a warm welcome to the working group

A warm welcome to the working group EUREKA in the ERA! Agenda Day - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A warm welcome to the working group EUREKA in the ERA! Agenda Day 1: Monday 22 September 14h00 17h30 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of working group members 3. Presentation of mandate 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA 5.

  1. A warm welcome to the working group EUREKA in the ERA!

  2. Agenda Day 1: Monday 22 September 14h00 ‐ 17h30 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of working group members 3. Presentation of mandate 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA 5. Brainstorming in groups 2

  3. The European Research Area

  4. The art of cleaning up

  5. Agenda Day 1: Monday 22 September 14h00 ‐ 17h30 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of working group members 3. Presentation of mandate 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA 5. Brainstorming in groups

  6. Agenda Day 2: Tuesday 23 September 9h00 ‐ 12h30 6. Moderators report back in plenary 7. Plenary discussion 8. Next steps 8.1 Participation of other stakeholders in the working group 8.2 EUREKA participation in public ERA consultations 8.3 Next meetings 9. Feedback session 10. AOB

  7. Dinner participation

  8. Agenda Day 1: Monday 22 September 14h00 ‐ 17h30 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of working group members 3. Presentation of mandate 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA 5. Brainstorming in groups 8

  9. 2. Introduction of the group members Introduce your neighbour: • Name • Background and experience in ERA • Expectations for this working group • Sth. personal…

  10. Agenda Day 1: Monday 22 September 14h00 ‐ 17h30 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of working group members 3. Presentation of mandate 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA 5. Brainstorming in groups 10

  11. Mandate WG: EUREKA in the ERA Sarah Ott, 22.09.2014

  12. Current situation Strategic Roadmap 2014-2020: • contribute to innovation aspect of European Research Area (ERA); • achieve smart synergies between EUREKA and other relevant instruments; • increase EUREKA’s visibility as a player.  How should EUREKA position itself in the ERA?  Look back at EUREKA history 12 – EUREKA in the ERA, 04.07.2014

  13. What has been done? 3 Memorandum of Understanding: • 2006: European Business Angel Network (EBAN) • 2011: Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) • 2013: European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) Horizon 2020: • Eurostars since 2008, Eurostars 2 since 2014 • new challenges but fresh momentum • from side of EC: Process ongoing of stronger involvement of research organisations on political level. 13 – EUREKA in the ERA, 04.07.2014

  14. Milestones and deliverables of WG  WG on reflecting the position of EUREKA in ERA and to d evelop a strategy for EUREKA Focus on three main points: 1. Strategic reflection on what EUREKA wants to achieve in the ERA 2. Propose concrete actions for smart synergies with the ERA 3. Draft a 'EUREKA strategy within ERA‘  Final version of strategy in spring/summer 2015 14 – EUREKA in the ERA, 04.07.2014

  15. Focus on 3 levels • synergies and potential areas of cooperation with related multilateral support mechanisms in ERA (i.e. COSME, COST, SME instrument, ERA-net Cofund and Art. 185 and 187, etc.) • synergies and potential areas of cooperation with complementary multilateral initiatives (i.e. EBAN, ERRIN, EARTO, etc.) • synergies and potential areas of cooperation in policy areas (i.e. the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC), SFIC, GPC, SET-Plan, EIT, ETPs, SE, etc.) 15 – EUREKA in the ERA, 04.07.2014

  16. EUREKA Strategy Pinpoint: • the unique selling points of EUREKA within ERA; • what EUREKA must take into consideration in its future work.  Mandate has been approved by HLG in written procedure 16 – EUREKA in the ERA, 04.07.2014

  17. Thank you for your attention! Sarah Ott +32 2 549 09 80 ott@swisscore.org www.swisscore.org 17 – EUREKA in the ERA, 04.07.2014

  18. Agenda Day 1: Monday 22 September 14h00 ‐ 17h30 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of working group members 3. Presentation of mandate 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA 5. Brainstorming in groups 18

  19. 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA Overview of EUREKA in the ERA on three different levels:  policy  multilateral initiative/ network  program

  20. 4.1. The policy level

  21. Overview of ERA milestones 2000 : ERA & Lisbon Strategy 2008 : Ljubljana Process & ERA 2020 Vision 2009 : Lisbon Treaty 2010 : Europe 2020 & Innovation Union 2010 : ERA governance 2012 : ERA partnership

