aboyne lodge school

Aboyne Lodge School Proud of Ourselves, Proud of Others, Proud of our - PDF document

Aboyne Lodge School Proud of Ourselves, Proud of Others, Proud of our School PRESENTATION POLICY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To establish high expectations of pride in everything we do-both of ourselves and of the children To create a clear

  1. Aboyne Lodge School ‘Proud of Ourselves, Proud of Others, Proud of our School’ PRESENTATION POLICY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES  To establish high expectations of pride in everything we do-both of ourselves and of the children  To create a clear and consistent set of guidelines for the presentation of children’s learning  To motivate each individual to present their work in the best possible way  To enable children to recognise work that is presented to a high standard  To ensure each child knows the standard of presentation that is expected of them FOR TEACHERS AND TEACHING ASSISTANTS  To create consistency in standards of presentation across the school  To provide a baseline for judging acceptable standards of presentation EXPECTATIONS FOR TEACHERS AND TEACHING ASSISTANTS Remember – you are the most importable role model for presentation and high expectations. Use the resources available to you e.g. On the IWB – lines, grids to model good practice  All handwriting which is on display for the children – on the IWB, books, flip charts, display – should be legible, consistently formed and neat. From Year 2 the handwriting style should be joined according to the school’s agreed style  All children’s work must be marked using the agreed marking policy  When sticking in work, ensure they are straight and cut to size EXPECTATIONS FOR CHILDREN Use of pencils and pens  EYFS children are encouraged to use anything to make marks on paper. They progress to use triangular pencils when starting to form letters and write more formally  Year 1 – thick pencils

  2.  Y2 – HB thin pencil  Y3 – HB thin pencil, progressing to earning a black handwriting pen at the point where the teacher judges the child’s handwriting to be sufficiently neat and fluent  Y4-Y6 – Black gel pen or fountain pen may be used. NO BIRO N.B. These are the guidelines for the majority of children in the individual classes. Some children will have individual requirements to assist them in their writing e.g. pencil grips, Stabilo easy handwriting, Yoropen etc… Pen cils should be used in all Maths’ books and in note books in Years 3 -6 Expectations for Handwriting o The school’s agreed handwriting scheme should be used for teaching handwriting o Use the right size letters when necessary – capital letters at the start of sentences and for proper nouns o Handwriting is taught as an integral part of spelling and phonics lessons Expectations for Layout  The date is written at the top on the left; the Learning Objective on the next line on the left against the margin  EYFS the adult will date and transcribe the children’s work  Y1 the adult will give the Learning Objective for the children’s book or on a prepared worksheet  Y2 the children will be encouraged to write the date and Learning Objective as appropriate to their learning ability  Y3 – Y6, children should be writing the date and Learning Objective independently (learning needs should be taken into consideration as to whether this is appropriate)  The date and Learning Objective must be underlined with a pencil and a ruler  All dates will be written in short APART FROM WORK IN LITERACY BOOKS when the full date will be written  At the start of a new piece of work, miss a line under the last piece of work, rule off and start on a new line. Don’t leave a blank page  IF there are fewer than 5 lines at the end of a page, then start a new one  Miss a line under the LO and start at the margin  Write a title in the middle of the page and underline with a pencil and ruler if appropriate

  3. e.g. Monday 13 th June Miss a line L.O: To use primary sources of information to research life in the past Miss a line Rich Tudor clothes Miss a line The rich Tudor people wore very different clothes to the poor Tudor people.  If a mistake is made, draw a neat line through the mistake and start again, do not over-write  Write ON THE LINE. In Maths’ books, one square should be used for one digit  When using blank paged books (e.g. in Art and Design and Technology) draw the line first before writing the date and Learning Objective OUTCOMES OF PRESENTATION POLICY  Children of all abilities are able to present their work to the highest possible standard increasing their confidence and self-esteem  There is consistency across the school is terms of the standard of presentation expected  Progression in presenting work between each class in evident and understood by all children and adults MONITORING OF PRESENTATION POLICY  The Senior Leadership Team will collect examples of children’s work on a termly basis to ensure that the policy is being implemented consistently  Curriculum Teams will monitor the standard of presentation in the relevant subjects’ books according to the yearly monitoring timetable Policy agreed: September 2012 Policy review: July 2013


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