a common origin of baryons and dark matter via

A common origin of Baryons and Dark Matter via gravitational - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A common origin of Baryons and Dark Matter via gravitational collapse of Primordial Black Holes arXiv:1904.02129 Solvay Workshop, 4 th April 2019 Juan Garca-Bellido IFT-UAM/CSIC Madrid Outline Introduction - LIGO Gravitational Waves

  1. A common origin of Baryons and Dark Matter via gravitational collapse of Primordial Black Holes arXiv:1904.02129 Solvay Workshop, 4 th April 2019 Juan García-Bellido IFT-UAM/CSIC Madrid

  2. Outline • Introduction - LIGO Gravitational Waves from BH Binaries - Mass and Spin as a hint to PBH nature • Novel scenario - Solar mass PBH form at quark-hadron trans. - Gravitational collapse of hot plasma induces Hot Spot EW baryogenesis at QCD - Similar density of Baryons and DM = PBH - Stochastic spectator field = QCD axion • Overview and predictions • Conclusions

  3. 10 LVC BHB events (O1+O2) [many more in run O3] LVC (2018)

  4. LVC BHB events Given the present rate O1-O2 R ~ 20-120 events/yr/Gpc 3 soon O3 will have MANY events. Will test lognormal distribution. Observed rate of events is OK with clustered wide-mass distr. If LIGO detects a single BH with M < 1Msun it will necessarily be of primordial origin, not stellar. Chirp mass

  5. Black Holes and Neutron Stars Massive BHB GW Microlensing Solar Mass X-rays Astrophysical BH Gap Radio M < Chandrasekhar mass

  6. LVC BHB event rate Clesse & JGB (2016-18)

  7. χ p χ e ff 0 . 00 0 . 25 0 . 50 0 . 75 1 . 00 − 1 . 0 − 0 . 5 GW170817 G 0 . 0 0 . 5 1 . 0 W 1 7 GW170608 0 G 8 W 1 7 1 Spin distribution of LVC BHB 7 GW151226 G 0 6 W 0 8 1 5 GW151012 1 G 2 W 2 6 1 5 GW170104 G 1 0 W 1 2 1 7 GW170814 0 G 1 W 0 4 1 7 GW170809 0 G 8 W 1 4 1 7 GW170818 G 0 8 W 0 9 1 7 GW150914 0 G 8 W 1 8 1 5 GW170823 0 G 9 W 1 4 1 7 GW170729 G 0 8 W 2 3 1 7 0 7 2 9 LVC (2018) Effective precession spin Effective aligned spin LVC (2018)

  8. PBH are ~ spinless PBH = Mass Stellar BH

  9. Inflation Horizon crossing 1/(aH) 1/(aH) 1/k comoving scale PBH BBN rec PBH a 0 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 eq QCD EW N=ln a/a end N=0 Radiation Inflation Matter

  10. Gravitational Collapse of PBH

  11. Origin of PBH mass Chandrasekhar mass (Pauli exclusion) Mass within the horizon at QCD LIGO range!

  12. Origin of PBH mass Jedamzik (1997) Softening the equation of state @ QCD Byrnes et al. (2018)

  13. Matter-radiation equality Fraction domains @ PBH formation

  14. Is this a hint of a common origin? Our scenario We propose “hot spot” EWB associated with localized energy released during gravitational collapse at PBH formation in the quark-hadron transition

  15. Electroweak baryogenesis @ QCD Sakharov conditions: B, C, CP, non-equil. CP in the SM (CKM matrix)

  16. Electroweak baryogenesis @ QCD Out-of-equilibrium gravitational collapse

  17. Electroweak baryogenesis @ QCD B in the SM: Sphaleron transitions & chiral anomaly

  18. Electroweak baryogenesis @ QCD Putting all together Asaka et al. (2004)

  19. Electroweak baryogenesis @ QCD Diffusion to the rest of the universe

  20. Origin large curvature fluctuations Stochastic spectator (curvaton) field QCD axion (strong CP problem)

  21. Origin large curvature fluctuations QCD axion as spectator field

  22. Coarse-grained multiverse 0.0001 no Dark Matter Universe T = 150 MeV 0.00008 T = 125 MeV Universe with 2 inflation phases T = 100 MeV V H a L @ GeV 4 D 0.00006 our patch 0.00004 slow-roll region h a i ' a end 0.00002 0.0000 0 - 2 ¥ 10 18 - 1 ¥ 10 18 1 ¥ 10 18 2 ¥ 10 18 h a i ' a end a @ GeV D Evolution of the stochastic spectator field (eg. QCD axion) in our patch: 0 two-fold 1 two-fold 2 two-folds 3 two-folds 4 two-folds 5 two-folds 6 two-folds 7 two-folds 8 two-folds 9 two-folds a ( x ) � h a i These regions will collapse and form PBH with different masses

  23. Predictions for PBH mass spectrum 1 1 GeV 120 MeV 20 MeV 0.100 0.010 f PBH 0.001 10 - 4 10 - 5 0.01 0.10 1 10 100 M PBH ( M Θ )

  24. Baryogenesis Nucleosynthesis Axion PBH=DM dominance collapse quark-hadron hot-spot baryon light transition EWB diffusion elements 200 MeV 100 MeV 10 MeV 1 MeV

  25. Conclusions • SM physics can explain both DM and BAU. • Smallness of BAU is due to the small number of Hubble domains that collapse to form PBH. • The quark-hadron QCD transition triggers the collapse of PBH and BAU via “Hot spot” EWB. • Dark matter density in the form of PBH is then of the same order as Baryon density. • It also explains why PBH have masses ~ Msun. • The predicted PBH mass distribution (features) could be measured by LIGO/Virgo in the near future.


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