  22. 2010: Europe 2020 & Innovation Union EUROPE 2020 Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth 7 Flagship initiatives Innovation Union 34 commitments Nr. 4: Propose a European Research Area Framework ERA to remove obstacles to mobility and crossborder cooperation by 2014

  23. Aim of ERA «unified research area open to the world, based on the Internal Market, in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely and through which the Union and its Member States strenghten their scientific and technological bases, their competitivenenss and their capacity to collectively address grand challenges»

  24. 2010: ERA initiatives and ERA governance International More effective dimension national research SFIC systems Knowledge transfer ERA KT ERAC Transnational cooperation GPC ESFRI Gender equality and gender Open labour mainstreaming market Helsinki SGHRM

  25. ERA in partnership 1. Partnership with Member States and Associated Countries : The European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) and its working groups 2. Partnership with Stakeholder Organisations 2012: joint statement and four MoU to work together towards the achievement of ERA by 2014 - European Association of Research and Technological Organisations (EARTO) - European University Association (EUA) - League of European Research Universities (LERU) - NordForsk - Science Europe - 2013: the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER)

  26. ERA Partnerships Council of European European Ministers Commission Parliament RISE DG Research and Research Working ITRE Committee Innovation/ Party thematic DGs Coreper EURATOM Comeptitiveness Council ERAC H2020 (incl. CIP and EIT) ESFRI KT Structural EARTO Funds SFIC SGHRM GPC Helsinki CESAER Nordforsk Science Europe EUA LERU ESO EMBL COST EUREKA CERN ESRF National National Funding National Experts Ministries Governments Agencies

  27. ERA public consultation Council of European European Ministers Commission Parliament RISE DG Research and Research Working ITRE Committee Innovation/ Party thematic DGs Coreper EURATOM Comeptitiveness Council H2020 (incl. ERAC CIP and EIT) ESFRI KT Structural EARTO Funds SFIC SGHRM GPC Helsinki CESAER Nordforsk Science Europe EUA LERU ESO EMBL COST EUREKA CERN ESRF National National Funding National Experts Ministries Governments Agencies

  28. What is the role of EUREKA in all of this?  So far EUREKA is not a policy actor in the ERA - Should we try to become more visible in ERA? - Should we connect ourselfs more to ERA policy stakeholders? - Should we participate in ERA Public Consultations? - Should we use more our established channels, e.g. ministerial conference, interparliamentary conferences?

  29. 4.2. The multilateral initiative/ network level

  30. 4.3. The program level

  31. Agenda Day 1: Monday 22 September 14h00 ‐ 17h30 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of working group members 3. Presentation of mandate 4. Presentation of mapping of the instruments in ERA 5. Brainstorming in groups 31

  32. Group splitting Marion Mienert Matti Hiltunen Georg Panholzer Vedran Didara Michael Vorländer Luciano Caiani Patrick Cornet Amandine Karoui Sverre Sogge Francesco Jovane Frans Verkaart Thomas Aronsson Birute Bukauskaite Fernando Bello Julia Lewis Dan Andrée Tarik Sahin Luis Gonzalez Souto Rap: Niki Naska Fopke Klop Jana Stadtruckerova Rap: Frédéric Bouyges Rap: Susanne Madders

  33. Questions for the brainstorming Why should EUREKA be involved in the ERA? • How do you see the role of EUREKA in the European Research Area? • Discuss the advantages/ disadvantages of a more active role of EUREKA in the ERA. How should EUREKA be involved in the European Research Area at the policy/ network/ program level? • How should the policy role of EUREKA in the ERA look like? • How could EUREKA become more visible in the ERA? • Is there sth. else EUREKA should focus on?

  34. Template Why should EUREKA be involved in the ERA? Write the three main reasons. Key Stakeholders Action Description of the action involved A1 A2 A3

  35. Template How should EUREKA be involved in the European Research Area at the policy level? Identify three key actions. Key Stakeholders Action Description of the action involved A1 A2 A3

  36. Template How should EUREKA be involved in the European Research Area at the network level? Identify three key actions . Key Stakeholders Action Description of the action involved A1 A2 A3

  37. Template How should EUREKA be involved in the European Research Area at the program level? Identify three key actions. Key Stakeholders Action Description of the action involved A1 A2 A3


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