5245 02 02 72 wis 23 wis 11 mineral point county shop

5245-02-02, 72 WIS 23 WIS 11 Mineral Point County Shop Road to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

5245-02-02, 72 WIS 23 WIS 11 Mineral Point County Shop Road to Minerva Street Lafayette County Public Involvement Meeting #3 October 11, 2018 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Project Team WisDOT Project Development Supervisor Bill Strobel,

  1. 5245-02-02, 72 WIS 23 WIS 11– Mineral Point County Shop Road to Minerva Street Lafayette County Public Involvement Meeting #3 October 11, 2018 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

  2. Project Team  WisDOT Project Development Supervisor  Bill Strobel, PE  WisDOT Project Manager  Matt Dapp, PE  WisDOT Design Team  James Rinzel  WisDOT Real Estate Team  Teresa Klein  Kema Williams 2

  3. Project Team  Structure Design  Michael Baker International  Plat Development and Survey  JT Engineering  Municipal Design  Delta 3 Engineering  Vierbicher  KL Engineering 3

  4. Overview  Project Location  Existing Facility  Project Needs  Project Improvements  Project Impacts  Project Schedule  Open House 4

  5. Project Location Minerva Street County Shop Rd 5

  6. Existing Facility  1.49-mile roadway section  Two-lane urban roadway  Residential area south of the bridge  Concrete replaced in 1966  Asphalt replaced in 1984  6,900 vehicles per day  Business area north of the bridge  Asphalt replaced in 1989  2,700 – 10,000 vehicles per day  Parking lanes  Variable Land Terrain  66 foot right-of-way width (typical) 6

  7. Project Needs  Pavement Deterioration  Structure Deterioration  Substandard Roadway Features  Intersection Geometry  ADA Concerns  Crosswalk Locations  Utility Replacements  Water  Sanitary  Lighting  Storm Sewer 7

  8. Project Improvements  Roadway Sections  Superstructure Replacement  Intersection Improvements  OSOW Accommodations  ADA Upgrades  Utility Replacements 8

  9. Roadway Sections Proposed Section County Shop Road to Center Hill Road 9

  10. Roadway Sections Proposed Section Center Hill Road to Pecatonica River Bridge 10

  11. Retaining Walls  Modular Block Retaining Wall 11

  12. Roadway Sections Proposed Section Pecatonica River Bridge to Cornelia Street 12

  13. Roadway Sections Proposed Section Cornelia Street to Harriet Street 13

  14. Roadway Sections Proposed Section Harriet Street to Mary Street 14

  15. Roadway Sections Proposed Section Mary Street to Lucy Street 15

  16. Roadway Sections Proposed Section Lucy Street to Minerva Street 16

  17. Superstructure Replacement  Replace Bridge Deck  Built 1968, Concrete Overlay 1993  Install Concrete Parapet with Metal Railing  Repair Substructure  Include 6 ft Sidewalk  Lighting on Structure 17

  18. Intersection Improvements  Center Hill Road/Union Grove Lane Re-alignment  Improved intersection angle with WIS 23  Improved vehicle visibility Proposed Location Proposed Location 18

  19. Intersection Improvements  Huntington Court Re-alignments (Minor)  Improved intersection angle with WIS 23  Pedestrian accommodations Proposed Location Proposed Location 19

  20. Intersection Improvements  Harriet Street Intersection Widenings  Improved truck turning movements  Wider paved shoulders and corners Proposed Widening Proposed Widening 20

  21. Intersection Improvements  Washington Street Cul-de-Sac at Lucy Street  Improve intersection layout Cul-de-Sac Location 21

  22. ADA Upgrades ADA Curb Ramps 22

  23. Crosswalk Locations Crosswalks ADA Curb Ramps Crosswalks 23

  24. Utility Replacement  Water Utilities  Replace watermain and services from Center Hill Road to Lucy Street  Sanitary Utilities  Replace sanitary main sections south of Alice Street and from Harriet Street to Lucy Street  Install sanitary main connections at Huntington Court, Ravine Street and County F  Replace services from Center Hill Road to River Street and from Harriet Street to Lucy Street  Lighting  Replace lighting from bridge to Harriet Street 24

  25. Utility Replacement  Storm Sewer Utilities  Replace storm sewer main and laterals from Center Hill Road to Lucy Street  Install check valves at structure for flooding 25

  26. Project Impacts  Detours  Access over Pecatonica River  Roadway Shift  Real Estate 26

  27. Detour  WIS 23 Detour (30.3 miles) US 151 – 14.3 miles WIS 126 – 5.7 miles WIS 81 – 10.3 miles 27

  28. Detour  WIS 81 Detour (25.9 miles) WIS 23 – 6.1 miles WIS 78 – 13.8 miles WIS 11 – 6.0 miles 28

  29. Access over Pecatonica River  Access maintained for emergency services and local residents/businesses  One lane open over bridge during construction Temporary Signals 29

  30. Access over Pecatonica River  Access maintained for emergency services and local residents/businesses  One lane open over bridge during construction Temporary Signals 30

  31. Roadway Shift  Existing Land Terrain  Steep west of WIS 23  Flat east of WIS 23 Existing Centerline Proposed Centerline 31

  32. Real Estate  WisDOT Representatives  Teresa Klein  Kema Williams  Real Estate Acquisitions  85 Total Properties  FEE (permanent acquisitions)  TLE (temporary limited easements)  Appraisal Staking – Fall 2018  Potential Property Impacts  Carriage Walk Removal  Tree Removal  Access Removal  Real Estate Acquisition  2019 - 2020 32

  33. Project Schedule  Public Involvement Meeting #1 May 2016  Archeological Survey May 2016  Historical Survey May 2016  Hydrology Study May 2016  Soil Testing Summer 2016  Public Involvement Meeting #2 November 2016  Project Plat July 2018  Environmental Report Submittal January 2018  Public Involvement Meeting #3 October 11, 2018  Real Estate Acquisitions 2019 – 2020  Utility Coordination January 2019  Public Involvement Meeting #4 TBD – Prior to Construction  Agency Coordination (DNR, etc.) Ongoing  Final Plans Due May 2020  Construction Spring – Fall 2021 33

  34. Input ‘Dot’ Exercise STEP 1 – Place number on the map. STEP 2 – Write number and comment on form and submit in comment box. 12 34

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