a a smar smart phone phone applica pplication tion for

A A Smar Smart-Phone Phone Applica pplication tion for Hom or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

op Water ter Su Sustaina stainabili bility ty Wor orksh kshop A A Smar Smart-Phone Phone Applica pplication tion for Hom or Home e Emissions Emissions Estima Estimates tes Michelle M. Rogers, Michigan Department of Environmental

  1. op Water ter Su Sustaina stainabili bility ty Wor orksh kshop A A Smar Smart-Phone Phone Applica pplication tion for Hom or Home e Emissions Emissions Estima Estimates tes Michelle M. Rogers, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Carol J. Miller, Shawn P. McElmurry, Guoyao Xu, Weisong Shi, Caisheng Wang, Cheng-Zhong Xu, PhD Wayne State University – College of Engineering C OLLEGE OF ENGINEERIN G

  2. WHY? WHY? Ener Energy y – Emissions Emissions Total generation: 4,120 billion (kWh) 3,950 billion (kWh) in 2009 Source: http://www.eia.doe.gov

  3. Polluting Emissions from Electricity Generation http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-02-16/pdf/2012-806.pdf http://www.epa.gov/mats/actions.html

  4. Emissions Effects  Air Quality  Visual  Health (asthma)  GHG………Climate (?)  Contaminant Deposition  Surface Water  Soils  Vegetation  Food Chain  Fish Consumption And,…. Even for the “non - environmentalist”………   Policy: Government Specified Caps

  5. Problem: How to identify emission potential? Locational Marginal Price as Proxy for Generator Type Price ($/MWh) LMP at time t i Hydro & Nuclear Coal Natural Gas Oil

  6. Locational Marginal Prices (LMP)  LMPs based on marginal cost of supplying the next increment of electric demand at a specific location  LMP Accounts for:  generation marginal cost (fuel cost)  physical aspects of transmission system (constraint in transmission lines)  Cost of marginal power losses

  7. Methodology  Use LMP to point to the marginal fuel type  Calculate emissions associated with that fuel type for a specific area (or specific generator)

  8. Environmental Optimization Linking Consumption to Emissions 1. Source Identification • Dispatch adjusted every 5 minutes within MISO 2. Emission Quantification • Function of generator type

  9. Locational Marginal Prices  LMPs available from MISO  (Midwest Independent System Operator)  LMPs for select Commercial Pricing Nodes (CPNs) available every 5 minutes

  10. LMP = f LMP = f (space,time) (space,time) Locational Marginal Prices…spatial variation

  11. Locational Marginal Prices….temporal variation

  12. Emission Rates  LMP  Marginal Generator Type  Air Emissions  Measured Air Emissions Data from EPA’s eGRID  (Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database)  Data on thousands of power plants in the US  Sort by EGCL code (Electric Generating Company, Location-Based)  i.e., all of DTE-operated plants in SE Michigan WE WANT THIS TO BE DEFINED ON THE FINEST GRID POSSIBLE….compare to an approach based on national averages of emissions/KWh

  13. Emission Rates  Calculate average emission rate for entire area for each fuel type  Example, Detroit Edison: (2008 data) Air Emissions in pounds pollutant per MWhr generated (lb/MWh) Pollutant Nuclear Coal Natural Gas Distilled Fuel Oil SO2 0 10.54 1.65 2.3445 NOX 0 3.05 1.57 21.73 CO2 equiv 0 2071 2292 1862 Hg 0 5.26E-05 3.62E-06 5.81E-06 3.10E-05 1.66E-06 3.65E-05 Pb 1.09E-07  LMP  Marginal Generator Type  Air Emissions

  14. Putting it Together: the HERO app  HERO = Home Emissions Read-Out  (LMP  Marginal Generator Type  Air Emissions)  Applying this concept to household energy use  Android App for smart phones

  15. HERO ARCHITECTURE HERO: Home Emissions Read-Out 14

  16. HERO Input  HERO can automatically find nearest CPN based on phone’s GPS  User also has choice to pick location from map

  17. HERO Output  Current, Past, and Projected Future emissions  CO 2 , NO X , SO X , Mercury, Lead

  18. HERO Screen Shots 17

  19. 18

  20.  User can view more to see background information on CO 2 , NO X , SO X , Mercury, Lead  Environmental Effects, Human Health Effects  Example: NO X & SO X

  21. LEEM: Locational Emissions Estimation Methodology Output: Link LMP to Input: Geographic Closest LMP Marginal Real-Time Location Node Address Generator Emissions 20

  22.  HERO published in GooglePlay  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com. amaker.herotest&feature=search_result#?t=W251b GwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5hbWFrZXIuaGVyb3Rlc3Q iXQ.. 21

  23. Improvements? 22

  24. Server-Based Approach 23

  25. Test Case of Emissions Benefits Appliance Frequency Cycle Power Energy/ Intermittent Preferred (d -1 ) (kW) (Y/N) Length cycle Time (hrs) (kWh) Hr (1 - 24) Water Heater 1.00 3.00 1.29 3.87 YES 4 Defrost Cycle 2.00 0.33 0.70 0.23 NO 1 Dishwasher 0.50 2.0 0.98 1.97 NO 22 Clothes 1.00 0.5 0.61 0.31 NO 20 Washer Clothes Dryer 0.86 0.75 4.59 3.44 NO 19 24

  26. BEST/WORST CASE PERFORMANCE Greatest Least Average change change Based change achieved by achieved by Node on LMP in target any any Region Location Year type pollutant pollutant pollutant RFCM Monroe, MI 2009 RT -68% -84% -33% RFCM Monroe, MI 2007 RT -78% -88% -49% RFCM Monroe, MI 2009 DA -27% -61% +1% RFCM St. Clair, MI 2009 RT -68% -84% -32% RFCM Midland, MI 2009 RT -70% -86% -29% SRMW Labadie, MO 2009 RT -74% -80% -49% MROW Fergus Falls, 2009 RT -70% -72% -64% MN 25

  27. Great Lakes Benefits Consumer Great utilizes Lakes local Resident resources Fishing Engages Energy Restrictio Consuming n Lifted Device Reduced LEEM Hg in Optimiza Fish tion Reduction Change in Hg in 26 Emissions Demand

  28. Extension of Project 27

  29. Thanks to Great Lakes Protection Fund  THANK YOU Water ter Su Sustaina stainabili bility ty Wor orksh kshop op: : A S A Smar mart-Ph Phon one e App ppli lica cation tion for or Home Emission Home Emissions s Estima Es timates tes C OLLEGE OF ENGINEERIN G 28


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