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5/29/19 Ethics 101: Discovering the ANFP Code of Ethics Martha - PDF document

5/29/19 Ethics 101: Discovering the ANFP Code of Ethics Martha Rardin, MS, RDN, CD, FAND Director, Nutrition and Dietetics Hendricks Regional Health The Gateway to Foodservice Excellence The Expectation The heart of the unwritten code of

  1. 5/29/19 Ethics 101: Discovering the ANFP Code of Ethics Martha Rardin, MS, RDN, CD, FAND Director, Nutrition and Dietetics Hendricks Regional Health The Gateway to Foodservice Excellence The Expectation ¡ The heart of the unwritten code of the ethics of leadership is the expectation that leaders will act in the best interest of those they serve and their followers. Definition of Ethics ¡ Ethics are standards of behavior you ought to live by ¡ Integrity is how consistent you are following your ethical standards ¡ Ethics are influenced by: Your values Your understanding of the roles you play Your understanding of the obligations and dilemmas of those roles ¡ Integrity is influenced by: Your skills Your knowledge Your character 1

  2. 5/29/19 Morals is Not The Same as Ethics ¡ MORALS are beliefs related to moral issues such as drinking, sex, gambling ¡ MORALS are influenced by religion, culture, family and friends ¡ ETHICS transcends cultural, religious and ethnic differences ¡ LAW = Something can be legal and not ethical 4 Can You Trust Your Gut When It is Decision Time? ¡ We often use our “gut” to help us make decisions ¡ Would you do this in front of your mother, grandmother, children, husband? ¡ Would you want someone to act the same way towards you? ¡ Personal ethics can be different than professional ethics ¡ Use data and analysis to make your decisions ¡ Research shows you shouldn’t always trust your gut! 5 ANFP’s Code of Ethics 2

  3. 5/29/19 To Whom Are You Responsible? ¡ Public ¡ Clients ¡ Profession Duties to the PUBLIC ¡ Considers health, safety and welfare of public at all times ¡ Complies with all laws and regulations ¡ No false or misleading practices or communications ¡ Must withdraw when unable to fulfill his professional duties to clients and others ¡ These duties/responsibilities are inclusive for all areas of practice Duties to CLIENTS ¡ Recognizes and exercises professional judgment within limits of his qualifications; makes referrals if necessary ¡ Treats clients and patients with respect and consideration ¡ Protects confidential information and makes full disclosure of any limitations ¡ Comply with all public principles 3

  4. 5/29/19 Duties to our PROFESSION ¡ Practices with evidence-based principles and current information ¡ Presents reliable information without personal bias, recognizing legitimate differences of opinion exists ¡ Lifelong duty to remain competent in practice ¡ Avoids conflicts of interest or discloses as needed ¡ Permits use of name with products/services only if rendered by him or supervised by him ¡ Accurately represents credentials & qualifications ¡ Does not invite, accept or offer gifts, monetary incentives or other considerations How to evaluate – Is it truly an ethical issue? ¡ Legal Issue ¡ Employer Policy ¡ Personal Issue ¡ Business Dispute ¡ Ethics Alone ¡ Ethics plus one or more of other issues Remember it can be a combination of one or more issues – Use your Data The Four Box Method Use the Four Box Method to evaluate ethical decision in medical situations ¡ Medical Indications ¡ Patient Preferences ¡ Quality of Life ¡ Contextual Features 4

  5. 5/29/19 Tools to Evaluate Situations ¡ What do you NOT know? ¡ What are the relevant ethical facts? ¡ Are funds are needed? If so, where are the funds coming ¡ What additional information is from and being allocated to? needed? ¡ Do you have enough time to ¡ What are the specific evaluate the decision? ethical questions or value conflicts? ¡ Do you have conflicts of interest? ¡ How would you respond to them? ¡ Do you have competing professional and personal ¡ What is the ethical basis for values? your thinking? ¡ Could your decision impact your job security? Scenarios Scenario #1 ¡ An associate comes to you to report that they feel another associate is stealing from the walk-in freezer. This same associate has been reported by other associate that they think this person is stealing food from the freezer. ¡ This same associate has a strong dislike for the person he is accusing and has made accusations in the past that did not prove to be true. ¡ Discussion… 5

