
2012 Sales Forcasting Recipe Spice Shan Foods Private Limited Sha - PDF document

2012 Sales Forcasting Recipe Spice Shan Foods Private Limited Sha n F o o ds (Priva te ) L td . wa s fo unde d in 1981 in a sing le ro o m a s Sha n Ma sa la . L a te r, due to its po pula rity, the c o mpa ny wa s na me d Sha n F o

  1. 2012 Sales Forcasting – Recipe Spice Shan Foods Private Limited Sha n F o o ds (Priva te ) L td . wa s fo unde d in 1981 in a sing le ro o m a s Sha n Ma sa la . L a te r, due to its po pula rity, the c o mpa ny wa s na me d Sha n F o o ds. It Gro up L e a de r: ha s pre se nc e in mo re tha n 50 c o untrie s to da y a nd Ade e l A. Sidd iq ui (GL ) – 11262 de a ls in se ve ral b ro a d c a te g o rie s o f o ffe ring s. Sha n Gro up Me mb e rs: F o o ds ha s c a pita lize d o n the c ha ng ing ma rke t tre nds a nd c o nsume r ta ste s a nd thro ug h pro duc t tria ls, it ha s Ba b a r Ansa ri – 10055 ma de sure to c hurn o ut o ffe ring s tha t a re b e st in line Muha mma d Ka shif – 9415 with c o nsume r ta ste s. Ra ja Ra ffa y Niza ma ni – 8856 Ha ssa n Ome r – 9265 Sh a n Fo o d s Priv a te Lim ite d Ko r a n g i In d u s t r i a l A r e a , Ka r a c h i , P a k i s t a n + 9 2 – 2 1 – 3 5 0 5 3 1 9 6 + 9 2 – 2 1 – 3 5 0 5 3 0 8 0

  2. Le t t e r o f A c k n o w le d g e m e n t T o who m it ma y c o nc e rn. T his L e tte r is to a c kno wle dg e the e ffo rts a nd sinc e rity, o ffe re d b y the c o urse instruc to r Mr. Sa e e d – UR – Re hma n, to te a c h the sub je c t a nd pro vide a de q ua te g uidline s. T he a c c o mplishme nt o f this re po rt is a re sult o f a c o mb ine e ffo rt ma de b y the re po rte d a nd the re po rting individua ls, d uring the te rm spring 2012. T he o b je c tive to write this re po rt is to le a rn the me tho ds o f Sa le F o re c a sting use d b y a n F MCG pro duc e r, in this c a se Sha n F o o ds Priva te L imite d. I he re b y a c kno wle dg e tha t I ma y no t be a b le to unde rsta nd a nd write the c o nte nt o f this re po rt witho ut sinc e re g uida nc e fro m Mr. Kha lid Za ki (GM I nte rna tio na l Sale , Sha n F o o ds Priva te L imite d ), Mr. Za hir Mirza (G M Sa le s Ma na g e me nt, Sha n F o o ds Priva te L imite d ) a nd the ir a sso c ia te s, a s we ll. Gra c ia s, Gro up L e a de r: Ade e l A. Sidd iq ui (GL ) 11262 Gro up Me mb e rs: Ba b a r Ansa ri 10055 Muha mma d Ka shif 9415 Ra ja Ra ffa y Niza ma ni 8856 Ha ssa n Ome r 9265

