a model of referential competences in

A Model of Referential Competences in Health Information Systems: A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Model of Referential Competences in Health Information Systems: A Latin American Perspective Towards the Definition of Professional Profiles Camila Valderrama National Center for Health Information Systems - CENS Chile Disclosure I have

  1. A Model of Referential Competences in Health Information Systems: A Latin American Perspective Towards the Definition of Professional Profiles Camila Valderrama National Center for Health Information Systems - CENS Chile

  2. Disclosure I have no relationships or commercial interests to disclose. 2 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  3. Learning Objectives How do we go from the Model of Referential Competences in Health Information Systems towards the definition of Professional Profiles? • Recognize the main aspects of the Chilean Model of Referential Competences in Health Information Systems. • Understand the stages necessaries to develop Professional and Technical profiles in the area. • Contribute to the development of Chilean human capital in Digital Health • …& Keep Connected! 3 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  4. Who are we? Interoperability Production Development Corporation Innovation Human Capital Quality To close gaps in human capital and technologies in Digital Health. Consultancies 4 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  5. Last year's summary Model of Referential First draft by Feedback by 2nd Feedback Competences in CENS 1st Prototype Chilean AMIA 2018 day Health Universities Stakeholders Information Systems (HIS) 5 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  6. Model of Referential Competences in Health Information Systems (HIS) 2 Areas • Health Transformation • Technology 8 Domains 32 Competences • …Each competency is disaggregated into sub-competences Legal and Ethical Aspects are considered throughout the model cens.cl/modelo 6 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  7. Model of Referential Competences in Health Information Systems • g.1. Identify areas of clinical practice that can be optimized through the use of clinical decision support systems based on electronic clinical records. • g.2 Design a transformation plan based on the incorporation of decision support systems and electronic clinical records to improve a health condition. • g.3 Implement the use of clinical decision support systems, promoting their use as an effective tool to improve the quality of health care. • g.4. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions based on clinical decision support systems, using evidence- based clinical practice methodologies. Area Domain Competences 7 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  8. The Model provides important contributions… • Gathers topics that reflect the reality of the country and region; • Unifies the training needs of the sector in terms of competencies; • Orients the design of curricula, training programs, and new careers associated to health and data science; • Allows to advance in a clear definition of Professional and Technical Profiles 8 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  9. Why do we need to go from the Chilean Model of Referential Competences towards the definition of Professional Profiles? ? 9 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  10. Why Profiles? • It is a proposal at the national level • Will serve for training processes, evaluation and certification of the competencies that professionals and technicians required to develop in the sector. Impact Digital Population Health Health 10 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  11. Whom? • Employers • Students • People with • Decision experience in makers the area 11 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  12. Roadmap Towards Profiles Model of Approval of Referential Define Design Develop the Validation by profiles by Competences in 4 profiles and career paths Functional Chilean government Health their training associated with Process Map Stakeholders accrediting Information plans. each profile. agency Systems 12 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  13. Roadmap Towards Profiles Strategic Processes Change Governance QA Management Alignment with Alignment with Alignment with Process Quality Product Quality regulatory institutional healthcare Assurance Assurance framework strategy Design and Operation of a Implementation of a Health Information Health Information System System (HIS) Develop the Functional Data generation, Innovation and Assessment of Information Use of information HIS Design HIS Development HIS Implementation collection and continuous Process Map current situation Management for decision-making storage improvement Human Operational Support Processes Project Resources Support and Management Management Maintenance Team roles and functions Sustainability Infrastructure Support definition AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  14. We are working together Workers Government (Healthcare professionals and technicians) Industry Academics Social Construct 14 AMIA 2019 Informatics Educators Forum

  15. Thank you! cvalderrama@cens.cl @eu_MilaVal


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