Na Nationa onal l Ta Targets ets - Po Policy cy Dr Drivers ers 2 Energy gy Effici ficien ency cy Increase rease CO2 Emissio ission n Reduct ctio ion 46.7% % Increa rease/2 se/203 030 30% Reduction ction/2 /202 020 Based d on Energy gy Inte tensi nsity ty of 2002 Based d on BAU Smart rt Grid d as one of the key solutions tions for the Nation onal l Targe gets ts
Co Content ents 3 Brief ef Hist story ory I Activi ivities ies on Smar art t Grid d & En Ener ergy gy Stora rage ge Syst stem em II JEJU JU Island and Demonst monstra ration ion Projec oject. t. Mas aster er Plan n St Standar ndardiza dization on Sy Syst stem em Fram amew ework ork & R Roadmap admap 1.0 The e Smar art Grid d Promot omotion ion Law. w. ESS ESS as the Sm Smart art Grid d En Enabler bler. Next xt Step III
Br Brief f Hi Histor tory 4 Launch ched ed Power r - IT Project ect 2005.03 (‘05~’11) 10 R&D Projects (Fund : 200 million dollars), (‘06~’11) Standardization Project (Fund : 4 million dollars) Started rted JEJU U Island Demonstrati stration Project ct 2009.12 Smart rt Grid Roadma map Announce cement. ment. 2010.01 The Master ter Plan of Smart rt Grid d Standard ndardizatio zation 2010.05 Organ anized ized the Smart rt Grid d Stand ndardiz ardization ation Forum 2010.06 Started rted the National l Standard rds s Coordinato inator r Syste stem 2011.04 Passe sed d the Bill of Smart rt Grid d Promotion motion 2011.05 Released sed Framework mework and Roadmap ap for r Smart art Grid d Inte terop roperab rabili lity ty 2012.03 Standard ndards s 1.0
Ac Activ iviti ities es - JEJ EJU Demonstrat stratio ion Pr Project ct 5 Objectives Techn hnolo logy y Verification fication Provide system level test environment for Smart Grid. Core technology securement based on the tested products and technologies BM Develop opme ment nt BM competitiveness and feasibility test by using the test site. BM development & promotion based on test results. Budget & Period Appro rox. x. 230 mil. USD, ( Governmen ernment t $ 70 mil. . Private vate sector tor $ 160 mil.) Multiple consortia participation in the five main areas of Smart Grid respectively. Time e Line
Ac Activ iviti ities es - JEJ EJU Demonstrat stratio ion Pr Project ct 6 Arging
Ac Activ iviti ities es - Maste ter r Pl Plan for SG SG St Standar ardi diza zatio tion 7 Main Projects jects Strate ategies gies Object ctives ves 1. Devel elopmen opment t of the national onal interoper roperabi ability ty standar ndards ds framework ork Establishment of Standardization Cooperation System with KSGA, 2. Establ ablishment hment of the framewor work KSGI and Consortia operat ation on and manageme agement nt system em Establ ablishment hment of SG Standard rd 3. Devel elopmen opment t of major or sector or key Verification & Test of developed System tem standa dards ds Standards through “JEJU” & Demonstration Project Leadin ing Global 4. Promoti otion on of global bal standardiz ndardizat ation on Standards rds activiti ties es General Management of overall Standard Activities by Standard 5. Establ ablishment hment of global bal conf nfor ormi mity ty Coordinator asses essment ment & certifi ficati ation on system em
Ac Activi ivitie ties s – SG SG St Standar dardiz dizatio ation Sy System em 8 Coordination Committee KATS IEC Mirror Committee Interoperability Study Group SG Standardization Forum Steering Secretariat Committee ( KSGA) Domain Committee Standing WG Frame Work T&C Generation Transmission Distribution DER Customer Transportation Security ICT Operation Service Provider EMC Market Safety
Ac Activi ivitie ties s - Fr Framewo work rk : 5 Level el Ar Archite itectu cture re 9 Level 0 : Top 3 Domains (Smart Service, Top 3 Domains Smart Power Grid, Smart Prosumer) Level 1 : 9 Domains 9 Domains Level 2 : Conceptual Reference Reference Model Model Level 3 : Layered Interoperability Information Power System Communication Interoperability Interoperability Interoperability Reference Model Level 4 : Application Level ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Application : AMI Application : EV Application : N Reference Model 5 Level Smart Grid Architecture Model of Korea
Activi Ac ivitie ties s - Fr Framewo work rk : 9 Do Domains ns 10 : Domain : Communication path Operation Market Service Provider Transportation Generation ` Customer Transmission HAN Distribution DER Home Server
