Accesible America IV: ICT’s for Everbody X Session Costa Rica’s national effort for the promotion of accessibility San José, Costa Rica November 21st, 2017 Lizbeth Barrantes Arroyo
The access to technologies can contribute to change the conditions of people with disabilities
Graphic 1 Gráfico 1 Costa Rica: Población con discapacidad de 5 años y más por uso de Costa Rica: Population with disabilities 5 years old and over with access to Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en los últimos 3 meses. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’S) in the last 3 months (Porcentuales) 24,62 Internet Internet 45,36 26,79 Computer Computadora 48,67 52,25 Celular Mobile Phone 72,04 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 People with disabilities Total Personas con discapacidad Total Fuente: Elaboración propia, basado en los datos del INEC, tomando de http://censos ccp ucr ac cr/ Source: Own elaboration, based on the INEC data, taken from http//censos ccp ucr ac cr/
Graphic 2 Costa Rica: Population with disabilities 5 years old and over with access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’S) in the last 3 months by education level, Year 2011 (Percentages) 90 83.3 77.1 76.8 80 73.8 71.6 71.3 70 62.6 59.4 60 53.4 53.3 49.6 50 39.3 37.9 40 35 33.9 27.4 Mobile Phone 30 Celular 22.7 20.3 18.9 17.1 20 13.8 13.9 12.5 11.2 9.2 Computer Computadora 10 3.4 2.9 0 Internet Internet Fuente: Elaboración propia, basado en los datos del INEC, tomando de http://censos ccp ucr ac cr/ Source: Own elaboration, based on the INEC data, taken from http//censos ccp ucr ac cr/
Graphic 3 Gráfico 3. Costa Rica: Population with disabilities that live in individual homes by zones and according to their possession of Costa Rica: Población con discapacidad que habita en viviendas individuales por zona, según tenencia de Tecnologías de Information and Communication Technologies. Year 2011. (Percentages) información y Comunicación . Año 2011. (Porcentuales) 80 66.7 70 60 50.7 50 36.1 40 24.7 24.5 24.1 30 Urban 17.7 Urbano 20 13.8 13.9 Rural Rural 10 3.9 3.8 3 2.9 2.1 0 Fuente: Elaboración propia, basado en los datos del INEC, tomando de http://censos ccp ucr ac cr/ Source: Own elaboration, based on the INEC data, taken from http//censos ccp ucr ac cr/
National Telecommunications PONADIS Convention on Plan the rights of people with disabilities
PHYSI CAL I MPAI RMENT People who have difficulty walking, climbing stairs, using their hands, or fingers require equipment for telecommunications and information technologies with specific conditions and characteristics that allow an independent and autonomous use. Disability/ Deficiency Condition Technological Need Technological Solution Do you have difficulty walking or climbing stairs? Yes, a high difficulty Laptop Computer High Performance Laptop Computer Can not perform this activity at all Laptop Computer High Performance Laptop Computer Do you have difficulty using their hands or fingers? Yes, a high difficulty Desktop Computer High Performance Desktop Computer Ergonomic Trackball Mouse Ergonomic Trackball Mouse Arm rests Arm rests Keyboard with large keys (twice the standard size) Keyboard with large keys (twice the standard size) Can not perform this activity at all Desktop Computer High Performance Desktop Computer Eye tracker for PC Tobii Dynavox PCEye (software or hardware). Dictation Software
VI SUAL I MPAI RMENT People who have a visual impairment , even when wearing glasses, require equipment for telecommunications and information technologies with specific conditions and characteristics that allow an independent and autonomous use. Disability/ Deficiency Condition Technological Need Technological Solution Do you have difficulty seeing, even if you wear glasses? Yes, a high difficulty Laptop Computer High Performance Laptop Computer Screen Reader software JAWS Magnifier MAGIG ó ZOOMTEX Written documents magnifier Ruby Can not perform this activity at all Laptop Computer High Performance Laptop Computer Screen Reader software JAWS Book and written documents scanner OpenBook y Pearl
HEARI NG I MPAI RMENT People who have a hearing impairment, even when using a hearing aid, require telecommunication and information technologies with specific conditions and characteristics that allow an independent and autonomous use. Disability/ Deficiency Condition Technological Need Technological Solution Do you have a hearing impairment, even when using a hearing aid ? Yes, a high difficulty Laptop Computer High Performance Laptop Computer Can not perform this activity at all Laptop Computer High Performance Laptop Computer
Generate a dialogue between the developers and the people with disabilities towards the democratization of the ICT’s Focused on the accessibility guidelines established by the W3C Accessible Telephony T e lec o mmunic atio ns do no t have an ac c essible fo rmat (audible, visual, pic to graphic ) Digital TV E nc o urage peo ple with disabilities to use te c hno lo gie s (4G)
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