academic affairs performance metrics and data informed

Academic Affairs Performance Metrics and Data Informed Decision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee Academic Affairs Performance Metrics and Data Informed Decision Making December 6, 2016 AAC 1.2 University Metrics Website: Link: Preparation and

  1. Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee Academic Affairs Performance Metrics and Data Informed Decision Making December 6, 2016 AAC 1.2

  2. University Metrics • Website: • Link:

  3. Preparation and Academic Cost • Admission test scores: • ACT/SAT • GRE/GMAT • Average net academic cost • Average percent tuition discount • Undergraduate financial aid Link:

  4. UNCG Average SAT/ACT Test Scores* and GPA for New Degree ‐ Seeking Freshmen (Fall 2012 to 2016) SAT Total ACT HS GPA 1300 25.0 23.2 23.1 23.0 23.0 23.1 1200 20.0 1100 15.0 ACT/HS GPA SAT Total 1049 1041 1041 1040 1033 1000 10.0 900 3.82 5.0 3.64 3.67 3.62 3.51 800 0.0 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 *Only SAT/ACT scores that were used in admission decision are included.

  5. Enrollment • Total enrollments • Undergraduate and graduate students by ethnicity • First ‐ time undergraduates and transfer students • UNCG freshmen vs NC high school graduates • Link:

  6. UNCG Total Enrollment (Fall 2012 to 2016) 20,000 19,653 19,500 19,393 19,000 18,647 18,500 18,516 18,000 18,074 17,500 17,000 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Enrollment details:

  7. Outcomes • First ‐ year persistence rate • Four ‐ year graduation rates • Six ‐ year graduation rates • Six ‐ year composite graduation and persistence rates • Four ‐ year graduation rates for community college transfer students • Time to degree • Number of degrees awarded by ethnicity and level • Certification, licensure, and national board exam pass rates • Number of students studying abroad • State and National Surveys • Peer Institutions Comparison Report Link:

  8. UNCG Four ‐ Year Graduation Rates of First ‐ Time, Full ‐ Time, Degree ‐ Seeking Undergraduates by Ethnicity (Cohort Years Fall 2008 to 2012) Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 60.0 52.6 46.5 50.0 41.7 41.7 35.2 34.0 40.0 32.5 32.2 32.4 32.2 32.0 30.7 30.8 30.5 29.6 29.5 29.3 26.7 26.5 26.2 26.1 25.2 30.0 23.5 22.2 20.2 20.0 10.0 0.0 Cohort Total Non ‐ Resident Alien Asian Black or African Am. Hispanic Any Race 60.0 60 50.0 44.4 50 42.9 34.0 40 33.3 32.3 32.6 31.5 31.7 30.0 28.6 26.2 25.0 30 23.4 22.2 22.2 20.5 20.0 14.3 20 10 0.0 0 Multiracial Nat. Hawaiian Native Am. Unknown White or Other Isl. or Alaskan Nat.

  9. Faculty, Instruction and Research • Number of tenure ‐ stream faculty • FTE student/FTE faculty ratio • Faculty Instructional Workload • Office of Innovation Commercialization Data • Disclosure, Patent, Licensing & University Startup Activity • Licensing Revenue • Royalty Payment Activity • Link:

  10. UNCG Number of Tenure ‐ Stream Faculty (Fall 2012 to 2015) 566 557 543 534 444 444 431 419 124 122 113 103 FALL 2012 FALL 2013 FALL 2014 FALL 2015 Tenured Tenure ‐ Track Total For details, visit Factbook:

  11. UNCG Faculty Instructional Productivity (Fall 2011 to 2016) Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 * Student Credit Hours per Instructional FTE: These represent total student credit hours generated, including both organized course sections and independent study/individualized instruction coursework. SCH per Total FTE Faculty 234.1 240.8 215.8 220.6 222.9 225.0 SCH per Tenure ‐ Stream FTE Faculty 189.4 182.0 170.5 175.3 160.5 176.4 Carnegie Avg SCHs per Total FTE Faculty 1 219.0 215.0 Carnegie Avg SCHs per Tenure ‐ Stream FTE Faculty 1 176.0 171.0 Course Sections per Instructional FTE Organized Sections per Total FTE Faculty 2.9 3.1 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 Organized Sections per Tenure ‐ Stream FTE Faculty 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 Carnegie Avg Organized Sections per Total FTE Faculty 1 3.1 3.3 Carnegie Avg Organized Sections per Tenure ‐ Stream FTE Faculty 1 2.6 3.0 * Fall 2016 data are currently in review by academic department heads. These are preliminary figures which may change following the completion of the review. 1 Carnegie averages are provided by UNC ‐ General Administration and will be updated wit the next iteration of the BOG report. Source of data: Office of Institutional Research – data prepared for the Delaware Cost Study