Ac Activi ivitie ties s – Fr Framewo work rk : Ro Roadmap 11 Existing Standards Mapping Energy Interoperability AMI/DR 3. GAP Entity, Analysis/IF IF CT Interoperability Electric Vehicle IT Interoperability Energy Storage System 1.Energy, CT and IT 2. Application Interoperability RM 4. PAP Interoperability RM
Ac Activi ivitie ties s - SG SG Pr Promoti tion on Law w 12 Purpose of Smart Grid Promotion Law Legisla slati tive ve Support ort for Smart rt Grid - To solicit a voluntary participations from industries and support to sustain project and maintain industry participation. Appease aseme ment nt of Constrain traints. ts. - To raise up the freedom of market by transcending current Electricity Enterprise Act which is restricting the diversity of businesses. Major Articles Master ter Plan for Smart rt Grid - Develop/Execute comprehensive plan to establish the smart grid and foster the correlated business every 5 years. ( annual enforcement plan ) R&D Support rt and Internatio ernational al Cooperatio ration Busine ness ss Lice cense nse and Investme estment nt for Smart rt Grid d
Activi Ac ivitie ties s - ES ESS S as the Sm Smart Gr Grid En Enabler r 13 Why ESS as the Smart Grid Enabler ? Provide method for Load Leveling, Peak Shaving and Time Shifting. Increase Energy Efficiency for the Renewable Energy. Maintain the Power Quality of the Renewable Energy within tolerance, in terms of electric power, frequency and connectivity to Grid. Power Provide (Discharge) Power Storage(charging) Powe wer r Plant t /Substa statio tion Inve vestme stment Reductio ction Plant Capacity Midnight Daytime Generation Wind Power + Battery output Generation time
Activi Ac ivitie ties s - ES ESS S as the Sm Smart Gr Grid En Enabler. r. 14 Activities on Energy Storage System in Korea Electrochemical storage system seems to be main stream in Korea. Application for Residential Energy ( Distributed Energy )Storage System. Energy Storage System linked with AMI( Advanced Metering Infrastructure ) Major players in Korea, Samsung, LG and SK, joins Dissemination Program of Government. Peak shaving / Load leveling / Power Quality maintenance Purpose 3.5 ~200 kWh capacity for Home and Building. Approx.1 MWh for DER, for example, Wind Power. Demonstration site & Dissemination program Demonstration Site : JEJU Island. DAEKU. Korea Energy Micro Grid ( K-MEG ) Project. Government Dissemination Program.
Activi Ac ivitie ties s - ES ESS S as the Sm Smart Gr Grid En Enabler. r. 15 JEJU ESS Demonstration Site Largest ESS Demonstration Site in Korea. Linked with JEJU Smart Grid Demonstration Site. 3.5 kWh for Home, 150 kWh for Building, 0.8 MWh for DER, Wind Power. 6,000 target households for two years ( 2011.6 ~ 2013. 5 ) Service Level (Energy Mgmt’, Power Trading, ERP Interface) 15 SR-EMS Enterprise Service Bus (CIM) Processing Level (Data Processing, Event/Log Analyzing and DB Planning) Historian Metering Control Bus (OPC) Control Level Station Controller (Data Acquisition, Local Device Control) DB Station Bus (IEC61850) Device Level Equip. & Device (Data Sensing, Actuating)
Ac Activi ivitie ties s - ES ESS S as the Sm Smart Gr Grid En Enabler r 16 Korea Micro Energy Grid Project : K-MEG Objectives - Total Energy Solution Package For Energy-Saving & Validate Performance thru Test Beds by Implementing IT, Smart Grid Techs., EMS, Building Automation,Decentralized Power Resources, Renewables, Security etc. Project Phases & Period - Phase I : Planning (4 months, 2011.01~2011.04) - Phase II: Development (3 years, 2011.07~2014.06) Budget : Approx. 150 mil. USD K-MEG Concept
Activi Ac ivitie ties s - ES ESS S as the Sm Smart Gr Grid En Enabler r 17 K-MEG Demonstration Project #1 : G-Valley Micro Energy Grid(MEG) Plant. - Allocate energy exchange between building. Energy Grid Connecting a Group of Building - Connecting the electric energy grid between building - Sharing energy by using the emergency power generator and the energy storage system of other buildings in case of failure of power supply. Building Energy Management System (BEMS ) Application of Renewable Clean Energy Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AM I) Technology Bridging Energy Market. - Applying the sales of renewable energy and the demand response (DR) management system - DR: Receiving subsidies from KEPCO by reducing or distributing the consumption of centralized time zone
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