877 is a marketing agency that focuses on combining award

877 is a marketing agency that focuses on combining award-winning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

877 is a marketing agency that focuses on combining award-winning creative with thoughtful, proven strategy to produce results. We thrive on opportunities to meet or exceed our clients marketing goals, live for building and strengthening

  1. 877 is a marketing agency that focuses on combining award-winning creative with thoughtful, proven strategy to produce results. We thrive on opportunities to meet or exceed our clients’ marketing goals, live for building and strengthening brands, and because of this, we become trusted, indispensable partners to the businesses we work with.

  2. Brand Presentation WHAT IS A BRAND?

  3. Corporate Brand Presentation Education

  4. WHAT IS THE Brand Presentation VALUE OF A BRAND?

  5. WHY DO EDUCATORS NEED A BRAND? • Represent the quality of your school • Attracts your constituents Brand Presentation • Fundraising opportunities

  6. BRAND UNIQUENESS Look critically at the brand identity of competing schools What makes your school unique? Brand Presentation Researching competitors allows you to ensure your brand differentiates

  7. BRAND FOCUS Align your school’s brand identity with your audience’s preferences • Create marketing catered to your audience Brand Presentation • Expand your story within your community • Facilities that match the quality of your brand

  8. BRAND COMPONENTS Understand how your school’s brand can inspire or repel prospective students. • Differentiate your image Brand Presentation • Consistent colors and fonts • Welcoming and professional 1X 1X 9X 3.5X 1X 1X 1X 1X

  9. BRAND LEGACY Incorporate your community & history into your school branding • History creates credibility and intrigue Brand Presentation • The best brands are unique what is unique about your school district

  10. BRAND CONSISTENCY Ensure consistent brand elements across all marketing channels • The true value of consistency Brand Presentation • Follow a style guide • Use your brand correctly

  11. Brand Presentation Norris School District

  12. Brand Presentation Boone Central Public Schools

  13. THANK YOU! Brand Presentation www.agency877.com/doane-presentation

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