  12. 2015‐16 Graduating Senior Survey: • Population – 2,616 graduates • Respondents – 1,228 students • 46.9% response rate • UNC system school comparison will be available by end of 2016 • Survey results Source: UNCG 2016 Graduating Senior Survey

  13. Percentage of respondents who were either very satisfied or satisfied with instructors in their major departments Their ability to motivate me to do my best 88.0% How well they explain course material 87.5% The extent to which they encourage class discussion 86.2% How effectively they use instructional technology in 84.7% teaching/learning activities The extent to which they consider different learning styles 72.4% Overall satisfaction with instructors in your major 89.5% Source: UNCG 2016 Graduating Senior Survey

  14. Satisfaction with University Services Academic advising 66.7% Library services 91.2% Information technology services 77.9% Career services 71.5% Source: UNCG 2016 Graduating Senior Survey

  15. Percentage of respondents who agreed that their college education contributed to their knowledge, skills, and personal development Writing effectively 91.2% Speaking effectively (i.e., to large and small groups and making presentations) 92.1% Using mathematical skills 69.3% Applying analytic skills 91.4% Using critical thinking skills 94.2% Developing leadership skills 87.0% Working effectively as part of a team 89.5% Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds 92.1% Sensitivity to issues associated with racial equity 87.8% Sensitivity to issues associated with gender equity 88.5% Source: UNCG 2016 Graduating Senior Survey

  16. All things considered, how would you evaluate the quality of instruction? In your major Overall Fair Poor Poor Fair 5.0% 1.3% Excellent 1.2% 11.4% 32.4% Good 32.1% Excellent Good 61.6% 55.0% Source: UNCG 2016 Graduating Senior Survey

  17. How would you evaluate the If you could start over again, overall education that you are would you still choose to attend receiving at this institution? this institution? Poor No Fair Not 1% 9% 6% Sure Excellent 23% 50% Good 43% Yes 68% Source: UNCG 2016Graduating Senior Survey

  18. Student Learning Assessment UNCG assesses academic programs regularly • “Programs” include majors, concentrations, and General Education • Undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs • Evidence of student learning in majors and concentrations is collected annually • General education assessment occurs annually • Each of the 12 Gen Ed categories is assessed on a 4 ‐ year cycle • Evidence is used to make improvements to the programs Source: UNCG Office of Assessment and Accreditation

  19. Program Assessment Process • Faculty identify student learning outcomes (SLOs) appropriate for the program • Faculty identify appropriate measures or metrics to evaluate those outcomes, including • Authentic work completed during the program: Research papers Case studies Portfolios Poster presentations Design projects Major field tests Performances Practicum evaluations Lab reports TGAP scores • Indirect measures, like alumni surveys and exit interviews Source: UNCG Office of Assessment and Accreditation

  20. Example: Computer Science BS Student Learning Outcome: Students show “an ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer ‐ based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.” Measures: 1. CSC 490 Final Report (Requirements, Design, Implementation, and Evaluation sections) 2. ETS Major Field Test for Computer Science Results: 1. 87% met criterion 1, 100% met criteria 2, 3, and 4. 2. In the ETS Major Field Test, 61% of students scored at or above the national average of 148.1, exceeding the target of 50% meeting that benchmark. Source: UNCG Office of Assessment and Accreditation

  21. General Education • Student learning outcomes are reviewed and revised every 4 years by ad hoc committees of faculty teaching in each category • Learning is always measured by course ‐ based student work • In some cases, learning is measured by student surveys in addition to student work • Written communication and critical thinking skills are also measured by ETS HEIghten tests organized by General Administration Source: UNCG Office of Assessment and Accreditation

  22. Written Communication Results Course ‐ based student work Graduating Senior Survey course faculty rated faculty peer reviewers rated 84% 81% of student work as of student work as proficient proficient or higher or higher ETS HEIghten Results: UNCG Mean Proficient Range 164.6 161 ‐ 171 Source: UNCG Office of Assessment and Accreditation

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