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About us An ISO 14001 Environmental Management system enables the - PDF document

About us An ISO 14001 Environmental Management system enables the company to undergo an honest and Eurobusines s Group places the highest priority on the health and safety of our people and on environmental and energy conservaon programs that

  1. About us An ISO 14001 Environmental Management system enables the company to undergo an honest and Eurobusines s Group places the highest priority on the health and safety of our people and on environmental and energy conserva�on programs that benefit the communi�es in which we live and work. We wish to become recognized as an industry model in crea�ng safe workplaces and conserving world resources. Cer�fica�ons ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 22002-4:2013 An ISO 9001 quality management system helps to con�nually monitor and manage quality across all opera�ons. As the world's most widely recognized quality management standard, it outlines ways to achieve, as well as benchmark, consistent performance and service. comprehensive environmental risk assessment, to analyse all aspects of their business impacts on the technologies for prin�ng, finishing and packaging and two sites of produc�on. environment and then to create a risk register so the business's eye are open to the poten�al environmental pi�alls. FSSC 22000 , TS 22002-4:2013 FSSC 22000 and TS 22002-4:2013 are specifically targeted at food manufacturers. These cer � fica � ons scheme will help secure food safety standards within the produc � on process of the supply chain. E-mail: office@aebpackaging.ro w ww. aebpackaging .ro E-mail: office @tipografiaeurobusiness.ro w ww.tipografiaeurobusiness.ro Safety and Environmental Sustainability Ini�ally the company had two employees and just one prin�ng machine whereas today has the best Eurobusiness Group is a leading prin�ng company with a global reach and a growing posi�on in packaging field. with our customers and partners. Our capabili�es, produc�on capacity and innova�ve technology allow us to meet the most complex requirements of our customers. With an industrial infrastructure spread over 10000 sqm near Bucharest it is structured in a dynamic, smart and efficient way being one of the few East European companies with a complete and integrated produc�on cycle under the same roof using state-of-the art technology and clever logis�c chains. Mission Our mission is to deliver high quality and innova�ve products for our valuable customers. Vision We strongly believe that success comes from coopera�on Our team European customers. The young but experienced team is commi�ed to providing excellent service and delivering high-quality products having the mission to make every prin�ng order a real success. Our aim is to build long-term and mutually rewarding rela�onship with our customers. History Eurobusiness Group was founded in the early of 2000s and quickly became a reliable supplier for domes�c market. The enthusiasm and the exper�se of the young team helped to turn into an important supplier for PACKAGING EXCELLENCE

  2. Products 5. 5 colours machine, sheet size: 72 x 104 cm 2. KBA 104 Rapida 5 colours machine, sheet size: 72 x 104 cm 3. Heidelberg SpeedMaster 5 colours machine, sheet size: 52 x 72 cm 4. Heidelberg SpeedMaster 2 colours machine, sheet size: 72 x 104 cm Albert Frankenthal web offset (coldset) 1. 63 cm cut off, 90 cm width 6. Ongoing KBA 162 5 colours, sheet size 120x162 cm Lamina�ng & UV 1 . Lamina�on and coa�ng – Polatek 2 . UV machine - Sakurai E-mail: office@aebpackaging.ro w ww. aebpackaging .ro E-mail: office @tipografiaeurobusiness.ro w ww.tipografiaeurobusiness.ro KBA 105 Rapida and packaging request in terms quan�ty and quality. We are able to offer a wide range of printed products and Web data transferring, remote approval, colour packing solu�ons: Hardcover (sewn and perfect binding books) Magazines (perfect binding & s�tched) Catalogues Flyers Packaging solu�ons (folding cartons and micro flute, braille cartons, paper bags, counter top & shelf display boxes) Technologies Equipped with the last genera�on machines our produc�on cover the most of our clients' needs. management programs and high data storage capacity sheet and web machines that can sa�sfy any publishing enable the modern CTP lines to manage all the plate sizes for our presses. Our pressroom offers complete and effec�ve solu�ons for your prin�ng needs. Our state-of-the art prin�ng machines, together with the exper�se matured by our technicians, ensure you the highest quality in the industry. The finishing and packing divisions, two area within which the company has recently made significant investments, have the possibility to realize not only the most common products, but to match virtually any job requirements present in today's market. Prin�ng equipments The prin�ng department of Eurobusiness is equipped with PACKAGING EXCELLENCE

  3. Prepress 8. Folding machine – MBO Experfold 80 2. Die cu�er – Bobst SP 1420E 3. Die cu�er – Iberica AG 4. Perfect binding machine - Kolbus 470 5. Perfect binding machine - Muller Mar�ni 6. Lamina�ng machine – Lamina 1116 7. Lamina�ng machine – Lamina 1620 9. Folding machine – Stahl Binding and packaging equipments 10. Wrapping machine – Kalfass 11. S�tching machine – Schneider 12. s�tching machine – Sheridan 13. case maker - Horauf E-mail: office@aebpackaging.ro w ww. aebpackaging .ro E-mail: office @tipografiaeurobusiness.ro w ww.tipografiaeurobusiness.ro 1. Folder-gluer equipped with accubraille – Bobst leaflet to magazines, so� and hardcover books. An expert staff and modern so�ware guide the customer to 5. Proof inkjet printer - Epson Stylus Photo 4900 ge�ng the best out of their files. The prepress department is equipped with a Colour Management system which helps to get the prin�ng colour quality and parameters. 1. CTP Basis VLF – computer to plate 2. Filmse�er - Agfa Avantra A4 3. Plate developer – IMAF 85 4. Proof inkjet printer - Epson Stylus Photo 4880 6. Digital cu�er - ZUND G3 L-2500 . The versa�lity of the serve our clients for the en�re range of produc�ons from ZUND G3 L-2500 suits very well for small orders and also for packaging and POS mock-ups. Binding and packaging Eurobusiness prin�ng house is among the few facili�es from Romania with a complete and integrated produc�on cycle under the same roof (prepress, web and sheet fed, bindery and packaging). The bindery is equipped with the technology that allow to PACKAGING EXCELLENCE

  4. 69,Libertăţii Street, (DN-CB km 26), Glina - 077105, Judeţul Ilfov, România Phone: +40.21.405.04.58/59/60/61/62 Fax: +40.21.405.04.63 E-mail: office@aebpackaging.ro w ww. aebpackaging .ro E-mail: office @tipografiaeurobusiness.ro w ww.tipografiaeurobusiness.ro PACKAGING EXCELLENCE
