
A G ADVISORY GROUP Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate - PDF document

A G ADVISORY GROUP Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network Working together for our Buyers and Sellers PROUD MEMBER OF THE ANTELOPE VALLEY ADVISORY GROUP REAL ESTATE NETWORK Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real

  1. A G ADVISORY GROUP Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network “Working together for our Buyers and Sellers” PROUD MEMBER OF THE ANTELOPE VALLEY ADVISORY GROUP REAL ESTATE NETWORK

  2. Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network is a professional organization of Real Estate agents and Affjliate Members who are dedicated to providing Tie High- est Standard of Competence and Service. Our main purpose is to network, bringing buyers and sellers together. Our network members will at all times strive to maintain the highest professional integrity. Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network prides itself in having indi- viduals from the top real estate brokerages working together for our clients. Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network has its own personalized Marketing Department that goes to work for you. Our Network’s success has been attributed to the use of the Internet, Media and Social Media resources to guarantee your home will get the exposure it deserves. Our Network has grown to be the most signifjcant marketing concept in Real Estate. It gives today’s buyers and sellers the greatest advantage for their Real Estate needs. “Tiank You for Giving Us the Opportunity to Serve You”

  3. Benefjts of Working with a SUPPORT : Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Antelope Valley Advisory Group Network support each other by taking Real Estate Network Member clients to see listings procured by fellow EXPOSURE: Network members. Tie most efgective way Members utilize the opportunity to to sell a property is through another agent promote their listings with the Antelope with whom you have built a rapport. Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Net- work Members from other brokerages, to VALUE SYSTEM: discuss details, answer questions, and share Members know they’re working with trusted the unique advantages and details of their agents who share the same values and who listing within their support group. conduct themselves with a sense of integrity and trustworthiness. Our members perform LISTING SUPPORT AND for their clients with a strong sense of values FEEDBACK : and integrity. Each member of the Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network has FAMILIARITY: an extensive “Listing Support Team” Members start building camaraderie; devel- consisting of all members from the various oping personal relationships and friendships Agencies. even before transacting business with one an- other. Such relationships will then promote Any member of the Antelope Valley Ad- smother transactions for their clients. Ulti- visory Group Real Estate Network who mately the members will develop a high level might have a client for the property is of professional respect for one another. encouraged to preview the property and provide feedback. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: Members receive a wide range of informa- tional updates, seminars and classes to help them stay informed and improve their professional skills and knowledge. Examples are: market status, fjnancing, appraisal, escrow, title, legal and regulatory changes, marketing and prospecting and business operations. Members also receive immediate access to a wide network of quality vendors necessary to support their businesses.

  4. CARAVAN: How the Antelope Valley Advisory Tie network sets up its own caravan to Group Real Estate Network preview agents’ newest listings. Tiere is no Benefjts Sellers greater “compliment” for any seller than to We are the only networking group in the have an abundance of Network Members Antelope Valley with its own marketing preview their home. division that works exclusively for our clients. Tie the Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network marketing plan has proven results giving your listing the highest amount of exposure our industry has to ofger. How the Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network We are very pro-active in promoting your home through the numerous Social Benefjts Buyers Media Highway’s that our members Buyers learn about our new listings fjrst travel. before the “For Sale” sign pops up. Our members communicate on a daily basis with We put together special promotional each other sharing each other’s inventory. events bringing agents and their buyers together to your listing. Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate Network agents will prospect on your We promote your listing at our local behalf in any neighborhood that you are networking meeting to put our exclusive interested in to fjnd just the right home for buyers to your property. you. We are a networking Group with that has Tirough networking, we are kept up-to-date relationships with other Real Estate on issues afgecting the community. Organizations ofgering your property increased exposure. We network with premier affjliates who keep us up-to-date on issues that afgect the indus- When working with one Antelope Valley try. Advisory Group Real Estate Network you have the additional advantage of having Having Members from difgerent Brokerages Top Producing Members from difgerent assist us in keeping our ears to the ground of Brokerages assisting in promoting your any new potential listing that may meet the home in their offjces. right criteria for your new home.

  5. I have retained the services of the Listing Advantage Marketing Team to put together a very successful program to promote your listing to an enormous Real Estate Audience. Tiis aggressive campaign has brought me great success in the past. Here is a brief breakdown of how we will promote your listing. I have retained the services of the Listing Advantage Marketing Team to put together a very successful program to promote your listing to an enormous Real Estate Audience. This aggressive campaign has brought me great success in the • We will promote your listing to the Top Selling Real Estate Agents in the Antelope Valley past. Here is a brief breakdown of how we will promote your listing. • We will promote your listing at Tie Antelope Valley Advisory Group Real Estate meeting We will promote your listing to approximately 200 Top Selling Real Estate • We will promote your listing to Real Estate Affjliate and Business networking groups Agents. We will promote your listing at the Advisory Group Real Estate Network and organizations meeting We will promote your listing to Real Estate Affiliate and Business • We create a promotional video, “Antelope Valley Signature Listings” highlighting those networking groups and organizations listings in the Antelope Valley which is uploaded on YouTube as well as being sent to We create a promotional video, “SCV Signature Listings” highlighting those listings in the Santa Clarita Valley which is uploaded on YouTube as well as you and our Real Estate Networks. being sent to you and our Real Estate Networks. We will promote your listing at the Complete Marketing Advantage Real • We will promote your listing at the Complete Marketing Advantage Real Estate Estate Network meeting Network meeting The business professionals with which we network have been asked to promote your listing to their Human Resource Department, relocation services and investor groups • Tie business professionals with which we network have been asked to promote your We will promote your listing to target out of the area agents who have sold listing to their Human Resource Department, relocation services and investor groups homes in your community within the last 24 months We will promote your listing to cooperative lenders that we network with • We will promote your listing to target out of the area agents who have sold homes in THE LISTING ADVANTAGE TEAM your community within the last 24 months • We will promote your listing to cooperative lenders that we network with THE LISTING ADVANTAGE TEAM

  6. DRONE VIDEO MARKETING Our marketing team will utilize its high end drone video for an outside video tour of prop- erties that will be used to show ofg its square footage and/or lot size from a higher elevation. Tiey spare no expense in promoting my home listings to catch the publics eye. Tiis service is available depending on the size of the home or the square footage of the property. Tiese are all the great tools that are available when you list with me!


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