westhill open award group overview

Westhill Open Award Group Overview aim of the Award Westhill Open - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Westhill Open Award Group Overview aim of the Award Westhill Open Award Group key guiding principles cost to take part framework how to get started facts & figures your questions Aim of the Award To

  1. Westhill Open Award Group

  2. Overview ▪ aim of the Award ▪ Westhill Open Award Group ▪ key guiding principles ▪ cost to take part ▪ framework ▪ how to get started ▪ facts & figures ▪ your questions

  3. Aim of the Award ‘To inspire, guide and support young people in their self-development and recognise their achievements’

  4. Key guiding principles ▪ non-competitive ▪ personal development ▪ progressive ▪ achievement ▪ voluntary focused ▪ flexible ▪ demands ▪ balanced commitment ▪ personalised ▪ enjoyable! ▪ achievable by all

  5. Framework - 3 levels Gold • from age 16 Silver • (12 months) • from age 15 Bronze • (6 months) • from age 14 • (6 months) by age 25

  6. Framework - 4 sections Forma rmat: t: ▪ init itia ial l brief efing ing Skill Volunteering ▪ monitorin itoring g progress ▪ instr tructi ction & assessment ment Physical Expedition ▪ final al review w & sign off • (plus us Reside sident ntial for Gold) d)

  7. Framework - each section

  8. Framework - section ideas Expedition Volunteering Skill Physical in teams of 6 or 7 Charity Shops Information Tech Netball Preparatory training in: Producers Market Drawing Badminton First Aid Youth Club Spanish Swimming Junior Badminton Musical Instrument Golf What to wear Youth Band Weather Cycling What to carry Brownies & Cubs Bird Watching Squash Route planning & Sandwiches for Cooking Football compass work homeless people Photography Rugby Camping skills Sports Coaching Jewellery making Dancing Programme sheets to guide, activity logs to keep track and eDofE.org to record evidence online

  9. Facts & figures Inclusive and Accessible ▪ over 6 million participants since 1956 ▪ over 275 000 participants in the UK at any one time ▪ over 50 000 volunteers in the UK ▪ available in more than 120 countries

  10. Westhill – 12 years on 120 106 100 87 75 75 80 68 65 65 60 57 60 51 48 37 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  11. Westhill meetings Groups meet: • EVERY Thursday 7pm-8.30pm (start date is 31 October for Bronze) • usually in G11 or G13 • with breaks for exams/School trips

  12. Westhill - meetings Please se note: e: • regular attendance is ESSENTIAL to complete Expedition training • all information and forms are on our website • we use email to keep you and your parents informed

  13. Westhill – volunteers, funding Group Finance Volunteer r Train inin ing Public lic Aberd rdeenshire ire Council • Local Action Fund • Child Protection • Building Community • First Aid Capacity • Low Hills/HML/SML Other • Remote Supervisor • TAQA Duke of Edin inburg rgh • Westhill Round Table • Introduction to the Award • Westhill Community Council • Expedition Assessor Accreditation • Westhill Lion’s Club …and more • Westhill Gala Committee • Shell

  14. Westhill – cost to take part ▪ £60 for Enrolment which includes registration, campsite fee and local fee for Group running costs ▪ Direct charges for your chosen activities ▪ Walking boots and waterproofs (minimum) ▪ Occasional transport costs

  15. Westhill.co.uk - to get started 1. Read the information on our website: Enrolm lment & & Event Informatio ion sheets, s, eDofE Enrolm lment form 2. Complete the online consent form: Enrolm lment page of WesthillDo illDoE.c E.co.u .uk 3. Bring in your Enrolment forms & fees: Enrolmen lment fee can be paid online or by cheque made out to ‘Westhill Open Award Group’

  16. Westhill - how to get started More information and downloads DofE fE.o .org WesthillDoE thillDoE.co .co.u .uk

  17. Westhill - how to get started Check websites: WesthillDoE.co.uk & DofE.org Form teams of 6 or 7 Start planning your choices for Volunteering, Skill and Physical sections

  18. Your questions


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