6 th october 2016

6 th October 2016 George Gibberd, MEng., C.Eng., MIMechE Everoze - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

University of Bristol 6 th October 2016 George Gibberd, MEng., C.Eng., MIMechE Everoze & Partners Bristol www.everoze.com Congratulations! Youve chosen Engineering! Youve chosen Bristol You can make a career out of

  1. University of Bristol 6 th October 2016 George Gibberd, MEng., C.Eng., MIMechE Everoze & Partners Bristol www.everoze.com

  2. Congratulations!  You’ve chosen Engineering!  You’ve chosen Bristol  You can make a career out of decarbonisation  As a renewables engineer:  you will never be unemployed  you should never be bored  you will be challenged to the hilt  you get to play with some fantastic “big boys toys”  you will make a real difference to society  y ou will contribute the nation’s wealth  you will never be very rich………

  3.  but neither ……….

  4. Be prepared for change  Huge change in 30 years:  No mobile phones  No laptops  No internet  No google  No antisocial media  You will see even greater changes  As engineers you will be behind those changes

  5. Wind Energy 30 years ago Picture: Courtesy Gary Johnson

  6. My Career - Hydropower

  7. 2000MW coal plant

  8. Performance testing & emissions

  9. Nuclear

  10. UK Tidal Stream Resource 3-6GW UK Tens of GW worldwide + Run of river

  11. Tidal Stream Seaflow Project • 300kW tidal stream generator • Severn estuary, 2003 •

  12. Seaflow statistics • 11m rotor diameter. 16m LAT, 11m tidal range (note surface • tip clearances) MSP ~5.4kt. Design Hs 7m. • Access by RIB to ladder on pile. • • Weather-limited. • OEM access for repairs proved difficult. Power and load fluctuations first • identified, characteristics of tidal machines.

  13. Seaflow rotor

  14. Seaflow installation

  15. SeaGen 1.2MW twin rotor • Strangford Lough narrows - 2008 Twin 16m diameter rotors. • 26m water, 3.2m tidal range. • MSP ~7.3t. Minimal wave. • • Access by RIB to pile ladder, as per Seaflow, but sheltered location and very close to shore. • Passed 2000MWh mark (Oct 2010).

  16. SeaGen Installation

  17. Tidal Generation Ltd – 2005 to 2010 Founder and technical director • Established TGL with two colleagues, and grew to 18 staff. • Put together an industrial consortium for a DTI-funded R&D programme. • Developed concepts for the turbine, foundation & installation, and O&M strategy. Tested concepts separately at both • tank and full scale, supported by numerical modeling. Sept 2010 - 500kW prototype • Picture: Tidal Generation Ltd. successfully generating at EMEC.

  18. First ideas:

  19. First ideas:

  20. Bristol University Tank Testing

  21. More serious testing at IFREMER Pictures: Tidal Generation Ltd.

  22. A new idea: Picture: TGL Alstom

  23. Full scale testing of deployment concept

  24. TGL – foundation construction • Tripod design developed with SLP. Fabricated and loaded out at SLP’s • Lowestoft yard. Towed to EMEC onboard crane barge. • Placed in 45m at LAT on rocky bed. • Exposed site, 9kt peak spring currents • measured. Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  25. Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  26. Towage up east coast to Orkney Picture: George Gibberd

  27. TGL – underwater rock drilling • At TGL developed a novel underwater rapid rock socket drilling technology for tidal sites. • Used successfully on site during 2009 to secure tripod. Deployed from moored barge. • Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  28. Trial fit onto tripod pile sleeve Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  29. Percussive drill Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  30. Overboarding the drill rig Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  31. Going fishing for a tripod…. Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  32. Jacuzzi time (7000cfm air) Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  33. Turbine delivered to quayside Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  34. Delivered to quayside at Kirkwall Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  35. Shoreline testing Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  36. Blades on, beginning to look like a turbine Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  37. You mean it floats, too?? Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  38. Sails off into the sunset happily ever after…. Picture: Rolls Royce Tidal Generation Ltd.

  39. EMEC Tidal Site Activity Reproduced with kind permission Jenny Norris, EMEC

  40. MeyGen Inner Sound project • 4 x 1.5MW machines in Pentland Firth • Many years in development • Part funded public sources • Two turbine suppliers – Andritz Hammerfest Hydro & Atlantis • Gravity base foundation • Site licensed for up to 398MW Pictures: MeyGen

  41. MeyGen Inner Sound project Picture: MeyGen

  42. And if you think tidal is a challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-9P2VflRWU

  43. Mechanical Engineering Pictures: www.offshorewindbiz.com

  44. Electrical Engineering Picture: www.cleantechnica.com (Apply Kirchoff’s law!) Pictures: www.offshorewindbiz.com

  45. Civil Engineering Picture: http://footo.nl/11Wed/oleg-strashnov Picture: www.marinespace.co.uk Picture: www.foundocean.com Picture: www,windcarrier.com

  46. Mud monkeys (sorry, geoscientists) Picture: Flickr – Christina Maghill Picture: www.ixsurvey.com.au Picture: en.wikipedia.org

  47. Understanding ground conditions is vital

  48. Aeronautical Engineering

  49. Control Engineering  Heart of the machine  Complex systems – dynamic & non-linear  Multi-input / multi-output  Floating wind offers new challenges – 6-DOF motion

  50. You are responsible for public safety

  51. Finally, yes even computer programmers have a role….  Find yourself on the Venn diagram  Nerds & Geeks welcome  All major renewables progress will be computer-dependent:  Information processing & mgt.  Forecasting wind & solar yield  SCADA & maintenance  Smart metering  Grid management Picture: laughingsquid.com  Device controls

  52. Where are renewables going?  Electricity generation is only part of the low carbon picture:  Renewable heat  Heat pumps  CHP & district heating schemes  Renewables are only part of the electricity generation picture:  Nuclear  Carbon Capture & Storage  Gas station backup capacity  Energy efficiency – devices, zero carbon buildings  Energy management with increased percentage renewables on the grid:  Storage  Interconnection  Large users  Smart metering  Demand side management

  53. Where are renewables going?  Societal changes such as Transport Electrification will have big impact: Picture: en.wikipedia.org Picture: en.wikipedia.org 1976 2016 Top speed: 6mph Top speed: 125mph Range: 10 miles Range: 250 miles Acceleration: 0 to 6 (eventually) Acceleration: 0 to 6o in 3.7s  Personal Energy Trading - Rooftop solar, domestic solar, batteries – flexible usage

  54. Some points to consider  Take the opportunity of university to acquire breadth and depth of technical knowledge  Take every chance you get to work with real plant  Understand how things are made  Maintain strong cross-disciplinary interests  Consider the human angle  Take CPD seriously:  - read papers and journals  - be aware of new technologies on the horizon  - discuss ideas with tutors and peers  - don’t be afraid of iconoclasm

  55. Best reference text for renewables: • Free download: https://www.withouthotair.com/ • Easy to understand orders of magnitude and rules of thumb • Good supporting technical sections

  56. Thank you for your attention Questions?


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