  6. 5/29/19 Scenario #2 ¡ Your patient is a single mother with 2 children and has end stage cancer. The patient is also a friend of yours. She has shared with you that she does not want any extraordinary care once she could not longer eat solid foods. The past few weeks she has eaten very few calories and is now refusing to eat. ¡ The physician and family believe she could live for several months with a feeding tube. ¡ What is your advice to the physician and family? ¡ Discussion… Scenario #3 ¡ A CDM is precepting an online Dietary Manager Training Course for Precertification. ¡ As a preceptor, he has all the answers from the course on assignments. ¡ The CDM is so busy and doesn’t have time to precept – he is contemplating giving the student the answers and signing off on the lesson – he has too much to do. ¡ Discussion… Scenario #4 ¡ A CDM works is working with prospective vendor. ¡ It is corporate policy not to accept gifts of any kind from vendors. ¡ The vendor provides the CDM with two tickets to the Indianapolis 500 and the CDM accepts. ¡ Discussion… 6

  7. 5/29/19 Scenario #5 ¡ A CDM you know was scheduled to attend a professional event and receive CEU credit hours. The day of the event the facility was short staffed and her boss told her that she needed to stay behind and not attend the event. She only needs 5 more hours. ¡ She texted her friend and asked her to pick up an extra CEU credit form for her. Her friend picked up the form. ¡ The CDM logged the event as if she had attended. ¡ The CDM is chosen for an audit of CEU completion. ¡ Discussion… Scenario #6 ¡ The CDM is notified of the audit and brags to her CDM friend (who provided the CEU certificate) that she “got one over on” the Certifying Board. ¡ The CDM (who provided the CEU form) is torn between calling CBDM and informing them of her actions, the false documentation for the audit OR not wanting to “make waves” in the district and being known or accused of being a “snitch”. ¡ Discussion… Scenario #7 ¡ You are unaware a sewer pipe is above your production area. One day at 11:30am the pipe breaks and spews sewer water all over your production area and your crew. ¡ You recognize this incident as a reportable situation and that the state department of health needs to be notified. ¡ The engineering director is adamant that state not be called. He doesn’t want to call attention to the facility. ¡ Discussion… 7

  8. 5/29/19 Scenario #8 ¡ A room service aide visits a patient who has been diagnosed with a terminal disease. The patient is depressed and the aide thinks her pastor might be of assistance. She calls the pastor even though the pastor doesn’t have an affiliation with the facility. ¡ The aide’s supervisor was unaware of the aide’s actions until it was revealed during a 1:1 session. ¡ The aide feel she acted with compassion. ¡ Discussion… Ethical Principles for Leaders ¡ Beneficence ¡ Non-maleficence ¡ Fidelity ¡ Justice Are You An Ethical Leader? ¡ Do YOU take responsibility for everything? ¡ Do YOU walk the talk? ¡ Are YOU comfortable with being challenged? ¡ Are YOU selfless? ¡ Are YOU aware of your own biases? ¡ Do YOU have an open door? ¡ Do YOU participate in and contribute to “group think”? 8

  9. 5/29/19 10 Ways to be an Ethical Leader ¡ Be crystal clear ¡ Be knowledgeable ¡ Be approachable ¡ Be connected ¡ Be a teacher ¡ Be trustworthy ¡ Be forgiving ¡ Be a role model ¡ Be human ¡ Be responsible SUMMARY ¡ Ethical issues are rarely “black and white” ¡ What do you NOT know? ¡ Code of Ethics provide guiding principles organized by who we are responsible to and for: Public Client Profession Situations with ethical considerations can span all practice settings and all areas of practice Reading List ¡ Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals https://www.cbdmonline.org/cdm- resources/cdm-cfpp-credential- code-of-ethics 9

  10. 5/29/19 Thank you!! Best Wishes for a Great Conference! ¡ Martha Rardin, MS, RDN, CD, FAND Martha.Rardin@Hendricks.org 28 10


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