What they search, what they find: improving your Google ranking 8th Professional Seminar on Church Communication Offices Pontifical University of the Holy Cross - Rome Michele Crudele - www.crudele.it - 2012-04-16
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7 pillars: there are some more 1. Choose a unique name on the Internet 2. Start with the content 3. Discover your keywords 4. Mention your keywords in titles 5. Put a short title in each URL 6. Write a Description tag 7. Build a mobile site
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The rapid development Do not be afraid of new technologies! These rank “among the marvelous things ” – inter mirifica – which God has placed at our disposal to discover, to use and to make known the truth, also the truth about our dignity and about our destiny as his children, heirs of his eternal Kingdom . John Paul II, 2005
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