AB 32 Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Investments Website: www.arb.ca.gov/auctionproceeds Email: GGRFProgram@arb.ca.gov
California Climate Investments • State proceeds from cap-and-trade auctions • Invest in projects that reduce greenhouse gases, benefit disadvantaged communities, and achieve co-benefits • Triennial investment plan, then Legislature and Governor allocate funds via Budget • Over $2 Billion allocated to date
Program Structure Governor • Governor Proposes Budget • Legislature Appropriates Funds and • Informed by Investment Plan Legislature • CalEPA Identifies Disadvantaged State Communities • ARB Develops Guidance Agencies • State Agencies Develop Programs • Projects are Programs Funded
Statutory Requirements 1. Reduce GHG emissions 2. Direct investment toward the most disadvantaged communities in the State • ≥ 25% of the proceeds to projects that benefits to disadvantaged communities • ≥ 10% of the proceeds to projects located within disadvantaged communities 3. Maximize economic, environmental, and public health benefits to the State • Foster job creation by promoting in-State GHG emission reduction projects carried out by California workers and businesses • Complement efforts to improve air quality • Provide opportunities for businesses, public agencies, nonprofits, and other community institutions to participate in and benefit from statewide efforts to reduce GHG emissions • Lessen the impacts and effects of climate change on the State’s communities, economy, and environment
ARB Role • Work with Finance and the Administration on the triennial Investment Plan • Funding guidelines for agencies to ensure statutory requirements are met, including – Accountability and transparency, including reporting requirements – Guidance on maximizing benefits for disadvantaged communities – Expenditure Records – Quantification Methodologies – Annual Report to Legislature with Finance
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 GGRF Appropriations by Fiscal Year HSRA - High Speed Rail* -- $ 250M $ 500M Caltrans - Low Carbon Transit Operations* -- $ 25M $ 100M CalSTA - Transit and Intercity Rail Capital* -- $ 25M $ 200M SGC – Afford. Housing/Sustainable Communities* -- $ 130M $ 400M ARB - Low Carbon Transportation $ 30M $ 200M $ 95M CSD – Residential Weatherization/Solar -- $ 75M $ 79M CEC - Energy Efficiency for Public Buildings -- $ 20M -- DWR – Water Energy Efficiency $ 30M $ 20M $ 20M CDFA - Agricultural Energy Efficiency $ 10M $ 25M $ 40M CDFW - Wetlands and Watershed Restoration -- $ 25M $ 2M CALFIRE – Sustainable Forests -- $ 42M -- Cal Recycle - Waste Diversion -- $ 25M $ 6M Total (as of Sept. 2015) $ 70M $ 862M $1,442M *Continuously appropriated agencies. FY2015 - 16 amounts from 2015 May Revise Budget estimates
Clean Transportation Programs and Sustainable Communities Transit and Intercity Low Carbon Transit Rail Capital Operations Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Low Carbon High Speed Rail Transportation 7
Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (California State Transportation Agency) • What: rail and bus capital projects, and operational improvements that result in increased ridership and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. • Who: public agencies that operate intercity or commuter passenger rail or urban rail transit service • How: competitive grants • When: Transit agency proposals due 4/5/16 • Next: $200M potential for 2015 -16 ( 10% continuous ) • http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/MassTrans/tircp.html 8
Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (California Department of Transportation) • What: new or expanded bus or rail services, expand intermodal transit facilities (equipment acquisition, fueling, maintenance and related operating costs) • Who: 200+ transit agencies across California • How: distributed by statutory formula • When: Transit agency proposals due 2/1/16 • Next: $100M proposed for 2015 -16 ( 5% continuous ) • http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/MassTrans/lctop.html 9
How Funding Guidelines Support Investment Requirements and Goals Provide direction on: • Accountability and transparency Volume • Making GHG reductions a top priority 1 • Designing and implementing programs Volume • Maximizing benefits to disadvantaged 2 communities Volume • Tracking and reporting for “California 3 Climate Investments” 10
Disadvantaged Community Requirements • Criteria for Evaluating Benefits for Disadvantaged Communities can be found in ARB’s Funding Guidelines. • Appendix 2.A • CalEPA identifies DACs for investment based on CalEnviroScreen 2.0 (www.calepa.ca.gov/EnvJustice/GHGInvest/ default.htm) 11
DAC Requirements, Cont. • Provide at least 25 percent of available funding to projects that provide a direct, meaningful, and assured benefits to a DAC • Provide at least 10 percent of available funding for projects located within a DAC • LCTOP: At least 50% of the total moneys received shall be expended on projects that will benefit disadvantaged communities. 12
Framework for Quantification and Reporting Funding Guidelines Quantification Methodology Overall structure and process for Project Tracking System Project-type GHG quantification, reduction reporting, and tracking Tracking and reporting quantification requirements. system for funded methods and reporting projects. guidance.
Process for Updating Quantification Methods
Reporting Outcomes • Agencies must submit data annually • Project profile data with estimated benefits Project description, location, amount of funding Schedule and status GHG reductions and co-benefits Benefits to disadvantaged communities • Ongoing status updates and follow-up reporting to document achieved benefits • Future online tracking system Public access to interactive map and data 15
For More Information • Links and info on all programs • Upcoming events for each agency • Guidance documents Web: www.arb.ca.gov/auctionproceeds Email: GGRFProgram@arb.ca.gov
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