Tony Ca y Carter, , Chair Chairma man
Financia Financial S l Sta tateme ments nts • Opportunity for shareholders to ask any questions specifically on the financial statements, the auditor’s report or the company’s 2019 annual report. • There will be an opportunity to ask any general questions once all items on the agenda have been considered.
Reso solutio lutions ns 1. Re-election of Lewis Gradon as Director 2. Re-election of Donal O’Dwyer as Director 3. Election of Neville Mitchell as Director 4. Auditor’s Remuneration 5. Issue of Performance Share Rights 6. Issue of Options 7. Company Constitution
Three Wa Ways to Vo Vote 1. Use your voting card (in person) 2. Use your smartphone using the LINK App (in person) 3. Electronic voting form (online)
Reso solutio lution n 1: : Re-ele lectio ction n of f Lewis is Gradon That Lewis Gradon, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company.
Reso solutio lution n 2: R 2: Re-ele lectio ction n of Do f Dona nal O l O’Dw ’Dwyer That Donal O’Dwyer, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company.
Reso solutio lution n 3: 3: Ele lectio ction o n of N f Neville ille Mit Mitche chell ll That Neville Mitchell, who being eligible, offers himself for election, be elected as a director of the Company.
Reso solutio lution n 4: A : Aud udit itor’s R s Remune muneratio tion That the Directors be authorised to fix the fees and expenses of PwC as the Company’s auditor.
Reso solutio lution n 5: 5: Issue sue of f Performa manc nce Sha hare Rig Rights hts That approval be given for the issue of up to 60,000 performance share rights under the Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Performance Share Rights Plan to Lewis Gradon, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
Reso solutio lution n 6: 6: Issue sue of f Optio tions ns That approval be given for the issue of up to 190,000 options under the Fisher & Paykel Healthcare 2003 Share Option Plan to Lewis Gradon, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
Reso solutio lution n 7: 7: Comp mpany C y Cons nstitutio titution That the existing constitution of the Company is revoked, and the constitution presented at the meeting, and referred to in Explanatory Note 5 of the Notice of Meeting, is adopted as the Constitution of the Company.
Voting • In respect of each resolution, please tick the “for”, “against” or “abstain” box. • Once you have completed your voting, please hand your paper to a representative from Link Market Services. • Please raise your hand if you require a pen. • Results will be announced to NZX and ASX as soon as they are available.
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