Webinar, DCMI, ASIS&T May 10, 2018 A Linked Data Competency Framework for Educators and Learners Marcia Lei Zeng Kent State University, USA On behalf of LD4PE (Linked Data for Professional Education) Project Team
2 Outline Part I. Background Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE) project LD4PE Major Products Part II. The Competency Index for Linked Data ( a.k.a. Linked Data Competency Index, LDCI) Part III. Learning Resources Connected with the Competencies Part IV. Using the Competency Index for Linked Data in Self-Learning, Teaching, and Training M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
3 Part I. Background Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE) project http://explore.dublincore.net/ ( a.k.a. Linked Data Competency Index , LDCI) M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
4 Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE) Project Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) LD4PE. December 2014 - November 2017 [Planning project “Learning Linked Data”: October 2011 - September 2012] A project under the jurisdiction of the DCMI Education & Outreach Committee Led by: University of Washington, Information School. Michael Crandall , P .I. Kent State University, School of Information. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). Content Partners: • Technical development: Sungkyunkwan University (Korea) DCMI. Joseph Chapman • Access Innovations • Univ. Washington. David Talley Synaptica Elsevier OCLC M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
LD4PE Major Products 5 Competency Index for Linked Data -- defines a set of assertions of the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind required for professional practice in the area of Linked Data. Learning Resource Descriptions -- A set of learning resources open sources described in metadata mapped to competencies http://explore.dublincore.net/ M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
6 Explore online Number of learning resources Topic Clusters http://explore.dublincore.net/ -> Explore M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
7 (cont.) Explore online http://explore.dublincore.net/explore- M.Zeng & LD4PE Team learning-resources-by-competency/
8 M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Part II. Introducing 9 the Competency Index for Linked Data The Competency Index provides: Ø a concise and readable map of concepts and skills Ø related to practices and technologies of Linked Data Ø for the benefit of interested learners and teachers. M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
10 “Competency Index” - A thematic set of competencies organized by: Topic Competency v a tweet-length phrase about knowledge or skills that can be learned Benchmark v an action that demonstrates accomplishment in a given competency Topical Cluster » Topic » Competency » Benchmark M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Example 11 Topic cluster: Interacting with RDF Data Topic : Querying RDF Data Competency : Understands that a SPARQL query matches an RDF graph against a pattern of triples with fixed and variable values Competency : Understands the basic syntax of a SPARQL query Benchmark : Uses angle brackets for delimiting URIs. Benchmark: Uses question marks for indicating variables. SPARQL query example Benchmark : Uses PREFIX for base URIs. M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
12 Followed guidelines for stylistic consistency Understanding / Doing when competencies were developed. Competencies Benchmarks Understands Uses Knows Expresses Recognizes Demonstrates Differentiates ... Distills Converts ... understanding doing (exam questions, (learning) homework assignments) M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
The development of the 13 6 clusters Competency Index for Linked Data 30 topics Editorial Board met monthly over a period of 95 competencies approximately 18 months. Tom Baker, chair - Expert input - User testing Tries to cover: Enough topics to convey a map of the domain • Enough detail on domain competency • Does NOT cover: • NOT: Levels of difficulty “Basic” for a library scientist may be • “difficult” for a computer scientist (and vice versa) • NOT: Ranking or ordering topics for the same reasons • M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
6 clusters 14 Competency Index for Linked Data 30 topics 95 competencies 1.Fundamentals of Resource Description Framework Identity in RDF RDF data model Related data models RDF serialization M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
6 clusters 15 Competency Index for Linked Data 30 topics 95 competencies 1. Fundamentals of Resource Description Framework 2. Fundamentals of Linked Data Web technology Linked data principles Linked Data policies and best practices Non-RDF Linked Data M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
16 Competency Index for Linked Data 1. Fundamentals of Resource Description Framework 2. Fundamentals of Linked Data 3. RDF vocabularies and application profiles Finding RDF-based vocabularies Maintaining RDF vocabularies Versioning RDF vocabularies Publishing RDF vocabularies Mapping RDF vocabularies RDF application profiles Designing RDF-based vocabularies M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
17 Competency Index for Linked Data 6 clusters 30 topics 1. Fundamentals of Resource Description 95 competencies Framework 2. Fundamentals of Linked Data 3. RDF vocabularies and application profiles 4. Creating and transforming RDF Data Managing identifiers (URIs) Creating RDF data Versioning RDF data RDF data provenance Cleaning and reconciling RDF data Mapping and enriching RDF data M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
18 Competency Index for Linked Data 6 clusters 30 topics 1. Fundamentals of Resource Description 95 competencies Framework 2. Fundamentals of Linked Data 3. RDF vocabularies and application profiles 4. Creating and transforming RDF Data 5. Interacting with RDF Data Processing RDF data using programming languages • Querying RDF Data • • Visualizing RDF Data Reasoning over RDF data • Assessing RDF data quality • • RDF Data analytics Finding RDF Data • Manipulating RDF Data • M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
19 Competency Index for Linked Data 6 clusters 30 topics 1. Fundamentals of Resource Description 95 competencies Framework 2. Fundamentals of Linked Data 3. RDF vocabularies and application profiles 4. Creating and transforming RDF Data 5. Interacting with RDF Data 6. Creating Linked Data applications Storing RDF data M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Competency Index for Linked Data 20 1 Overview 3 5 6 clusters 30 topics 2 Competency Index full version available from 4 http://explore.dublinc ore.net à Explore à View the full CI 6 M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
21 M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Topic Cluster Competency Index for Linked Data 22 Structure Topic Competency 6 clusters Benchmark 30 topics Benchmark 95 competencies 75 benchmarks Competency Competency Competency Benchmark Topical Cluster » Topic » Competency » Benchmark Benchmark M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
23 Part III. Learning Resources Connected with the Competencies • Demo: Finding related learning resources • Explanation: How a learning resource is described and mapped to CI M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Where should I start? 24 http://explore.dublincore.net/ Search for Resources By Competency By Keyword Browse Competency Index 1 • Start at the top of the hierarchy and drill down. • Select a topic cluster and expand the menu to look through the sub-options. M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
-- related resources are displayed on the 25 Clicking on the competency’s text -- right side of the page. 3 2 Descriptions help individuals make decisions M.Zeng & LD4PE Team about which resources to investigate further.
Resource Description 26 Page The resource description From this page, you can page contains additional access the resource itself metadata and full text of through the URL. the description. M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Another 27 example à 600+ openly available learning resources [webinars, podcasts, lectures, web pages, readings Resources are indexed at the • …] topic and competency Level Mover mouse over the • competency to see its location in the index. M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Try it! Go to: http://explore.dublincore.net/ Choose “Explore” 28 • Start at the top of the hierarchy and drill down. Select a topic cluster and expand the • menu to look through the sub-options. M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
Part IV. Using the Competency Index for Linked Data in self-learning, teaching, and training 1. Learning maps -- competencies 2. Saved sets – resources 3. The OCLC Dataset
30 1. Learning Maps Part IV -- competencies Lay out a path to follow List competencies targeted to specific audience or theme Link each competency to a list of resources which teach the competency M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
31 Examples of Learning Maps See a list of the learning maps at http://explore.dublincore.net/explo re-learning-resources-by- competency/learning-maps/ M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
32 Learning Map E.g., for Catalogers, what are the key competencies? • Below each competency, the number of tagged resources are listed. • Clicking this link will take you to these resources. M.Zeng & LD4PE Team
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