  3. Le t t e r o f Tra n s m it t a l T o , Mr. Sa e e d – Ur – Re hma n, I nstitute o f Busine ss Ma na g e me nt, De a r Sir, We a re sub mitting this re po rt alo ng with a pre se nta tio n o n the Sa le s F o re c a sting me tho d use d b y Sha n F o o ds Priva te L imite d , fo r Bo mb a y Birya ni, fro m Re c ipe Mix, o n Mo nda y, da te d 23 th April 2012. T he Purpo se o f this re po rt is to pro vide yo u c o nte nt o n the b a sis o f whic h yo u a re a ble to a sse ss o ur unde rsta nding a nd c o mpre he nsio n a b o ut the c o urse title Sale s Ma na g e me nt. T he Co nte nt o f this re po rt is b a se d o n the info rma tio n pro vide d b y Sha n F o o ds Priva te limite d , fo r the purpo se . Mo re o ve r the da ta a nd info rma tio n a c q uire d fro m Sha n F o o ds Priva te L imite d ha s b e e n c o mpo se d, struc ture d a nd e la b o ra te d so tha t it c a n de live r its inte nde d o b je c tive s. T he Re po rt a lso d isc usse s the spe c ific pro c e dure s o f Sa le F o re c a sting a nd its vita ls, fo r the se le c te d pro duc t. Gra c ia s, Gro up L e a de r: Ade e l A. Sidd iq ui (GL ) 11262 Gro up Me mb e rs: Ba b a r Ansa ri 10055 Muha mma d Ka shif 9415 Ra ja Ra ffa y Niza ma ni 8856 Ha ssa n Ome r 9265

  4. Lis t o f Ta b le s T a b le 1: T a rg e t Ma rke t .................................................................................................. 10 T a b le 2: E F E Sale s ............................................................................................................ 11 T a b le 3: IF E Sa le s ............................................................................................................. 11 T a b le 4: F o re c a sting Mo de l F Y'13 ............................................................................... 12 T a b le 5: F o re c a sting first ha lf F Y'13 ............................................................................. 13 Lis t o f Fig u re s F ig ure 1: Sa le s Org a niza tio n........................................................................................... 4 F ig ure 2: Sa le s F o re c a sting Pro c e ss .............................................................................. 5 F ig ure 3: Ma rke t Sha re .................................................................................................. 10 F ig ure 4: Sa le s F Y'12 - Histo ric a l T re nd ........................................................................ 12 Ta b le o f C o n t e n t s L e tte r o f Ac kno wle dg e me nt .......................................................................................... ii L e tte r o f T ra nsmitta l ......................................................................................................... iii T a b le o f Co nte nts ............................................................................................................. 1 I ntro duc tio n ....................................................................................................................... 3 Pro duc t Ra ng e ................................................................................................................. 3 Sa le s Org a niza tio n ........................................................................................................... 4 Sa le s F o re c a sting Pro c e dure ......................................................................................... 4 1. F a c to r Ana lysis ....................................................................................................... 5 2. F o re c a sting Mo de l ................................................................................................ 6 3. Da ta Ac q uisitio n .................................................................................................... 6 4. E stima tio ns ............................................................................................................... 7 5. Co mb ining E stima te s ............................................................................................ 7 6. Va ria nc e Ana lysis (E va lua tio n) ........................................................................... 7 F o re c a sting Me tho ds ...................................................................................................... 8 1. Histo ric a l E xtra po la tio n ......................................................................................... 8 2. Sa le s Pro je c tio ns b y PL C ...................................................................................... 8 3. Se a so nal Va ria tio ns ............................................................................................... 8

  5. Sa le s F o re c a sting – Re c ipe Sp ic e – T a b le o f Co nte nts 4. L e a ding Indic a to rs ................................................................................................ 8 5. Sa le s fo rc e e stima te s (Co mpo site s) .................................................................. 9 6. Ma rke t Surve ys ....................................................................................................... 9 7. E xte rnal and I nte rnal F a c to rs listing ................................................................... 9 8. Co mmitte e Co nse nsus ......................................................................................... 9 9. E xe c utive s Op inio n ................................................................................................ 9 Se le c te d Pro duc t ............................................................................................................. 9 F o re c a sting fo r Se le c te d Pro duc t ................................................................................ 9 1. Sub je c tive Ana lysis .............................................................................................. 10 1. T a rg e t Ma rke t ................................................................................................ 10 2. Ma rke t Sha re ................................................................................................. 10 3. E F E Sa le s ......................................................................................................... 11 4. IF E Sale s ........................................................................................................... 11 5. Se a so nal Va ria tio n (Histo ric a l tre nd) ........................................................ 12 2. F o re c a sting Mo de l .............................................................................................. 12 3. Sa le s F o re c a st fo r F ruit Cha a t ........................................................................... 13 4. Co nse nsus & E xe c utive Op inio n ...................................................................... 13 Pa g e | 2

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