5 ways to create great employee experiences for your

5 Ways to Create Great Employee Experiences for Your People - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

5 Ways to Create Great Employee Experiences for Your People Presenter: Grainne Shaughnessy, Product Marketing at Sage Todays speaker Grainne Shaughnessy is Global Product Marketing Manager at Sage where she researches and writes content for

  1. 5 Ways to Create Great Employee Experiences for Your People Presenter: Grainne Shaughnessy, Product Marketing at Sage

  2. Today’s speaker Grainne Shaughnessy is Global Product Marketing Manager at Sage where she researches and writes content for the HR and People space. Excited by technology disrupting everyday lives; from wearable fitness devices to Artificial Intelligence supporting human decision- making. More recently Grainne joined Sage Business Cloud People, a global cloud HR and People platform that helps fast-growing multinational organizations transform how they acquire, retain, manage and engage their workforce.

  3. Presenter: Mai-Po Wan, Head of Product Marketing at Sage Why do experiences matter so much?

  4. Successful business builders need good people • Building a business is challenging • Advances in technology driving new business models • The nature of work and the workforce has changed • Global skills crisis and ongoing war for talent • Traditional HR processes are no longer fit for purpose • Need to rethink how we manage and engage the workforce

  5. Engagement remains a challenge People are not engaged… …but companies are oblivious only 36% of companies monitor employee engagement 25% regularly 27% 31% 29% Global 39% Average 26% Source: Effectory International 2016

  6. The productivity crisis Productivity is stagnant, even in decline… …and it’s costing a fortune Disengaged employees cost the U.S. Between $450 - $550 billion each year in lost productivity

  7. Workforce experiences drive performance Workforce experiences matter 12% 3,500 employees surveyed across US, Canada & UK of employees are asked regularly what would 78% improve experiences 92% 66% said positive workforce experiences have a 1/3 huge impact on of younger generations said productivity see being valued and positive experiences impact of employees recognized as the most productivity – a demographic admitted they’re that will comprise 50% of the important aspect of their work productive for workforce by 2020 less than 30hrs a week

  8. Presenter: Mai-Po Wan, Head of Product Marketing at Sage How to build experiences that your people really want

  9. 1) Create tailored and personalized experiences for your workforce

  10. 1) Create tailored and personalized experiences for your workforce The where, when and how is changing - Offer flexible and agile ways of working - Use technology to facilitate disparate locations/time zones - Allow for commitments outside of work - Embrace new ways of working

  11. 2) Leverage mobile and self-service access Empower your workforce to do their best work - Provide mobile and on-demand access - Cater to all preferences of workers - Allow people to work and respond in real-time

  12. 3) Use data and analytics to drive decisions 83% People decisions should be based on data & analytics 37% People decisions are based on data & analytics 92% Struggle to gain strategic insight from people data Source: Sage 2017

  13. 3) Use data and analytics to drive decisions People Science is a journey - Ensure you have a single and accurate source of truth - Identify the key business challenges that you need to address - Focus on actionable insights, not just reports

  14. 4) Use integrated communications and feedback Constant two-way communication is key - Send tailored and targeted communications - Capture feedback regularly from your workforce - Show that you’ve acted on their feedback

  15. 5) Continually improve and design better ways of working 12% Just of employees are regularly asked what would improve their work experiences 47% have never been asked at all

  16. How to build experiences that people really want 1 Create tailored and personalized experiences 2 Leverage mobile and self-service access 3 Use data and analytics to drive decisions 4 Use integrated communications and feedback 5 Continually improve and design better ways of working

  17. Use a system that delivers great workforce experiences The essential checklist  Company branded portal  Tailored processes  Integrated employee communications  Self-service and people analytics  Mobile experiences  Pulse feedback surveys  Designing better ways of working

  18. Use a system that delivers great workforce experiences Fruit book and coffee choices HQ kitchen noticeboard Mavis the digital assistant Portal to other apps Seamless scalability 300-2000 people

  19. Questions? You can contact us: Website: www.sagepeople.com/contact Twitter: @SagePeople


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